CODE 104525 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 3 MATEMATICA 8760 (L-35) - GENOVA TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 1° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Reading courses are taught by lecturers from the Department of Mathematics on advanced topics not covered in the curricular subjects and may be preparatory to thesis work. The number of ETCS awarded is up to a maximum of 6, depending on the reading course chosen. Proposals are submitted by lecturers to the Teaching Commission and approved by the Course Council before the start of the academic year, typically in September. The list of reading courses with an indication of the number of CFU recognised (maximum 6 CFU) is published annually on the web pages. For further details, see the page at AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The reading course provides the opportunity to delve into research topics covered by DIMA experts, which are not addressed in face-to-face courses. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The expected learning outcomes depend on the reading course chosen. For details, see the list of activated offers at or on the Aulaweb page of the course of study. PREREQUISITES The prerequisites depend on the reading course chosen. For details, see the list of activated offers at or on the Aulaweb page of the course of study. TEACHING METHODS The student should contact the lecturer co-ordinating the reading course to agree on the list of texts to be read the schedule of meetings with the lecturer. The meetings take place on a weekly basis and include a discussion of the reading parts for the week and the presentation of the solutions to the exercises. SYLLABUS/CONTENT For the programme of the individual reading courses, see the list of activated offers at or on the Aulaweb page of the course of study. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY For the bibliographical references of the individual reading course, see the list of activated offers at or on the Aulaweb page of the course of study. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ERNESTO DE VITO Ricevimento: Send a message to Exam Board ERNESTO DE VITO (President) MATTEO PENEGINI FABIO DI BENEDETTO (President Substitute) LESSONS LESSONS START The reading dourse takes place mainly in the second semester. The start date may not coincide with the beginning of the semester. For details, see the list of activated offers at or on the Aulaweb page of the course of study. Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The examination methods depend on the reading course and are explained at the beginning of the activity. They normally involve one or more seminars, which are also held during the scheduled meetings. For details, see the list of activated offers at or on the Aulaweb page of the course of study. ASSESSMENT METHODS The assessment methods depend on the examination methods specified for the individual reading course. In the case of seminars, the understanding and mastery of the concepts learned, the selection and organisation of the chosen topics, and the fluency of the presentation within the set timeframe are assessed. For details, see the list of activated offers at or on the Aulaweb page of the course of study.