CODE 67725 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 8 cfu anno 5 SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA 9322 (LM-85 bis) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-PED/03 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: SPECIAL EDUCATION SCIENCES TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Starting from the study of the central issues related to the theme of integration and social inclusion and education of disabled people, the course will analyze the epistemological core of the discipline, integration constructs and inclusion, the concept of need and special need, the function of the educational relationship and pedagogical design tools typical of the inclusive school. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course students should be able to: 1.Locate the human resource value of individual students, to one and all, 2.Locate, analyze and manage situations of disability / different skills in schools 3. Cooperate, as class teacher, with other colleagues curricular or specialists, to make the value of integration and inclusion, as circularity of relationships between all students in the class and / or Section 4. Cooperate with other professionals to plan personalized educational interventions, 5. cooperate with the reference families to facilitate the empowerment of students and especially the students in difficulty. During the course will be given due attention to the students' problems in kindergarten and primary school and therefore always explicitly be made the appropriate references and insights. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The learning outcomes are consistent with the learning objectives, de relate to the following: KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL 1. Develop pedagogical sensitivity inherent in the recognition of the value of individual students, of all and of each, 2. Develop knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to identify, analyze and manage situations of disability/diversity in the school environment, 3. Develop knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to collaborate, as a class teacher, with other curricular colleagues or specialists, to make the value of integration and inclusion, as a circularity of relationships, among all students of the class and / or section 4. Develop pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary to collaborate with other professionals to plan personalized educational interventions, 5. Develop knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to develop a genuinely inclusive teaching approach, through the use of appropriate methodologies. 6. Develop the ability to co-design an ICF-based IEP During the course will be held in due attention to the problems of children in kindergarten and elementary school and then always explicitly will be made appropriate references and insights. TEACHING METHODS Dialogue lessons are foreseen (supported by slides) in which the problems connected to special education and the educational relationship in situations of special educational need will be discussed. The course will also provide practical (group) exercises, case study analysis, structured "debate" activities, world cafes, simulations and video analysis. The exercises will have the aim of helping the student to apply in practice what has been learned on a theoretical level. These activities will allow attending students to acquire an OPEN BADGE which will certify participation in a course aimed at acquiring soft skills relating to the following key competencies: functional literacy (advanced level); personal (advanced level); social (advanced level); learning to learn (basic level); project creation (basic level). Aulaweb is the course workspace where the slides used by the teacher will be inserted (at the end of each lesson), in-depth materials, applications to encourage interaction and active participation by students. Students will also have the opportunity to upload materials they deem relevant to the topics of the course. Experts and representatives of services for people with disabilities may be invited to the lessons SYLLABUS/CONTENT 1) THEORETICAL PART: KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL Special education: general framework of the discipline Historical-Hermeneutic Excursus of Special Education National and international legislation Special educational needs The concept of inclusion 2) PROJECT PART: KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL The ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health The Quality of Life model The design of the IEP based on ICF (KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL) The Life project 3) METHODOLOGICAL PART: KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL Relationship management Creating an inclusive environment Methodological approaches and tools for inclusive teaching: play, metacognition, adaptations, peer tutoring, cooperative learning The use of inclusive technologies in teaching Inclusive evaluation RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Attending students Bochicchio F. (a cura di). L’agire inclusivo nella scuola. Logiche, metodologie e tecnologie per insegnanti ed educatori, Libellula, Tricase (Le), 2017. Pennazio V. Formarsi a una cultura inclusiva. un'indagine dei bisogni formativi degli insegnanti nel corso di specializzazione per le attività di sostegno, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017 Text indicated by the teacher (if provided) Material uploaded to aulaweb Non Attending students Bochicchio F. (a cura di). L’agire inclusivo nella scuola. Logiche, metodologie e tecnologie per insegnanti ed educatori, Libellula, Tricase (Le), 2017. Pennazio V. Formarsi a una cultura inclusiva. un'indagine dei bisogni formativi degli insegnanti nel corso di specializzazione per le attività di sostegno, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2017 Text indicated by the teacher (if provided) To choose between: 4. Morganti A., Bocci F. Ddidattica inclusiva nella scuola primaria, Giunti, Milano 2017 5. Antonietti M. L'inclusione nella scuola dell'infanzia. Metodi e prospettive, Carocci, Roma, 2020 Students are considered attending if they attend 65% of the lessons TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD VALENTINA PENNAZIO Ricevimento: I receive students in attendance on Wednesdays from 10.00 to 12.00 (room 1A11) and online by appointment (to be agreed by email). Students are invited to write to the teacher at the following email address: LESSONS LESSONS START The lessons will start in the first semester. Students are invited to consult aulaweb of the course to view the calendar of meetings and respective contents Class schedule SPECIAL EDUCATION SCIENCES EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Attending students At the end of each module, an activity is expected to investigate the skills acquired on the topics covered, evaluated out of thirty. During the lessons, the realization of a group project will be foreseen and aimed at investigating the ability to work in a team and to design a path for people with disabilities. The project will be evaluated out of thirty. The exam will be aimed at evaluating the knowledge acquired. It will take place in written form (multiple choice test, 31 questions assessed, each 1 point) with the possibility of oral integration. It will focus on the contents of the program and on the material uploaded to the "aula-web". The average of the marks achieved (in the end-of-module activities, in the project, and in the exam) determines the final grade. Non Attending students The exam will be aimed at assessing knowledge and will take place in written form (multiple choice test, 32 questions evaluated, every question 0.5 points + three open questions of a theoretical-application nature, each considered 5 points). It is possible to integrate the written test with the oral one. The exam will focus on the 3 texts indicated in the program and on the material uploaded to the "aula-web" ASSESSMENT METHODS The successful learning of the discipline is certified by the competence demonstrated by the student to have acquired a knowledge of the subjects consistent with the expected results and in accordance with the training objectives declined according to the Dublin descriptors. The tests completed at the end of the module are aimed at detecting the acquisition by the students of the ability to apply in practice, on an individual level, what they learned during the lessons The realization of the project is aimed at evaluating in the student not only the planning ability but also the ability to work in a team, discuss, debate, and compare in choosing the best intervention strategies The final exam is aimed at evaluating the knowledge acquired during the course. In each test, the quality of the presentation, the correct use of the specialized vocabulary, and the capacity for critical reasoning in the study carried out will be taken into account. FURTHER INFORMATION All students are invited to periodically consult the page for this course on the AulaWeb e-learning portal ( to find all the information and materials relating to this course, appropriately updated. Students with DSA, disability or other special educational needs certification are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching and exam methods that, in compliance with the teaching objectives, take into account individuals learning methods and provide suitable compensatory instruments. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education OpenBadge PRO3 - Soft skills - Creazione progettuale base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Imparare a imparare base 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Sociale avanzato 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Personale avanzato 1 - A PRO3 - Soft skills - Alfabetica avanzato 1 - A