CODE 58090 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 7 cfu anno 1 ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA 8746 (LM-46) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/17 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: School of Dental Medicine 8746 (coorte 2023/2024) PHYSIOLOGY 62661 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course aims at providing students with the basic knowledge of the morphological and functional characteristics of human tissues with special regard to cells composing them. The course will also deal with the fundamental processes of embryonic development. Tutorials devoted to observation of histological preparations by optical microscope will deepen the aspects discussed in the lessons. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge of the main morphological and functional characteristics of human tissues with special regard to cells composing them. Knowledge of the fundamental processes of embryonic development and the major molecular mechanisms that regulate them. TEACHING METHODS The course includes classroom teaching lessons on topics of citology, histology and embryology. It is possible that the method of conducting the lessons will change due to emergency situations that prevent the performance of the lessons in attendance. In this case the lessons will be carried out through the Teams platform SYLLABUS/CONTENT The main steps in eukaryotic cell evolution The plasma membrane: Structure and functions Membrane transports Endocytosis and esocytosis The cytoplasm: Hyaloplasm Ribosomes Rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) Smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (REL) Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Peroxisomes Mitochondria The cytoskeleton Cell movement Cell motility and intracellular transport Cell junctional comlexes The nucleous The nucleolus Cell cycle and mitosis HISTOLOGY Epithelial tissue: Main characteristics of epithelia Lining epithelia: organization and classification Structural surface differentiations of epithelial cells (microvilli, stereocilia, cilia) Secretory epithelia: • exocrine glands • endocrine glands Sensorial epithelia. Specialized epithelia. Connective tissue: Extracellular matrix: • fibers • ground substance Cell components of connective tissue Connective tissue proper Support connective tissue: cartilage and bone tissue Ossification Trophic connective tissue: blood and lymph Lymphatic tissue Cells of the innate and adaptive immune system Muscle tissue: striated skeletal muscle tissue striated cardiac muscle tissue smooth muscle tissue Myofibril structure and muscle contraction Nerve tissue: neurons glial cells nerve fibers synapses and impulse transmission Tooth tissues Paradontium Odontogenesis EMBRIOLOGY Gametogenesis: - Spermatogenesis and mechanisms of hormonal control - Oogenesis and mechanisms of hormonal control; ovarian cycle; uterine cycle. Fertilization Segmentation Implantation of the blastocyst Germ disc bilaminar (second week of development) Germ disc trilaminar (third week of development) Neurulation, the development of the somites and the embryonic body cavity, the embryo folding steps The derivatives of the three germ layers. Primitive placenta Terminal placenta: leafy chorion and decidua Amnion and umbilical cord. Maternal-fetal compatibility/incompatibility. Elements of organogenesis. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY HISTOLOGY Young, Heath- Atlante: Istologia e Anatomia microscopica. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana Ross M.H., Pawlina W.- Istologia- Testo e Atlante. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Monesi - Istologia (7 edizione) - Piccin Editore Maraldi, Tacchetti - Istologia medica - Edi-Ermes EMBRIOLOGY Rosati e coll.- Embriologia. Edi-Ermes De Felici e coll.- Embriologia umana. Piccin Editore TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD EMANUELA MARCENARO Ricevimento: By appointment by e-mail: SIMONA SIVORI Ricevimento: Student reception by appointment, contact the teacher via e-mail: ANTONIO PUCCETTI Ricevimento: By appointment by email: ROBERTA CASTRICONI Ricevimento: Student reception by appointment, contact the teacher via e-mail: Exam Board ROBERTA CASTRICONI (President) EMANUELA MARCENARO (President) ANTONIO PUCCETTI (President) SIMONA SIVORI (President) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Written test (open questions) and oral examination It is possible that emergency situations prevent the students to taking part in the examination in attendance for the final evaluation. In this case, the Teams platform will be used. In case of certification of specific learning disability, disability or other special educational needs, the University legislation and regulations on disability and SLD are applied ( A0-normative). See also the "Other information" section of this syllabus. ASSESSMENT METHODS The examination consists of a written test with open questions and in an oral examination. The examamination has a duration of at least 45 minutes. The choice of the examination method allows to verify the acquisition of the knowledge inserted in the training objectives It is possible that emergency situations prevent the students to taking part in the examination in attendance for the final evaluation. In this case, the Teams platform will be used. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 15/01/2024 09:30 GENOVA Orale 05/02/2024 09:30 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION In case of certification of specific learning disability, disability or other special educational needs, please contact both the Department contact person, Prof. Nicola Girtler, and the lecturer at the beginning of the lectures to agree on teaching and exam methods which, in compliance of the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory/dispensatory tools recognized by the University SLD Student Service. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Good health and well being Quality education