CODE 68662 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 1 TERAPIA DELLA NEURO E PSICOMOTRICITA' DELL'ETA' EVOL 9287 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/39 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: NURSING, MOTRICITY AND REHABILITATION IN THE PEDIATRIC AGE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching of sets the goal of: - provide students with the basics of neurobiological maturation processes; - develop in students knowledge on neurobiological development of the central nervous system and clinical correlates; - to have students acquire the main stages of posturo-motor, linguistic, emotional and social development. - develop in students the knowledge related to the different development curves in the different areas of operation and therefore for each individual neuropsychological function. - develop in students the skills related to certain assessment tools. EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS: At the end of the teaching, the student will be able to: - Know the neuropsychological functioning and in particular the different development curves; - Apply some evaluation tools. - Integrate the different development curves; - Build/create operating profiles: - Recognize acquired skills, un acquired skills and emerging skills. TEACHING METHODS The lessons are conducted in the front with interactive and participatory mode by the students in order to make the contents of the program even more explicit and experiential. The program is then carried out with the support of slides (Power Point), integrated with the presentation of clinical cases (sometimes also with video) and implementation of simulations/tutorials. Students with valid certifications for Specific Learning Disabilities (DSA), disabilities or other educational needs, are invited to contact the teacher and the school/department disability contact at the beginning of the course to agree on any teaching methods which, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Cerebral neurobiological maturation processes Proliferative phenomena, of "routing" Regressive phenomena, of "apoptosis" Hemispheric lateralization and sexual dominance or differentiation Sensitive-vulnerable periods Brain plasticity Stages of posture-motor development Spontaneous Infant motility – General movements Neonatal Reflexology Evolution of Posture Evolution of the path Evolution of prehension and manipulation The development of the permanence of the object Stages of language development: processes of neurobiological maturation underlying the development of language Stages of emotional development Stages of social development The development of child play and imitation The development and evaluation of the attachment The development and evaluation of attachment Introduction to Sensory Systems - > Sensation vs Perception: Typical Development Introduction to development evaluation methods and techniques. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The examination will mainly focus on handouts, documents and articles provided by the teacher. Recommended Texts: Camaion L., Di Blasio P., Psicologia dello sviluppo, Ed. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007. Camaion L., Aureli T., Perucchini P., Osservare e valutare il comportamento infantile, Ed. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004. De Negri M., Neuropsichiatria dell’età evolutiva, Ed Piccin-Nuova Libraria, 2004. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD FRANCESCA MARIA BATTAGLIA Ricevimento: By appointment TEACHER'S CONTACTS by mail to: Exam Board EUGENIA DUFOUR (President) RICCARDA BARBIERI FRANCESCA MARIA BATTAGLIA RAMONA CORDANI ELISA DAVINI LAURA FORNONI ANDREA INGENITO LINO NOBILI (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START You can refer to the hour voice of lessons Class schedule PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY : BASIC CONCEPTS IN DEVELOP EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The way in which this module is examined will also be preferably oral to allow the sharing of the methods of study used by the student and to clarify any doubts that have arisen during the same Initially, a favorite topic is asked by the student, and then moved on to two other topics at the discretion of the teacher. Additional questions may be asked if the student does not respond correctly and/or appears uncertain about the former. ASSESSMENT METHODS Ability to orient itself within the program, make connections between different development curves, identify emerging, acquired and unacquired functions; Clarity and specificity in the exposure, coherence and correctness of data content in response Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 14/01/2025 08:00 GENOVA Orale 04/02/2025 08:00 GENOVA Orale 25/02/2025 08:00 GENOVA Orale 17/06/2025 08:00 GENOVA Orale 22/07/2025 08:00 GENOVA Orale 02/09/2025 08:00 GENOVA Orale 23/09/2025 08:00 GENOVA Orale FURTHER INFORMATION The examination may not be supported unless the relative propedeucity is respected. As these are integrated course exams, not passing a single discipline involves the repetition of the entire exam.