CODE 83699 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 3 SCIENZE DEL TURISMO: IMPRESA, CULTURA E TERRITORIO 9912 (L-15) - IMPERIA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-ANT/08 TEACHING LOCATION IMPERIA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course has as a mai objective to provide basic training and adequate knowledge in the sector of activities and services related to the management of archaeological areas and archaeological museums. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course has as main objective the acquisition of the concepts of Archeology, and Archaeological cultural heritage. The main goal is to know the aspects of the legislation and management of archaeological museums, organization of parks and archaeological areas. Another objective is to acquire knowledge and methodological tools of knowledge in relation to cultural aspects, communication and promotion of museums, archaeological exhibitions and archaeological sites. Particular attention will be devoted to the examples found in the Ligurian regional reality. Specific insights will be dedicated to the topic of digital resources (eg. "augmented reality"), applied to the enhancement of parks and archaeological sites. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The main objective is to know the aspects relating to the legislation and management of archaeological museums, the organization of parks and archaeological areas. Another objective is to acquire notions of method and tools of knowledge in relation to the cultural, communication and promotion aspects of museums, archaeological exhibitions and archaeological sites open to the public. The objectives in question will be achieved through the analysis of some of the most important national case studies relating to museums, areas and archaeological parks located in different regions of Italy and containing evidence from various historical periods. Specific insights will be dedicated to the theme of digital resources (eg "augmented reality", "new media"), applied to the enhancement of parks and archaeological sites. PREREQUISITES No prerequisites are required. TEACHING METHODS Lectures, case study analysis, visits to archaeological exhibitions, archaeological sites and museums, seminars and group work. If it is not possible to carry out "frontal teaching", the online teaching methods will be adopted. Please refer to the Aulaweb page for any further updates. Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Serena Scotto (, the Department's disability liaison. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Part I: Archeology: study, protection, conservation, restoration, and enhancement of cultural heritage Part II: Archeology and tourism: management, communication and promotion: analysis of European and national examples. Part III: Archaeological museums and archaeological areas of Liguria. The museum network from Luni to Ventimiglia. Part IV: In-depth analysis: the archaeological areas and the archaeological museums of western Liguria and southern Piedmont. Part V: Theoretical and practical laboratory: Analysis and discussion of the acquired data and development of experimental proposals. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliografhy and other educational material will be provided during the course and made available through Aulaweb. D. Manacorda, Prima lezione di Archeologia, (Laterza), Roma-Bari 2009 D. Manacorda, Il sito archeologico: fra ricerca e valorizzazione, (Carocci) Roma, 2007. M. Osanna, R. Picone (a cura di), Restaurando Pompei. Riflessioni a margine del Grande Progetto, Roma 2018. D. Camardo, M. Notomista (a cura di), Ercolano: 1927-1961. L’impresa archeologica di Amedeo Maiuri e l’esperimento della città museo, Roma 2017 Website of the archaeological area of Pompei. Sicilia Archeologica: Downloadable App dedicated to the archaeological parks of Sicily Web portal of the Ligurian archaeological museums network . TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ANTONINO FACELLA Ricevimento: By appointment. The teacher can be contacted, as well as in person, by email ( or phone (3394138326). Office: Via Balbi 2, 3rd floor. FABRIZIO BENENTE Ricevimento: The teacher can be contacted by email: Exam Board FABRIZIO BENENTE (President) ANTONINO FACELLA (President) LESSONS LESSONS START Since October 3rd 2024 Class schedule ARCHAEOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION OF MUSEUMS AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral Exam If it is not possible to carry out "frontal teaching", the online exam methods will be adopted. Please refer to the Aulaweb page for any further updates ASSESSMENT METHODS The final test consists of an oral exam, through which the level of theoretical knowledge is ascertained. In particular, the knowledge of all the topics covered during the course and of those analyzed in the recommended texts is verified. Each fair answer will be assigned an evaluation from 18 to 30 and honors. The final mark will be the average of the marks of the single answers. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 19/12/2024 11:00 IMPERIA Orale 17/01/2025 11:00 IMPERIA Orale 03/02/2025 10:00 GENOVA Orale 04/06/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 25/06/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 16/07/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale 11/09/2025 14:00 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION Non-attending students are required to prepare the recommended texts and must carry out a short paper which consists in the critical analysis of an archaeological exhibition, a museum, a park or archaeological site to be agreed with the teacher. The paper must reach the teacher at least one week before the exam, delivered in paper form or sent by e-mail.