CODE 67639 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 4 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA 9322 (LM-85 bis) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MAT/04 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: MATHEMATICS I TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The course aims to provide students with the basics of Mathematics with some references to related educational items, essential requirements for facing teaching in primary school and kindergarten. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Objectives of the course : A) revising some basic concepts in arithmetic and geometry (in particular: natural numbers, rational numbers, angle), with reference to the possible application and learning situations in nursery and primary school; B) developing logical and linguistic competences concerning the use of the Italian language in mathematical activities, giving special attention to communication problems in nursery and primary school and to argumentation AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching aims to consolidate and acquire basic mathematical knowledge and skills concerning some of the nuclei of the National Indications (MIUR, 2012) for primary and kindergarten. The central theme will be "numbers" with attention to exploring, conjecturing and arguing. In particular, attention will be paid to: Sense of the number Genesis of the number Development of counting and calculation skills Natural numbers and their representation in the decimal-positional system, decimal numbers Natural numbers and properties of arithmetic operations Attendance and active participation in the proposed training activities (lectures and laboratory activities) and individual study will allow the student to: - know the theoretical foundations and the languages of mathematics. - know disciplinary teaching approaches related to kindergarten and primary school mathematics, with attention to interdisciplinary links. Furthermore, at the end of the course, the student will be able to: - Designing mathematical lteaching and earning paths. - Reading dissemination and research articles in mathematics education, demonstrating that they are able to grasp, evaluate and use the results of empirical studies in order to build knowledge and improve teaching interventions. - Working in groups for the planning, organization and assessment of didactic interventions related to mathematics. - Using the main representative methods typical of mathematics (different number scripts, algebraic register, graph, tables) and beeing able to express a mathematical argument in a clear and complete manner. - Knowing how to recognize mathematical and didactic models faced in teaching in new contexts and knowing how to apply them appropriately. TEACHING METHODS Lessons will be held face to face or online in accordance with the University regulations the health emergency. The recordings of the lessons will be available on streaming. In particular, the teaching is divided into lectures and discussions with students. Students will be provided, on the teams or Aulaweb platform, with study materials (slides, articles, videos ...) which will be discussed / verified during the lessons. There are also moments of work in small groups and subsequent discussion: students will be divided into working groups (in the classroom or on the Teams platform) and they will be asked to collaborate in the solution of tasks (reflection, production ...). The productions of the groups will be presented and discussed collectively during the plenary lessons (in person or online) with the possibility of revisions and relaunches - The productions of the groups will be presented and discussed collectively during online lessons with the possibility of revisions and relaunches SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course aims to address mathematical aspects of fundamentals cognitive and didactic problems relating to the nucleus Numbers: concept of number and its various senses; number system in decimal and other bases; counting and calculation process; natural numbers: operations, meanings and properties; number line; prime numbers, integers. It also aims to present basic theoretical elements from research in mathematics education: body, tools and mathematical symbols; the mathematics laboratory; cognitive and didactic and affective aspects in the teaching-learning of mathematics. Finally, the course aims to present examples of didactic activities related to the topics covered. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Slides and notes prepared by the teacher (uploaded in the AulaWeb space during the course). Sabena, Martignone, Ferri, Robotti, (2019). Insegnare e apprendere matematica nella scuola dell'infanzia e primaria. Modandori Università Bartolini Bussi (2008). Matematica. I numeri e lo spazio. Juvenilia. Donaldson, M. (2009). Come ragionano i bambini. Springer Verlag. Zan, R. (2007). Difficoltà in matematica. Osservare, interpretare, intervenire. Springer Verlag. U.M.I. Matematica 2001- Materiali per un muovo curricolo di matematica con suggerimenti per attività e prove di verifica: INDIRE - Risorse per docenti dai progetti nazionali: Il progetto M@t.abel:[0][name]=ordine_di_scuole&taxo[0][term]=primaria&taxo[1][name]=discipline&taxo[1][term]=matematica TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ELISABETTA ROBOTTI Ricevimento: writing an email to the teacher at the following address: LESSONS LESSONS START I semester starts at 21 September 2020. Mathematics lessons start, September 22, 2020 at 8 AM . Class schedule MATHMATICS (MODULE I) EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam will be an individual written 2-hours assessment. It will take place in attendance or online according to the University regulations due to the pandemic .