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CODE 83690
SEMESTER 2° Semester
Propedeuticità in ingresso
Per sostenere l'esame di questo insegnamento è necessario aver sostenuto i seguenti esami:


The geography of landscape and environment aims to implement basic knowledge, understanding of the main tools and approaches of geographical analysis to landscape.  Intense landscape both as an object of research and as a heritage to be preserved and enhanced also from the point of view of sustainable tourism.  Landscape and environment are two important elements of the attractiveness of a tourist destination.



The aim of the course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the concepts of territory, landscape and environment through a systemic approach where they play a key role: the territory, with its historical, cultural, environmental resources as well as with Its networks of subjects and businesses; Territoriality, that is, the collective response of the local level based on the interaction between subjects and places and the dynamic relationship between social components and what of material and immaterial is precisely the territory; Social and environmental qualities as central elements of new territorial equilibria; The territorial sustainability of development, that is, the ability to reproduce the territorial capital and to preserve its identity.


The course has as its main objectives:
the understanding of the territory for a sustainable tourist enhancement and the landscape as a resource, providing methods of knowledge and analysis of the landscape itself. The course consists of two parts, one devoted to theory and methodological content and the other to case studies and recent issues in tourism policy.The course consists of two parts, one dedicated to theory and methodological content and the other dedicated to case studies in the field of tourism policies.

The learning outcomes will enable the student to develop adequate knowledge and skills to use the main geographical methods and tools for the critical understanding on a local and global scale of multiple tourism phenomena, especially the most recent ones and issues such as social impacts and overtourism.



It is recommended that you have already passed the Geography of tourism: new tourism for new markets exam planned for the first year.


Teaching modes

Head-on lessons, case studies, activities/conventions, testimonies, seminars, exercises, (held during the lesson period)

Sitting on Aualweb: Yes

Head-on lessons, case studies, activities/conventions, testimonies, seminars, exercises, (held during the lesson period)

Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities  and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Serena Scotto (, the Department’s disability liaison.


Part I: Themes taken into consideration during the Course will cover both characters and evolution of landscapes and developments in the concept of landscape itself (natural, humanised, sensitive, rational): in particular, the interrelations between the various elements of the territorial system will be highlighted, starting obviously with the concepts of the environment and the ecosystem and the relationship between Man and the environment.

Part II: In particular, the relationship between tourism and the territory will be examined in depth, analysing the "life cycle" of tourist resorts, and then examining the most innovative and sustainable tools for planning tourism policies, from STL to tourist districts, and particular types of accommodation, such as diffuse hotels.Particular attention will be paid to new sustainable tourism types.

Particular attention will be paid to new types of sustainable tourism and proximity tourism related to the Covid 19 pandemic.


For attending students:

1. Amoretti G., Varani N. Psicologia e geografia del turismo. Dai motivi del turista all’elaborazione dell’offerta, Limena (PD), 2016 (ONLY PART: II e III)

2.  Angelini A,. Giurradino A.,Risorse culturali, ambientali e turismo sostenibile, F. Angeli, Milano, 2019  (ONLY AS READING TEXT)

3) During the course, one or more written exercises will be proposed on one of the topics proposed in the class. 

Additional articles and materials may be made available on the website of the Aulaweb course


For non attending students:

1. Amoretti G., Varani N. Psicologia e geografia del turismo. Dai motivi del turista all’elaborazione dell’offerta, 

2. Angelini A,. Giurradino A.,Risorse culturali, ambientali e turismo sostenibile, F. Angeli, Milano, 2019

3.  In addition, a critical reading with a short written revision (max. 7 pages(max. 7 folders accompanied by bibliography and to be sent to the lecturer no later than 4 days before the chosen call date)) of one of the following recommended texts is also envisaged

  • Aime M., Papotti D. L'altro e l'altrove. Antropologia, geografia e turismo, Einaudi, Torino, 2018
  • Angelini A,. Giurradino A.,Risorse culturali, ambientali e turismo sostenibile, F. Angeli, Milano, 2019
  • Dell'Agnese Bon voyage. Per una geografia critica del turismo, UTET, Torino, 2018
  • Mercatanti L., Percorsi di geografia tra cultura, società e turismo, Pàtron, Bologna, 2011

  • Lozato-Giotart G.P, Geografia del turismo, Hoepli, Milano, 2008



Exam Board




march 4, 2024

Class schedule

The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy



For attending students :
At the end of the course there will be a written exam reserved for students attending (70-75% of the course). 
Students who do NOT take the written exam will take an oral exam in the same way as those who do not.

For non-attending students : oral exam .

The oral test includes discussion for all participants, also with the aid of graphs, maps and tables, proposed on the classroom web site or present in the texts in the programme, useful for understanding the territory as a central node for studying contact and interaction between tourist flows and the territory. 

The oral exam includes the discussion , including through the use of graphs, charts and tables , proposals on aulaweb or present on the texts in the program , useful to the understanding of the territory understood as a central point of contact for the study and the various interactions between identity .


For attending students:

At the end of the course there will be a written exam reserved for students attending (70-75% of the course). Students who do NOT take the written exam will take an oral exam in the same way as those who do not.

For non attending students:

Oral test for non-attendants: The oral test involves discussion, also with the help of graphs, charts and tables, proposed during the course or present on the texts in the program, useful for understanding the territory as a central point for the study of contact and interactions between different identities.

The oral examination will be assessed on the basis of the following 

a) Knowledge of the topics dealt with in the course (65%)

b) Quality of oral exposure/ability to present arguments and critical approach to discipline (25%)

c) Mastery of specific vocabulary (10%)



ERASMUS STUDENTS are advised to make contact with the professors at the beginning of lessons


For students with DSA certifications, compensatory or dispensatory measures are guaranteed, while taking care of the acquisition of the skills envisaged by the Workshop (L.170/2010). Please contact the Teachers.

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