CODE 90426 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 4 SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA 9322 (LM-85 bis) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/06 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: LIFE SCIENCES AND NATURE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The laboratory activities, through direct experimentation, foster the acquisition of competences and critical skills for teaching life sciences and sustainability in nursery and primary schools, with particular reference to the interaction between key concepts and the objectives of specific disciplines. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course will carry out some educational activities related to ecological consciousness and sustainability. In each module, however, the key concepts of the chosen theme will be recalled (with further details) so that students who do not attend the course can still easily follow the lessons. The activity will be divided into modules and will consist in the active planning of educational paths aimed at kindergarten and primary school students (based on the National Indications 2012) operated by the students divided into groups . At the end of the course the students will be able to: identify the key concepts of a scientific topic; build educational paths that apply the scientific method to the study of reality; develop educational projects on sustainability. TEACHING METHODS The workshop prefers an active approach and applies the methods of collaborative learning and learning by doing. Students will mainly work in groups with a return and discussion phase in plenary and with a peer review of the work done. Some outside activities are forseen. If won't be possible, for health reasons, to carry out the lessons in presence, the workshop will be carried out remotely, streaming on the Teams platform. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Three modules dedicated to the study of plant life, the human body and sustainability, respectively, will be indicatively realized. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Arcà M., Il corpo umano, Carocci Faber, 2008. Bateson G., Mente e natura, Adelphi, 1984. Bateson G., Verso un’ecologia della mente, Adelphi, 1976. Beccastrini S., Borgarello G., Lewanski R., Mayer M., Imparare a vedersi – Una proposta di indicatori di qualità per i sistemi regionali di educazione ambientale, Regione Toscana – ARPAT, 2005. Bencivenga E. La filosofia in quarantadue favole, Mondadori, Milano 2007 Breiting S., Mayer M., Mogensen F., Criteri di qualità per “scuole per lo sviluppo sostenibile”, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, 2005. Disponibile on line al sito: Calvino I., Le città invisibili, Mondadori, Milano 1996. Furlan D., Piccoli animali, Carocci Faber, 2014. Furlan D., Piccoli vegetali, Carocci Faber, 2014. Gardner H., Educare al comprendere – stereotipi infantili e apprendimento scolastico, Feltrinelli, 2001. Goleman D., Bennett L., Barlow Z., Coltivare l’intelligenza emotiva, Edizioni Tlön, 2017. Harari Y.N., 21 lezioni per il XXI secolo, Bompiani, 2018. Lorenzoni F., I bambini pensano grande. Cronaca di una avventura pedagogica, Sellerio, 2019. Lorenzoni F., I bambini ci guardano. Una esperienza educativa controvento, Sellerio, 2019. Mancuso S., La nazione delle piante, Editori Laterza, 2019. Morin E., I sette saperi necessari all’educazione del futuro, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2001. Sterling S., Educazione sostenibile, Anima Mundi, 2006. Wuppertal Institute, a cura di Wolfgang Sachs e Marco Morosini, Futuro sostenibile – Le risposte eco-sociali alle crisi in Europa, Edizioni Ambiente, 2011. Zavalloni G. La pedagogia della lumaca. Per una scuola lenta e nonviolenta, EMI, 2012. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SERENA CLARA RECAGNO Ricevimento: For any necessity, please contact directly the professor by e-mail: or LESSONS LESSONS START Lessons will start probably on 5 march 2021. Class schedule LABORATORY FOR FUNDAMENTALS OF LIFE SCIENCES AND NATURE EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION There is no specific examination, but frequency is mandatory. The student's contribution and commitment to the laboratory work will however be an element taken into consideration for the evaluation of the course of Fundamentals of Science of the VIta.