CODE 67719 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 4 SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA 9322 (LM-85 bis) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-FIL-LET/12 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ITALIAN LINGUISTICS TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The workshop aims to train future teachers of kindergarten and primary school to master educational paths, effective tools for learning the Italian language to foreigners and to manage a multi-ethnic class. It proposes: to provide basic indications of Glottodidactics, General Linguistics and Didactics of the Italian Language; to increase skills aimed at competent use of tools for Italian learning to foreigners and in achievement of UDA (Learning Unit)of Italian L2; to develop problem setting and problem solving skills in classes with foreign students; to be a learning community (students will use a Padlet tool which can also be accessed after course has been completed and is present in the Web Classroom) AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Specific attention will be paid to the different profiles of learners, starting from precocious up to sequential bilinguals. The aim is to provide guidelines for operating in the most various contexts (preschools, primary schools, CPIA). The laboratory aims to apply a theoretical reference framework to specific cases. The expected learning outcomes are: 1. to know and understand the theoretical principles, institutional guidelines and the most recent approaches that inspire the teaching of the Italian language to foreigners. 2. to describe and to apply these theories to educational contexts of specific interest to the group. 3. to analyze and to reflect on relevant experiences conducted in local, national and international fields, evaluating their exportability, strengths and weaknesses. 4. to create and to share teaching materials. TEACHING METHODS Participants must actively contribute to the laboratory activities by carrying out the assigned tasks and studying the material that will be distributed and / or uploaded on Aulaweb. During the workshop, students will be asked to experiment with the techniques and tools studied at home or introduced by the teacher. Attendance is compulsory for at least 80% of the hours. Non-attending students must contact the teacher before the start of the lessons. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The program consists of 16 hours divided into 4-hour weekly meetings. The students will be divided into three groups and the program will be repeated for each group. During the lessons the following macro-topics will be addressed: 1. Basic theory 2. Teaching italian as a second language at the kindergarten 3. The characteristics of input and output in sequential bilinguals 4. Teaching Italian as a language to communicate 5. Teaching Italian as a means for studying. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Recommended bibliography (not compulsory): Fabbro, F. (2004). Neuropedagogia delle lingue, Roma: Casa Editrice Astrolabio. Diadori, P., Palermo, M., & Troncarelli, D. (2009). Manuale di didattica dell’italiano L2, Perugia: Guerra Balboni, P. (2012). Le sfide di Babele, Torino: UTET Bonifacci, P. (2018). I bambini bilingui. Favorire gli apprendimenti nelle classi multiculturali, Roma: Carocci. Diadori, P. (2015). Insegnare italiano a stranieri, Firenze: Le Monnier (pag. 52-63) Giudizi, G. (2013). La lingua italiana per gli alunni stranieri, Milano: Franco Angeli (11-36) Chini, M. (2016), Elementi utili per una didattica dell’Italiano L2 alla luce della ricerca acquisizionale, Italiano LinguaDue, 2, 1–18. Solarino, R. (2010), Gli errori di italiano L1 e L2: interferenza e apprendimento, Italiano LinguaDue, I, 2, 15–22. Pallotti, G. (2005), Le ricadute didattiche delle ricerche sull’interlingua, in Jafrancesco, E., (Ed.), L’acquisizione dell’italiano da parte di immigrati adulti, Atene, Edilingua, pp. 43–59. Rizzardi, M. C., Barsi, M., Nava, A., Zucchi, S., & Hampton, P. (2005). Metodi in classe per insegnare la lingua straniera, Milano: LED Cardona, M. (2004). Apprendere il lessico di una lingua straniera: aspetti linguistici, psicolinguistici e glottodidattici, Bari: Adriatica Editrice. L’acquisizione del lessico nell’apprendimento dell’italiano L2. Atti del XIX Convegno nazionale ILSA, a cura di Elisabetta J.(a cura di), Milano- Firenze: Mondadori Education – Le Monnier/Italiano per stranieri, 2011. Danesi, M., Diadori P., Semplici, S. (2018), Tecniche didattiche per la seconda lingua. Strategie e strumenti anche in contesti CLIL, Roma: Carocci LESSONS LESSONS START October, 5th 2022 (lessons will take place on Wednesday from 8.00 to 12.00) Class schedule WORKSHOP OF TEACHING ITALIAN FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION There is no examination expected ASSESSMENT METHODS The individual and group activities carried out during face-to-face lessons are to all effects on-going tests. At the end of the last lesson there will be a short written test to verify the acquisition of the most important issues. FURTHER INFORMATION The active participation of students is particularly appreciated, with comments, proposals and questions.