CODE 68374 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 2 TERAPIA DELLA NEURO E PSICOMOTRICITA' DELL'ETA' EVOL 9287 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/30 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: NEUROSCIENCES OF THE PEDIATRIC AGE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW . This course focuses on the main diseases of the visual apparatus in the developmental age, on the diagnostic methodology and on the global management, to acquire skills and evaluation skills in the sector, with specific attention to the functional polisectoral diagnosis. Objectives: to teach the students the concept of group rehabilitation as a work tool, starting from individual evaluations and ending with the creation and organization of therapeutic groups. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Know the main indications and techniques of child audiology. To know the main pathologies of the visual apparatus, in particular in relation to the subjects in the developmental age. To know the basic neuropsychiatric semeiotic in the developmental age and the classification of the principal disorders of the movement in the pediatric age, in relation to the possible pathological pictures. To know the main neurological diseases of the developmental age, in particular in relation to the subjects in the developmental age. Acquiring methods for defining, analyzing and framing psychic disabilities and psychic distress in its various forms; describe the treatment of discomfort and psychic disabilities and related psychopathologies through the multiple methodologies and techniques of clinical intervention. Acquire the elements for the management of an operator-user relationship, characterized by the encounter with an "other multi-problematic and different from oneself". Know the main clinical problems related to the development of the visual apparatus. Know the principles of ophthalmological evaluation. To learn the knowledge necessary for the understanding of developmental symptoms related to developmental age and its pathology. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES FORMATIVE OBJECTIVES The teaching aims to - provide students with the basics of ophthalmology - provide students with a general understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the visual system - introduce the issues related to the main pathologies of the visual system EXPECTED LEARNING RESULTS At the end of the course the student will be able to know the anatomy and physiology of the visual apparatus know the basic elements of the main pathologies of the visual system classify the main clinical forms to know the principles of taking care of the patient with pathologies of the visual apparatus recognize signs especially at an early stage analytically describe the related signs and symptoms building the bases of the therapeutic-rehabilitative project and outlining the basic principles of multidisciplinary care explain to families and, to the extent feasible, children and young people the disorders in question and the methodology of observation and evaluation that you intend to carry out deduce which factors are interfering in the evaluation process and how to affect them. PREREQUISITES Ability to understand anatomy and physiology of the visual apparatus TEACHING METHODS Lessons and stage in office Knowledge and understanding will be evaluated through the formulation of specific questions concerning the subject discipline through the use of medical terms; The independence of judgment will be evaluated through the formulation of specific clinical scenarios; The communication skills will be evaluated through the oral examination and the use of specific clinical terms and finally the learning skills will be evaluated through the request of specific notions concerning the discipline. The exam is conducted in order to verify the achievement of the expected learning outcomes: ability to apply knowledge through the use of operational tools, communication skills through oral examination, start-up of interdisciplinary work training and the specific role, development the ability to insight through experience. SYLLABUS/CONTENT anatomy of the visual apparatus physiology visual apparatus ocular motility and related diseases congenital cataract congenital glaucoma retinopathy and hereditary maculopathies instrumental investigations RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY handouts of ophthalmology S. Ryan D. Gass TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ALDO VAGGE Exam Board EUGENIA DUFOUR (President) ELISA DE GRANDIS LINO NOBILI GIORGIO PERETTI ALDO VAGGE MARCO VENERUSO CRISTINA VENTURINO (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START I semester, October 2018 Class schedule EYE AND ANNEXES DISEASES EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION written Thesis of in-depth study of an argument It is necessary to register for the exam from the website: ASSESSMENT METHODS Knowledge and understanding will be evaluated through the formulation of specific questions concerning the subject discipline through the use of medical terms; The independence of judgment will be evaluated through the formulation of specific clinical scenarios; The communication skills will be evaluated through the oral examination and the use of specific clinical terms and finally the learning skills will be evaluated through the request of specific notions concerning the discipline. The exam is conducted in order to verify the achievement of the expected learning outcomes: ability to apply knowledge through the use of operational tools, communication skills through oral examination, start-up of interdisciplinary work training and the specific role, development the ability to insight through experience. FURTHER INFORMATION The course is held in the second semester of the second year through lectures that use slide and videotape projections and stimulate interactivity. Verification of learning takes place in oral form as part of the verification of the integrated course in which the discipline is part. The teaching material is provided by the teacher and made available on AulaWeb.