CODE 67679 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 1 cfu anno 3 SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA 9322 (LM-85 bis) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR M-PED/03 TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ANIMATION AND INTER CULTURE TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The lab analyzes a set of materials to learn and develop intercultural education and active citizenship education both in nursery-school and in primary school. Particular attention will be focused on the integration and the civil cohabitation within class of pupils coming from other social-cultural and religious backgrounds. A specific study about the offered materials will be required and it will develop a project that you can carry out with other students or alone. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The lab will analyze quality educational activities and materials, in order to improve the intercultural education both in the kindergarten and in the primary school. The goal is to deepen the project management of an educational interest approached at the growth and improvement of relationships between individuals and groups. Obviously, the topic of inclusion and cohabitation within classrooms of pupils coming from other social-cultural-religious contexts will be particularly studied. Multimedia materials will be also used to address, in a more complete way, a consideration about the migration images in the history of human mobility AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES - Students will be able to get suitable knowledges and an efficient ability of understanding to prepare and use educational and didactics materials for the intercultural education labs into the schools - Students will be able to apply knowledges in order to understand and solve issues that can appear into the classes during the admission and integration of pupils from other culture and Countries - Students will make use of the knowledges to build a welcoming environment within the classes in an intercultural way - Students will learn the technical language typical of learning to communicate clearly with experts and ordinary people - Students will develop appropriate learning abilities that allowthem to increase autonomously the main themes of the discipline, above all in their workplaces TEACHING METHODS Introduction and analysis of the materials, watching movies, dialogue into the class, individual work an d teamwork. Professor is avalaible to answer about any doubt and clarification by e-mail or during the receipt. Students with valid certifications for Specific Learning Disorders, for disabilities or other educational needs are invited to contact the teacher and the School/Department disability referent at the beginning of the course to agree on any teaching methods that, in compliance with the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods SYLLABUS/CONTENT During the lab multimedia materials will be presented/displayed like websites or films, but also books and papery material. Main topics handled: nursery rhymes and fairy tales to increase the intercultural enviroment (for nursery-school and first/second class of primary school); Laboratories and good practics to develop an intercultural dialogue, inclusion and active citizenship (oriented both in nursery-school and in primary school); tales of life and history of migration (specific for the last three classes of the primary school). Materials will be finalized to think over and a support to create a final project, written with other student or alone to be submitted to the professor and to the other students at the end of the lab. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY During the lab students will prepare a specific project on the analyzed materials. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD SAMANTHA ARMANI Ricevimento: Before and after lessons or write e-mail: Exam Board DAVIDE PARMIGIANI (President) SAMANTHA ARMANI (President Substitute) ANTONELLA BASTONE (President Substitute) DIANA SPULBER (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START February-March 2025 Class schedule INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION (WORKSHOP) EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Oral ASSESSMENT METHODS During the lab students will prepare a specific project on the analyzed materials. Students will describe their project (written alone or with others) to professor and other students at the end of the lab. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education