CODE 57730 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 3 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE MOTORIE, SPORT E SALUTE 8744 (L-22) - SAVONA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR BIO/10 TEACHING LOCATION SAVONA SEMESTER 1° Semester MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: GENERAL BIOLOGY AND PROPEDEUTICS BIOCHEMISTRY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The Propaedeutics Biochemistry teaching gives students a basic knowledge of chemistry and biochemistry, necessary for learning the main notions of Biochemistry. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the course the student knows: • the basic concepts of the chemistry with particular reference to the concepts of kinetic and chemical thermodynamics. • the general concepts of organic chemistry and reactivity of functional groups • the aqueous solutions and the calculation of the pH of acids and bases • structure and reactivity of biomolecules TEACHING METHODS Frontal lessons . Lectures in the classroom are delivered through multimedia presentations. Any Student with documented Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), or with any special needs, shall reach out to the Lecturer(s) and to the dedicated SLD Representative in the Department before class begins, in order to liase and arrange the specific teaching methods and ensure proper achievement of the learning aims and outcomes. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Chemical nomenclature Number of oxidation. basic and acidic oxides. Hydroxides. Acids. inorganic salts The biomolecules Chemical composition (C, H, O, N, S, P). chemical bonds and chemical interactions (electrostatic, van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic bonding). polarity concept. Electronegativity. Three-dimensional structure. Isomers and isomeric configuration and conformation. Organic Chemistry Functional groups of organic chemistry and biomolecules. Functional group of organic chemistry Structures. Principal reactions of functional groups. Polyfunctional compounds. Chemical reactivity. The reactions that occur in the cells. Reactions of oxidation-reduction, carbon-carbon bonds, groups transfer reactions, condensation and hydrolysis reactions, isomerization reactions, synthesis reactions. Examples applicable to biochemistry (biochemical redox) Chemical kinetics. chemical balance. Equilibrium constant. Le Chatelier's principle .Rate of reaction. Factors which limit the rate of reaction. Catalysis and catalysts. Bioenergetics. Thermodynamics and metabolism. I and II law of thermodynamics. Spontaneity of a reaction. Enthalpy, entropy, standard free energy. Free energy. Standard free energy. Free energy and equilibrium constant. Water. Structure. Weak interactions in aqueous environment. Water as solvent and as reactant. Amphoteric properties of water. Ionization of water. Colligative properties of aqueous solutions. Properties of aqueous solutions. pH concept. Acids and bases. Strength of acids and bases. Ka and Kb. Conjugated acids and bases. Calculation of pH for weak and strong acids and bases. Buffer solutions. The biological buffers. Optical isomerism. Carbon chiral and optical isomerism. Configurations D and L. Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides and their structures. Glycosidic bonds. Lipids. Classification of lipids Saturated and unsaturated fats. Acylglycerols. Phospholipids. Waxes ,Terpenes and steroids. Amino acids and proteins. Amino acid structure. The side chains of amino acids. Peptide bond. Nucleotides. Nitrogen bases. Nucleosides and nucleotides. ATP. Nucleotides present in coenzymes. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Santaniello - Alberghina - Coletta - Marini Principi di chimica generale e organica Editore Piccin Luciano Binaglia, Bruno Giardina Chimica e propedeutica biochimica Editore Mc Graw-Hill. Stefani, M., Taddei, N. Chimica Biochimica e Biologia Applicata Editore Zanichelli. Roberti R., Bistocchi G.A., Elementi di Chimica e Biochimica Editore McGraw-Hill NELSON David L , COX Michael M INTRODUZIONE ALLA BIOCHIMICA DI LEHNINGER Editore Zanichelli. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ENRICO MILLO Ricevimento: By appointment by email: Exam Board CHIARA GENTILI (President) ENRICO MILLO (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START I semester, October Class schedule BIOCHEMICAL PROPAEDEUTICS EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION oral examination ASSESSMENT METHODS The oral examination will focus mainly on the topics covered during the lectures and will have the purpose to evaluate not only if the student has reached an adequate level of knowledge, but if he has acquired the ability to critically analyze problems that will be made during the examination. The student will also be asked to draw the structure of biomolecules, identifying the types of reaction involved. Finally it will comeassessed the ability to describe chemical processes with appropriate terminology. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 15/01/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale AULA 1 polo didattico EX SAIWA ore 8.45 Si prega cortesemente di controllare su AULAWEB le informazioni relative all'esame 05/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale AULA 1 polo didattico EX SAIWA 26/02/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale AULA 1 polo didattico EX SAIWA 05/06/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale AULA 5 polo didattico EX SAIWA 01/07/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale AULA 2 polo didattico EX SAIWA 24/07/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale AULA 2 polo didattico EX SAIWA 23/09/2025 09:00 GENOVA Orale AULA 2 polo didattico EX SAIWA FURTHER INFORMATION Regular attendance at lectures is strongly recommended. In case of certification of specific learning disability, disability or other special educational needs, please contact both the Department contact person, Prof. Nicola Girtler, and the lecturer at the beginning of the lectures to agree on teaching and exam methods which, in compliance of the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory/dispensatory tools recognized by the University SLD Student Service. Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Quality education Gender equality