CODE 98807 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 5 cfu anno 2 MEDICAL-PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 10598 (LM-9) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/13 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW This class will offer a comprehensive view on the current state-of-the-art of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering to the undergraduate students, asking them to examine in depth specific topics in order to develop higher criticism skills. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES This class will offer a comprehensive view on the current state-of-the-art of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering to the undergraduate students, asking them to examine in depth specific topics in order to develop higher criticism skills. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The course is divided into: frontal lessons held by teachers on regenerative medicine topics (connective, muscular and epithelial skeletal tissues and innovative technological instrumentation used in regenerative medicine) seminars held by national and international experts in the field of regenerative medicine, which are offered annually seminars prepared by the students of the course to explore cutting-edge topics in the field of regenerative and translational medicine. PREREQUISITES Basic knowledge of cell biology and biochemistry/molecular biology are required. TEACHING METHODS Any Student with documented Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), or with any special needs, should contact the Lecturer(s) and to the dedicated SLD Representative in the Department before class begins, in order to liaise and arrange the specific teaching methods so that the learning aims and outcomes may be met. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course aims to provide students with an overview of the current state of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, inviting them to delve deeper into specific topics and develop a critical vision. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Alberts et al. - L'essenziale di biologia molecolare della cellula. Zanichelli Ed. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD RODOLFO QUARTO Ricevimento: By email appointment : CHIARA GENTILI Ricevimento: By appointment by email: Exam Board CHIARA GENTILI (President) RODOLFO QUARTO (President) LESSONS Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The final exam consists of the presentation of a recent scientific work on a topic related to the course. The presentation will be accompanied by digitally processed slides. ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment of the knowledge and critical skills acquired will be evaluated with the preparation and critical commentary of the scientific work chosen by each of the students.