CODE 68501 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 7 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE RIABILITATIVE DELLE PROFESSIONI SANITARIE 9285 (LM/SNT2) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA MODULES Questo insegnamento è composto da: CLINICAL MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY OF REHABILITATION PLANNING A PHYSIOTHERAPY, REHABILITATION, AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY COURSE SPEECH-LANGUAGE THERAPY REHABILITATION PLANNING EYE REHABILITATION PLANNING PODIATRY REHABILITATION PLANNING PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION PLANNING TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW METHODOLOGY AND ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT PROCESSES IN REHABILITATION The student will learn the last methodological approaches to setting up rehabilitation programs in the disciplinary-professional areas of the 2nd class, so that they can use it in planning their work to ensure a quality of the rehabilitation process that is appropriate to Clinical Governance. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES LEARNING OUTCOMES Learn the latest information on setting up rehabilitation programs in the various disciplinary-professional domains of the 2nd class in order to ensure a quality of the rehabilitation process that is consistent with Clinical Governance. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES LEARNING OUTCOMES (FURTHER INFO) The course aims to provide students the ability to understand and solve issues related to: • know about organizations and process management; • Identify the role and responsibilities of the Rehabilitation Manager and Coordinator; • know health laws and guidelines for health professions; • know the staff management and group dynamics; • plan a logopedic, ophthalmologic, pediatric, physiotherapeutic and psychiatric rehabilitation pathway taking into account the priority health problems, changes in epidemiological frameworks by identifying and properly organizing the human resources needed; • define what is a quality-oriented organization, know the tools of Clinical Governance and Risk Management, identify the role of Rehabilitation Team in the pursuit of Clinical Governance. PREREQUISITES The following basic knowledge is required to effectively address the teaching content: Knowledge of the roles of the various health professions of rehabilitation Some knowledge on fundamentals of healthcare system This knowledge is acquired and is the basis for understanding the topics of the course and supporting the exam. TEACHING METHODS TEACHING METHODS Lectures are performed in all the teaching location by owners teachers and are explained with slides / videos. The Students/Teachers percentage report allows a direct comparison and an use of collaborative methodology, discussion about rehabilitation and working groups. SYLLABUS/CONTENT CONTENT METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE FISIOTERAPICA E TERAPIA OCCUPAZIONALE PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY IN PHYSIOTHERAPY REHABILITATION AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY • Management Principles in Rehabilitation • Organizational theories, and organizational analysis •Process management • Responsibility and role of the Manager and Coordinator in Rehabilitation • Healthcare Laws • Laws and health organization in Liguria • Evaluation and management of staff METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE LOGOPEDICA METHODOLOGY OF PROGRAMMING IN SPEECH REHABILITATION • Planning; • The context and the rehabilitation in SSN: organizational levels, care paths; • Audit; • Staff management: the role of people in organization, motivational system, staffing, competence. METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE OFTALMOLOGICA METHODOLOGY OF PROGRAMMING IN OPHTHALMOLOGIC REHABILITATION • Institutional and excellence accreditation, quality certification; • definition of health process, rehabilitation programming phases, questions to guide the programming • indicators to object the benefits of the various rehabilitation pathways, • hypovision in the adult: features and rehabilitation, interdisciplinary team in the hypovision of the adult; • Rehabilitation in the visually impaired child and interdisciplinary team involved; • Rehabilitation of acquired paralytic strabisms, of nystagmus and amblyopia. METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA METHODOLOGY PROGRAMMING IN PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION • Articulation and quality of psychiatric care; • Psychiatry: definition, pathologies, worldwide, European and Italian legislative references; • Complexity of the current age and the stories of users of psychiatric services; Work groups, human resource management and care information; • Study case - Project work of a rehabilitation path. METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE PODOLOGICA PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY IN PODIATRIC REHABILITATION • Perform a systematic bibliographic search, including databases, and their periodical updates to critically read scientific articles; Manage working groups and apply appropriate strategies to encourage multi-professional integration processes; • Collaboration with other professional figures for any initiative aimed at improving the professional healthcare activities within their competence; • Relationships in the working environment, avoiding overlapping and optimizing the rehabilitation process. GOVERNO CLINICO E QUALITÀ IN RIABILITAZIONE CLINICAL GOVERNANCE AND QUALITY IN REHABILITATION 1) QUALITY Know the evolution of the concept of Quality. Know what is a quality-oriented organization: the Quality System. Identify tools to reach Quality. Understand the concepts of effectiveness, efficiency, accessibility, appropriateness, competence, user satisfaction. 2) CLINICAL GOVERNANCE Know the difference between the concept of Governo Clinico and Clinical Governance Interpret the Clinical Governance as a Manager / Clinical Integration System. Identify the role of Rehabilitation healthcare staff in the pursuit of Clinical Governance. Know the tools of the Clinical Government. 3) RISK MANAGEMENT Understand the importance of learning from Adverse Events. Know the Root Causes Analisys and the Incident Reporting System Understand the Importance of implementing corrective actions and of assessing the effectiveness of Good Practice RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY RECOMMENDED READING/IBLIOGRAPHY The slides used during lectures and other educational materials (such as in-depth tutorial, E-book) will be provided by teachers; they may also indicate books, articles and scientific journals. The notes taken during the lectures and material provided by teachers are sufficient for the exam. It is suggested as text / support articles: METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE FISIOTERAPICA E TERAPIA OCCUPAZIONALE PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY IN PHYSIOTHERAPY AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY REHABILITATION Le responsabilità del coordinatore delle professioni sanitarie ( Mc Graw Hill) La dirigenza infermieristica ( Mc Graw Hill) La gestione delle risorse umane METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE OFTALMOLOGICA PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY IN OPHTHALMOLOGIC REHABILITATION “leggere le organizzazioni” Daniele Callini FrancoAngeli “il processo produttivo sanitario” Lorenzo Rossano FrancoAngeli “epidemiologia e valutazione degli interventi sanitari “ Francesco Attena Piccin “Projet management in una struttura sanitaria. L’approccio teorico e gli strumenti operativi” Baraghini, trevisani, Cencetti . FrancoAngeli “Economia sanitaria e controllo di gestione” Copello, Testi Carocci Faber “management e leadership nelle organizzazioni sanitarie” Giulio Molinari, FrancoAngeli “I gruppi di lavoro nella sanità. Comunicazione efficace,gestione dei conflitti,leadership” Anna De Santi, Iole Simeoni Carocci Faber “Qualità e accreditamento dei servizi sociali”, Garena, Gerbo Maggioli Editore “progettare la riabilitazione. Il lavoro in team interprofessionale”, Basaglia edi-ermes “Le responsabilità del coordinatore delle professioni sanitarie” Pennini, Barbieri Mc Graw Hill “il tutor per le professioni sanitarie” Sasso,Lotti,Gamberoni Carocci Faber “misurare l’assistenza” Moiset, Vanzetti Mc Graw Hill “la dirigenza infermieristica” Calamandrei, Orlandi Mc Graw Hill “Ipovisione Nuova frontiera dell’Oftalmologia” Zingirian + Gandolfo Ed. SOI “guida alla professione di ortottista”, città del sole ed Giacomelli G., Virgili G., Meschini U., ( 2002 ) Approccio al paziente ipovedente. Oftalmologia Sociale N 4, pp 20-23 Midena E., Pilotto E., ( 2005 ) L'ipovisione e la riabilitazione visiva. In Lanzetta P., Il management della persona con degenerazione maculare legata all'età, Elleboro Officina Libraria Giuffrè A, ( 2006 ) La riabilitazione del soggetto ipovedente in età adulta. Notiziario di aggiornamento AIORAO Backman O., Inde K., La riabilitazione visiva del paziente ipovedente, Canelli (AT), Fabiano Ed., 2002, p 326 Cruciani F., I centri di riabilitazione visiva: il problema Italia, in “Oftalmologia sociale”, anno XXII, gennaio marzo 1999, p 6-11 Guizzi M., Oftalmologia e riabilitazione, in Oltre il Confine, anno V, n. 9 set 2001, p 22 Lund R. e Watson G.R., La tecnologia al servizio della riabilitazione visiva del soggetto ipovedente, Canelli (AT), Fabiano ed., 2002 Abati S., Giacomelli G., Volpe R. – Argomenti di ipovisione : supplemento 1 – Fabiano Editore 2001, 80-84 Blyte I.M., Kennard C., Ruddoch K.H. – Residual vision patients with retrogeniculate lesions of the visual pathways – Brain, 1987; 110:887-905 Carta F.:Neuroftalmologia - Edizioni sbm 1994 Di Paolo P., Quarenghi A.M., Manzoni L., Guerardi P., Bergonzi R., Salvi G.P., santonocito O., De Gonda F., Signorelli A., Biroli F. – Valutazione dell’outcome riabilitativo in pazienti con grave cerebrolesione - Europa Medicophysica vol. 37, suppl. 1 al n.3 , 524, settembre 2001 Fiorentini A., Maffei L. – Fisiopatolofia del sistema visivo – Primula Multimedia S.r.L. 2001, 67-85 Kerkhoff G., Munssinger U., Meier E.K.: Neurovisual rehabilitation in cerebral blindness – Arch. Neurol. 1994 May; 51 (5): 474-81 Lacquaniti F. B. Metodologie innovative in riabilitazione – IRCCS S. Lucia – Ricerca Corrente – B. Meduri R. – Depressione da deprivazione visiva - htm Meduri R. – Fisiopatologia della ipovisione maculare. Le basi fisiopatplogiche della riabilitazione visiva – Wells AT.,Sloan LL., Introduction to low vision aids, Am. Orthopt.J., 1984; 24: 54-56 METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE PSICHIATRICA PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY IN PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION Bruni, Fasol, Gherardi – “L’accesso ai servizi sanitari” – Carocci - 2007 Giovanni Casula – “Benvenuti in psichiatria” – Unicopli - 2012 Duccio Demetrio – “Il gioco della vita” – Guerini e associati - 2002 “I giardini di Abele” – Intervista di Sergio Zavoli a Franco Basaglia - Rai “Intervista a Robert Hinslewood” da Terapia di Comunità – Rivista – Ottobre 2012 “Commissione di inchiesta sul SSN” – Senato della Repubblica - 2011 “Due partite” – Regia Enzo Monteleone – Italia - 2008 “Social media revolution” – You Tube – 2011 “Benvenuti in psichiatria” – Giovanni Casula – Unicopli – 2012 METODOLOGIA DELLA PROGRAMMAZIONE IN RIABILITAZIONE PODOLOGICA PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY IN PODIATRIC REHABILITATION PNLG / Ceveas Clinical resource and audit group 1993 Clinical guidelines the Clinical Resource and Audit Group, Edinburgh, Scottish Office, Edimburg. Institute for Medicine 1992 Guidelines for clinical practice: from development to use. National Academic Press, Washington, DC GOVERNO CLINICO E QUALITA’ IN RIABILITAZIONE CLINICAL GOVERNANCE AND QUALITY IN REHABILITATION Sistema Qualità sul Sito Ministero Salute e siti regionali TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD DANIELA GARAVENTA Ricevimento: The teacher receives by appointment, taken with a request via e-mail: PAOLA MACCAGNO Ricevimento: on appointment contact STEFANIA RASPINO Ricevimento: by mail: ANNAPAOLA MAZZA GIORGIO CERNIGLIA LESSONS LESSONS START START OF CLASS Lessons: from october to december Class schedule EVALUATION TECHNIQUES OF PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT IN REHABILITATION EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral interview / Quizzes / Project work mainly directed to ensure a proper understanding of the theory discussed in the course. Available 2 examination date in winter (January and February) and 5 in summer (June, July and September). ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment method is explained during the lessons. The exam consists of an oral interview based on the lectures and on the program, to evaluate knowledge and critical thinking of the student. The student have to prove his competence to critically analyze management issues with a view to Quality. FURTHER INFORMATION FURTHER INFORMATIONS Pre-requisites: Some knowledge on fundamentals of healthcare system OFFICE HOURS FOR STUDENTS Office hours for students on e-mail appointment: Docente Mail Maccagno Paola Garaventa Daniela Ciarlanti Monica Forneris Alessandro Risso Daniela Buffa Carla