CODE 67629 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 8 cfu anno 5 SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA 9322 (LM-85 bis) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-STO/04 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The teaching, from a laboratory perspective, will examine the methodologies and tools related to the teaching of history, in particular of contemporary history: during the lessons examined various types of sources (oral, written, iconographic, audiovisual, material) and highlighted the specific characteristics and educational potential. The elaboration and realization of specific didactic itineraries is foreseen. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The course will have a workshop layout and will allow students to receive the basic notions of historiography and the historical method in order to critically reflect on the problems related to teaching history in kindergarten and primary school. In particular: the theme of the passage of time and periodization will be treated for kindergarten. For primary school, the tools and teaching methods applicable to history will be analyzed through various types of sources (written, iconographic, audiovisual), evaluating their educational potential AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course will allow students to orientate themselves and reflect critically on the teaching methods for teaching history in the nursery and primary school; in particular, on the dimension of temporality, and on the transmission of historical memory, intended as a preparatory tool for the development of active citizenship. At the end of the course the student must: Nursery school: - being able to convey the concept of time - being able to convey the historical dimension of events - know how to organize the historical discourse starting from the life stories of the students - know how to organize a little research through the playful approach - know how to structure special Modular Learning Units Primary school: - know the main periodic historical events - know the main historiographical theories - know how to organize the historical discourse starting from the life stories of the students - know how to identify historical sources on the territory - know how to organize a little history research on the territory where the students live - know how to structure special Modular Learning Units PREREQUISITES Basics of history TEACHING METHODS The teaching consists of lectures, for a total of 54 hours. Multimedia supports will be used and specific workshop lessons are planned on historical sources and their use in a didactic key. Students with DSA, disability or other special educational needs are recommended to contact the professor at the beginning of the course to agree on teaching and exam methods which, according to the course’s objectives, take into account the modalities individual learning and provide suitable compensatory tools ( SYLLABUS/CONTENT Particular attention will be given to the public use of history, deepening the relationship between history and memory (collective and subjective). The problem of historical sources, both quantitative and qualitative, their presence on the territory and the methods of treatment and analysis, will be the focus of teaching: the sources represent not only the materials favored by the historian, but effective educational tools are revealed usable , with due care, in all school orders. Teaching contributes to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 4 of the UN 2030 Agenda (provide quality, equitable and inclusive education and learning opportunities for all) RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The slides used during the lessons and other teaching materials will be available on aul@web. The notes taken during the lessons and the material on aul@web are essential for the preparation of the exam. The books to study: S. Raphael, Theatres of Memory. Past and Present in contemporary culture, Verso, Londom, 1994 F. Monducci, A. Portincasa (a cura di), Insegnare storia nella scuola primaria. Il laboratorio storico e altre pratiche attive, UTET, Milano, 2023 H. Girardet, Vedere, toccare, ascoltare. L'insegnamento della storia attraverso le fonti, Carocci, Roma, 2013 TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD FABIO CAFFARENA Ricevimento: On appointment Exam Board FABIO CAFFARENA (President) CARLO STIACCINI GRAZIANO MAMONE (Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START September 2024 Class schedule DIDACTICS OF HISTORY EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists in the realization and in the exposition in class of a educational. Alternatively, the oral exam can be taken by studying the volumes indicated in the "texts / bibliography" section and the materials uploaded on aulaweb. ASSESSMENT METHODS Further details and clarifications on how to prepare for the exam will be provided during the lessons. The educational project and the oral interview have the task of verifying that the student has understood the methods of transmitting the contents and the narration of the story both from the theoretical-conceptual and methodological point of view, and from the practical and operational point of view in the context of applied teaching FURTHER INFORMATION Students are invited to consult the AULAWEB page, where all the information and teaching materials will be published For international students, texts and articles in English are available on request. The exam can be taken in English in the prescribed manner Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education