CODE 68373 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 2 TERAPIA DELLA NEURO E PSICOMOTRICITA' DELL'ETA' EVOL 9287 (L/SNT2) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/31 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: NEUROSCIENCES OF THE PEDIATRIC AGE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES To achieve an understanding of the functioning of the senses related to the discipline and of the upper aerodigestive tract,with tips on diseases and their after-effects. In particular, the course is aimed at the knowledge of the various types of hearing loss in children and adolescents, at the knowledge of neonatal screening, at the knowledge of the various types of subjective and objective audiological exams and at the importance of family counseling for the management of the hypoacusic child. TEACHING METHODS lectures SYLLABUS/CONTENT Anatomy, Physiology and diseases of the nose. AnatomyPhysiology of the larynx and most frequent diseaes. AnatomyPhysiology of the ear with regard to the vestibular function and to the hearing loss, ear diseases. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Manuale di Otorinolaringoiatria. de Vincentiis - Gallo Piccin Editore TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIORGIO PERETTI Ricevimento: By appointment. write an e-mail to: Exam Board EUGENIA DUFOUR (President) ELISA DE GRANDIS LINO NOBILI GIORGIO PERETTI ALDO VAGGE MARCO VENERUSO CRISTINA VENTURINO (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START Schedule of classes will be published on Aulaweb. Class schedule ORL - AUDIOLOGY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral examination. ASSESSMENT METHODS Oral examination allows to assess the degree of preparation of the students, the correctness of the vocabulary with special reference to technical jargon as well.