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CODE 83704
SEMESTER 1° Semester
MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di:


The course aims to communicate through images the issues and the dynamics of the Art History according to an up-to-date point of view. It also intends to deal with the methods for the reading and the communication to the public and with the debate on the cultural heritage, historic centers and museums. Particular attention will be focused on the Ligurian territory according to some case studies.



The aim of the teaching is to communicate the subjects of the discipline in images in today's vision, by explaining methods of reading and communicating to the public of the problems and historical-artistic dynamics of the modern era, and through the debate on Cultural heritage, historical centers and museums. In particular, attention will be focused on the territory by addressing the Ligurian cultural heritage in modern age according to study cases.


Intended Learning Outcomes:
- Knowledge and understanding: Students should acquire adequate knowledge and an effective ability to understand the dynamics of artistic production in the modern age with particular reference to the Ligurian territory
- Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Students must be able to apply acquired knowledge and to understand and solve problems referring to the reading and understanding of the artistic artifact in relation to the context (cultural, social and territorial) that produced it.
- Autonomy of judgment: Students must be able to use both conceptually and operationally the acquired knowledge with autonomous evaluation skills and ability in different application contexts.
- Communication skills: Students must acquire the technical language typical of the discipline to communicate clearly and unambiguously with specialist and non-specialist interlocutors.
- Learning skills: Students must develop adequate learning skills that will enable them to continue to independently explore the main themes of the discipline especially in the work contexts in which they will be working.


The methodology of the course is based on traditional lessons, finalized to the acquisition of the artistic knowledge and of the ability to understand the dynamics of artistic production in the Modern Age with particular reference to Ligurian territory. Particular attention will be dedicated to reading the artistic object in relation to the context that produced it.

Frontal lectures; in-depth case studies

Students will be able to make use of the supporting materials made available on Aulaweb.
Please refer to the teaching page on Aulaweb for all necessary updates.

Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities  and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Professor Serena Scotto (, the Department’s disability liaison.


Part I: methodologies of reading the work of artistic and architectural art; concept of art-historical label; relationship between artist, patron and public; relationship between form and content; communication through images; scientific research and dissemination/communication to the public of the work of art and cultural heritage: "traditional" modalities, new technologies, multimedia and virtuality; the concept of cultural good, landscape good and cultural heritage; analysis of the concepts of protection, preservation, conservation, restoration, reuse, redevelopment, promotion and enhancement of cultural heritage; the debate on landscape, territory, city and historic center; museums, exhibitions, expositions: case studies and examples in the Ligurian context.
Part II: analysis of artistic production in the Italian context from the early Renaissance to Neoclassicism: centers of production, artists and artifacts. Insights and focus on the Ligurian territory through the analysis of case studies.


The candidate should prepare the topics covered in class (early Renaissance to Neoclassicism included) in a textbook of his or her choice from:

- P. De Vecchi, A. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, vol. 2, tomi 1 e 2;
- C. Bertelli, G. Briganti, A. Giuliano, Storia dell’arte italiana, voll. 2 e 3;
- C. Bertelli, La Storia dell’arte, vol. 2;   

The candidate who has attended at least 2/3 of the lectures may also choose alternatively:

- E. H. Gombrich, La storia dell'arte raccontata da Ernst Gombrich, Milan 1995 (also other editions), chapters XII,XIII,XV,XVI,XVII,XIX,XXI,XXII to be supplemented with lecture notes;

The candidate should also bring one in-depth reading on the Ligurian territory and cultural heritage in the modern age to be chosen from those listed below:

- La pittura a Genova e in Liguria, 2 voll., 2a ed., Genova 1987 (un gruppo di argomenti a scelta tra i seguenti):
1) vol. I, pp. 73-90 (Il Quattrocento e il primo Cinquecento);
2) vol. I, pp. 166-183 (La corte di Andrea Doria);
3) vol. I, pp. 193-222 (Luca Cambiaso);
4) vol. I, pp. 223-242 (La committenza borghese e il Manierismo a Genova);
5) vol. II, pp.185-200 (Il momento della grande decorazione - prima parte);
6) vol. II, pp. 200-219 (Il momento della grande decorazione - seconda parte);


- L. Magnani, Il Tempio di Venere. Giardino e villa nella cultura genovese, Genova 2005 - 2 capitoli a scelta

or 2 articles or essays of your choice from those listed below:

- A. De Gloria, L. Magnani, V. Fiore, S. Rulli, The Baroque altar and liturgical furnishings in 3D reconstruction and reframing: suggestions for a new layout of diocesan museums, in Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts, Eva 2014 Florence (atti del convegno Firenze 2014), Firenze 2014, pp. 69- 74;
- E. Gavazza, L. Magnani, Città e museo: un discorso di correlazioni, in «Indice per i Beni Culturali del territorio ligure», VII, 1, 1982, pp.13-20;
- Indice per i Beni Culturali del territorio ligure, n. 20/1980, pp. 2-46 (numero monografico sui piani e i progetti per il centro storico di Genova);
- Indice per i Beni Culturali del territorio ligure, n. 12-13/1978, pp. 2-38 (numero monografico sulla tradizione artigiana come bene culturale);
- A. Leonardi, L. Magnani, Al di là della parete. Paesaggio ed elementi di natura nell'illusione dell'affresco a Genova, in F. Farneti, D. Lenzi. Realtà e illusione nell'architettura dipinta. Quadraturismo e grande decorazione nella pittura di età barocca, Firenze 2006, pp. 149-158;
- A. Leonardi, L. Magnani, Genova come “tempio di Venere”: la ricostruzione virtuale di un quartiere di ville. In: M. Fagiolo, Atlante tematico del barocco in Italia. Residenze nobiliari. Italia settentrionale, Roma 2009, pp. 97-103;
- L. Magnani, Problemi di riuso del giardino storico, in Urbanistica: quale riuso. Genova 1979, pp. 62-77;
- L. Magnani, Santuari e culto mariano tra fede e politica, in «Indice per i Beni Culturali del territorio ligure», n. 16-17, 1979, pp. 25-33;
- L. Magnani, Articolazione e immagine del sistema abitativo della nobiltà genovese tra spazio urbano e spazi di villa, in M. Fagiolo (a cura di), Atlante tematico del barocco in Italia. Residenze nobiliari. Italia settentrionale, Roma 2009, tomo I, pp. 70-96;
- L. Magnani, Problematiche alessiane a Genova, nel cinquecentesimo anniversario della nascita. dell'architetto perugino, in La festa delle arti. Scritti in onore di Marcello Fagiolo per cinquant’anni di studi, Roma 2014, pp. 856-863;
- E. Poleggi, Gli alloggiamenti pubblici nel secolo dei genovesi, in Una reggia repubblicana. Atlante dei palazzi di Genova 1576-1664, Torino 1998, pp. 15-40;
- E. Poleggi, I Rolli delle strade nuove e della città medievale, in E. Poleggi, L’invenzione dei Rolli. Genova città di palazzi, catalogo della mostra (Genova 2004), Genova 2004, pp. 75-85.

N.B. all in-depth readings will be made available on Aulaweb at the end of the course


Exam Board

SARA RULLI (President)




Lessons will start in the first week of October (the exact date as well as the time and classroom will be communicated as soon as possible)



Oral examination in the form of an interview aimed at verifying the learning of the content covered in the course and the acquisition of a methodology for reading the work of art, sculptural or architectural artifact. Commentary on images contained in the indicated study texts and images shown in class, which will be made available on Aulaweb in PowerPoint format at the end of the course, is expected



Each answer corresponding to the commentary on the proposed works, from the ability to contextualize them and from the discussion of the readings addressed, will be assigned a grade from 18 to 30 with honors; the final grade will be the average of the ratings of the individual answers.


Additional information for non-attending students
Study texts
In addition to the texts indicated for attending students, nonattending students should add an extra reading/article/essay of their choice from those indicated for the in-depth study on Ligurian territory and cultural heritage in the modern age and made available on Aulaweb.
In particular, as far as the textbook is concerned, non-attending students can prepare the program topics (from the early Renaissance to Neoclassicism included) by choosing from:
- P. De Vecchi, A. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, vol. 2, tomi 1 e 2;
- C. Bertelli, G. Briganti, A. Giuliano, Storia dell’arte italiana, voll. 2 e 3;
- C. Bertelli, La Storia dell’arte, vol. 2.

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