CODE 67272 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 2 cfu anno 5 ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA 8746 (LM-46) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/29 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: MAXILLO-FACIAL PATHOLOGY AND THERAPY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW La verifica dell’apprendimento avviene attraverso l’esame finale. Lo studente per superare l’esame deve riportare un voto non inferiore ai 18/30 dimostrando di avere: Conoscenze anatomiche approfondite del distretto maxillo-facciale Conoscenza delle patologie più comuni del distretto testa-collo Conoscenze adeguate per richiedere accertamenti diagnostici e formulare una diagnosi Conoscenze idonee per formulare un percorso terapeutico appropriato Concorrono al voto finale chiarezza, sintesi, fluidità espositiva e padronanza della materia. AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES In-depth knowledge of the anatomy of the maxillofacial district - Knowledge of the most common pathologies of the head and neck area - Apply the knowledge learned to ask for diagnostic tests and formulate a diagnosis - Apply the knowledge learned to formulate an appropriate therapeutic path TEACHING METHODS Frontal theoretical lessons Attendance at dental clinics Attendance at the Maxillofacial Surgery operating room SYLLABUS/CONTENT - maxillofacial surgical anatomy -cranio-maxillo-facial traumatology -maxillo-facial dysmorphosis - temporal mandibular joint pathology - salivary glands pathology -advanced oral pathology - congenital malformations - oncology of the cervico-facial district RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY SURGICAL APPROACHEKELETON TO THE FACIAL SKELETON. Ellis E. III-LWW ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL TRAUMA. Fourth edition. R.Fonseca, D. Barber.ELSEVIER ORAL SURGERY. D. Fragiskos.SPRINGER SALIVARY GLAND CANCER. L.Licitra, L.Locati SPRINGER TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD BERNARDO BIANCHI Exam Board SILVANO VALENTE (President) ILARIA BALDELLI BERNARDO BIANCHI NICOLA ANTONIO DE ANGELIS MATTEO LAMBERTINI FRANCESCO MORA (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The verification of learning takes place through the final exam. In order to pass the exam, the student must report a grade of not less than 18/30 proving that he has: - In-depth anatomical knowledge of the maxillofacial district - Knowledge of the most common pathologies of the head and neck area - Adequate knowledge to request diagnostic tests and formulate a diagnosis - Suitable knowledge to formulate an appropriate therapeutic path Clarity, synthesis, expository fluidity and mastery of the subject contribute to the final grade.