CODE 83891 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 10 cfu anno 2 ARCHITETTURA 9915 (LM-4) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR ICAR/19 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: DESIGN WORKSHOP FOR THE RESTORATION AND ENHANCEMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The Restoration module and the Laboratory as a whole tend to make participants acquire the skills and abilities necessary to: correctly use the references to the current cultural and disciplinary debate on restoration, doctrinal documents and normative texts, national and international, on the subject of protection, conservation and restoration, to motivate the objectives and choices of the project to develop it correctly and feasible; select and control, in a scientifically rigorous and professionally effective way, the use of direct and indirect non-destructive analysis and diagnosis techniques of architecture, with particular regard to: rigorous architectural and geometric survey, analysis of indirect and documentary sources for the history of the artefact, the archaeological analysis of the built, the examination of the technological and constructive material components of the artefacts, the chemical, physical, technological and mechanical characterization of the materials used in them, the recognition and diagnosis of processes and phenomena of degradation of materials and of deficit or failure of the construction elements and of the mechanisms of failure of the structures; draw up correct and rigorous synthesis reports of the analytical and diagnostic phases (thematic maps, diagnostic frameworks, reports, themes…), for the communication and motivation of the project choices; select and use, in line with the objectives of the project, the most appropriate and effective intervention techniques, for the solution of the problems of conservation, degradation and hygienic, plant engineering and technological deficits identified during the preventive analysis phase of the selected artifacts from teaching as fields of experimentation; to prepare, according to professional standards and in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject, exemplifying technical and administrative documents for the final restoration project of the building being tested. TEACHING METHODS The educational activities include: lectures and seminar activities, also with the participation of external experts, from universities, from the world of research, the profession, businesses, protection institutions and local and territorial bodies; survey activities in the field and non-destructive analysis of the building / architectural complex chosen as a case study, of its physical and material, spatial and formal consistency, of its conditions of conservation, stability, healthiness and use; elaboration of the project for its conservation, restoration, compatible use and its enhancement, through group work in the classroom, with constant checks by the teacher and external critics. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The specific contents of the Restoration Module are functional to the achievement of the general training objectives of the Laboratory and, therefore, concern in summary: the history of the building / complex that the teacher will choose, in dialogue with the protection bodies or the administrations of the bodies interested in its restoration and which will be communicated at the beginning of the teaching activities; the survey of this building / architectural complex, with rigorous longimetric, topographic, laser-scanner and photogrammetric techniques; analysis of its architectural and spatial characteristics, of its material consistency and its constructive characteristics; analysis and diagnosis of its conservation conditions; intervention techniques for conservation and restoration; plant engineering interventions; functional and use project, with references to similar cases also at an international level; software methods and tools for archiving and managing data of a different nature acquired during the entire analytical-diagnostic and design process (GIS, QGIS, HBIM). RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Essential bibliography Due to the vastness and complexity of the topics addressed, more detailed and precise bibliographic references will be provided during the course of the didactic activities. In any case, knowledge of the following texts is considered essential: • S. F. MUSSO, Recupero e restauro degli edifici storici. Guida pratica al rilievo e alla diagnostica (Recovery and restoration of historic buildings. Practical guide to survey and diagnostics) 4 ° ed., EPC, Rome 2016 (for the survey and analytical /diagnostic phases). S. F. MUSSO (ed.), Tecniche di Restauro. Aggiornamento (Restoration techniques - Update), UTET, Turin 2013 (for the design phase) For students from abroad, specific bibliographic support information will be provided in English. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD RITA VECCHIATTINI Exam Board RITA VECCHIATTINI (President) CECILIA MOGGIA STEFANO PODESTA' LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists in the presentation and public discussion of the study, survey and analysis / diagnosis documents of the conditions of the building / complex object of the year's work and of those of the project for its restoration, in the light of the theoretical and operational contents addressed in lectures, seminars and classroom work. ASSESSMENT METHODS L'accertamento dell'apprendimento e dell'effettiva acquisizione delle competenze e delle abilità richieste avverrà tramite verifiche intermedie in corso d'anno, individuali e per gruppi di lavoro, degli studi in svolgimento e degli elaborati analitico-diagnostici e progettuali in via di redazione, oltre che in sede di esame, con esposizione e discussione collettiva e individuale degli elaborati finali, alla presenza di critics esterni. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 05/06/2024 09:30 GENOVA Laboratorio 03/07/2024 09:30 GENOVA Orale 24/07/2024 09:30 GENOVA Orale 04/09/2024 09:30 GENOVA Orale 18/09/2024 09:30 GENOVA Orale 08/01/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale 29/01/2025 09:30 GENOVA Orale