CODE 104761 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 2 INTERNET AND MULTIMEDIA ENGINEERING 10378 (LM-27) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ING-INF/03 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Digital communication systems convey information, in form of discrete symbols, from a source to a destination through a noisy channel. Reliable transmission over unreliable channels is possible by protecting the information by means of channel coding: the relevant techniques and constraints are presented in the course, as well as their theoretical foundations. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course will provide the bases of digital techniques for transmitting analog signals and for protecting data in digital communications (i.e. channel codes). Specifically, after a review of fundamentals of information theory, linear block codes and convolutional codes will be covered, as well as basics of Pulse Code Modulation. The aim is to furnish an adequate knowledge to understand the main components to be used to improve the reliability of modern digital telecommunication systems. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attendance, active participation to lectures, and individual study will allow students to - understand the basics of information theory - appreciate its practical applications in channel coding - learn the most used channel codes within digital communication systems - learn to compare different codes and the relevant parameters affecting their performances - learn the most used techniques to digitally transmit analog signals. PREREQUISITES Students are expected to have an adequate background in signal theory, probability theory, random processes, digital modulations: tools, concepts and techniques used or acquired in the course Digital Communications I. TEACHING METHODS Traditional lectures (50 hours) in attendance Further information will be available on the AulaWeb page devoted to the course. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Basic concepts of Information Theory and source coding Channel coding: basic concepts, parity check codes, convolutional codes Digital transmission of analog signals: Pulse code modulation (PCM and DPCM), Delta modulation (DM) RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY A. B. Carlson, P. B. Crilly, J. C. Rutledge, “Communication Systems”, 4th edition, Mac Graw Hill, 2002 Handouts by the teacher, i.e. notes specifically devoted to all the topics covered during the course, including relevant comments, examples, basic exercises. People who cannot attend the lectures will fruitfully use the handouts and the textbook. Students with disabilities or learning disorders: see FURTHER INFORMATION TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD CARLO ANDREA BRACCINI Ricevimento: Booked during the lectures or via e-mail Exam Board CARLO ANDREA BRACCINI (President) ALDO GRATTAROLA SANDRO ZAPPATORE (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Written + oral Students with learning disorders will be allowed to use specific modalities and supports that will be determined on a case-by-case basis in agreement with the delegate of the Engineering courses in the Committee for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. ASSESSMENT METHODS The written exam is aimed at assessing the knowledge of basic concepts and applications of channel coding techniques and of PCM. During the oral exam the level of comprehension of the various topics is evaluated. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 10/01/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto INFAL 1 10/01/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 01/02/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto iNFAL 1 01/02/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 11/06/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto INFAL 1 11/06/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 04/07/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto 04/07/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto INFAL 1 10/09/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto INFAL1 10/09/2024 10:00 GENOVA Scritto FURTHER INFORMATION Students with disabilities or learning disorders can use specific modalities and supports that will be determined on a case-by-case basis in agreement with the Delegate of the Engineering courses in the Committee for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. Students are invited to contact the teacher of this course and copy the Delegate (