CODE 111014 ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 1 VALORIZZAZIONE DEI TERRITORI E TURISMI SOSTENIBILI 10715 (LM-80) - SAVONA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-GGR/01 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION SAVONA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course will offer practical activities aimed at acquiring basic skills related to the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), these skills will be aimed at the cartographic representation of data related to the tourist enhancement of the territory. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course aims to provide basic skills and knowledge in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to process information useful to promote and enhance territorial values. In the first part of the course the student will acquire basic skills on GIS, focused on the application of this technology in sectors related to territorial valorization. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attending the teaching activities and through individual study students will be able to: acquire basic knowledge of cartography understand the basic elements of the functioning of Geographical Information Systems (GIS); analyse spatial data by using the potential of Geographical Information Systems (GIS); design simple cartographic representations using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). TEACHING METHODS The teaching activities will be organised with the aim of encouraging active learning by the students. For this reason, after an introductory approach to the course through a short frontal lecture, the activities will be developed in laboratory mode using opensource GIS software. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course aims to provide basic knowledge on Geographical Information Systems (GIS), applying it through practical exercises in the laboratory. In particular, it will be developed in 4 steps: acquisition of basic knowledge of cartography understanding of the basic functions of Geographical Information Systems (GIS); use of the basic functions of Geographical Information Systems (GIS); design and realisation of a simple cartographic representation of data related to tourism. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY To support the topics covered in the lecture, the following text is suggested: Pesaresi C., Applicazioni GIS. Principi metodologici e linee di ricerca. Esercitazioni ed esemplificazioni guida. Novara: UTET. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIACOMO ZANOLIN Ricevimento: Student reception is held, by appointment, on the Teams platform on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. Exam Board GIACOMO ZANOLIN (President) NICOLETTA VARANI LESSONS LESSONS START November 2023 Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The test of the skills will be done through the creation of a cartographic project dedicated to the tourist enhancement of the territory, using an opensource GIS software. ASSESSMENT METHODS Through the presentation of a map project, it will be possible to test the understanding of the basic functions of Geographical Information Systems (GIS).