CODE 58025 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 1 ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA 8746 (LM-46) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/12 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Reach B2 level on the CEFR for the English language using "common core" syntax, grammar and lexis. Explore specific linguistic competences on topics relating to English for medical and science purposes. Oral practice through roleplaying and modelling of medical/professional situations (practitioner to practitioner and practitioner to patient) using range-specific language skills. AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES With reference to the Dublin Descriptors below, Students should: n. 1 “Knowledge and understanding”: acquire and understand basic medical and scientific lexis (e.g. the parts of the body) and any grammar points under part 3: syllabus and learning contents, as listed below. n. 2 “Applying knowledge and understanding”: recognise specific, duly contextualised content (e.g. patient/physician exchanges) pitched at a B1/B2 level of the CEFR, be able to reply appropriately with reference to register and degree of formality (polite vs. colloquial forms) and ask for clarification if/when needed or in case of communication breakdown. TEACHING METHODS TEACHING METHODOLOGY The 20-hour, direct-contact course is divided into 10 2-hour lectures delivered entire in English. Lectures are held in the second semester of the first year (generally, March to May). Lectures, requiring Students’ active, communicative and collaborative participation throughout, shall focus on grammatical / lexical aspects listed in the syllabus and content section with informed, final feedback provided each time. Any classroom content shall be delivered at/to a level that is coherent with outcomes expected at final assessment stage. Ss are expected to sit an initial assessment / placement text (i.e. a 15-minute, 15-question, multiple-choice, computer-based placement test scheduled during the first semester). Results thereof shall inform recommended course type/level attendance. As they are currently structured, lectures cater for lower level language proficiency, with classroom practice focusing on improving basic language skills. The course does not, however, cater for absolute beginners. To date, no compulsory attendance is expected. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Grammar: Present Simple vs Present Continuous Past Simple vs Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple vs Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous Comparatives and Superlatives If-clauses /conditionals (types 0, I, II and III) Reported speech Passive voices (past, present and future) Some more frequently used phrasal verbs To die / to be born RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY No suggestions are made with regards to textbooks /coursebooks. F2F lectures shall focus on tailored audio-visual material available online on the School’s website. (aulaweb). Ppt presentations are used during classroom sessions. Slides shall not be divulged at any time. Ss are free to use a B2-level grammar book retained from other study-courses. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD MICHELA GRONCHI Ricevimento: Student meetings are available upon request. Please write to to arrange a meeting. Exam Board MICHELA GRONCHI (President) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Assessment format: The final assessment is structured into a 30-minute, 30- question, multiple-choice, computer-based questionnaire with immediate feedback. Computer-based test (no. 30 multiple-choice questions in 30 minutes). Correct answers carry one point each. ASSESSMENT METHODS Assessment takes place by way a final test which aims to ascertain whether Ss. have met the necessary learning requirements. In order to pass the course, a minimum of eighteen (18) correct answers out of 30 must be provided during the final test, thus proving that Ss. have effectively mastered grammar points covered during the direct contact segment of the course; identify specific lexical items pertaining to medical and scientific language register. A final pass is awarded. Ss. should not expect to receive a numeral mark. To date, no certification issued by external bodies is accepted by this School of Medicine and Pharmacy – including international, high-stakes certification bodies. Any claims relating to external certification by other Italian Universities (e.g. for student transfers) shall be dealt with on a case-by-case basis according to legal provisions established by this university. Ss. should enquire with the “Segreteria Studenti” in case of need. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 19/06/2024 14:30 GENOVA Scritto 24/07/2024 13:30 GENOVA Scritto 18/09/2024 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 20/12/2024 13:00 GENOVA Scritto L'esame si svolge in Aula Infolinguistica Polo Alberti. Nei giorni precedenti all'esame gli studenti iscritti saranno divisi in gruppi e contattati via mail con l'orario preciso di convocazione. 08/01/2025 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 08/01/2025 14:00 GENOVA Scritto 04/02/2025 12:30 GENOVA Scritto L'esame si terrà in aula CLAT Albergo dei Poveri dalle ore 12:30. La comunicazione dell'orario presiso di convocazione sarà data agli studenti via mail qualche giorno prima dell'esame. FURTHER INFORMATION Course material is available online at Aulaweb. Should this not be the case, please make email contact promptly. In case of clarification, advice or further enquiries concerning this course, Ss. should not hesitate to make contact by email. Please refer to the School’s website for relevant addresses. Appointments for interviews, etc. shall also be fixed by email.