CODE 55886 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 12 cfu anno 1 TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA MEDIAZIONE INTERLINGUISTICA 8741 (L-12) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/04 LANGUAGE French TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: Theories and techniques of interlingual mediation 8741 (coorte 2024/2025) FRENCH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION II 61328 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Title: Eléments de linguistique contrastive français-italien The course offers a basic knowledge in the field of contrastive analysis (Italian-French) ad in the field of French traductology. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES A la fin du cours, les étudiants auront acquis des connaissances et des compétences de base dans le domaine de la linguistique et de la traduction française, ainsi que les notions de base dans la réflexion théorique sur les phénomènes linguistiques, avec une attention particulière pour les principes fondamentaux de la médiation en rapport avec les langues française et italienne. Des connaissances et compétences linguistiques de niveau B1 par rapport à la langue française et à la traduction français- italien seront acquises par des travaux dirigés. -- At the end of the course students will have acquired basic knowledge and skills in the field of linguistics and French translation, as well as the basic elements of theoretical reflection on linguistic phenomena, with particular attention to fundamental principles of mediation related to the French and Italian languages . Knowledge and language level B1 practical skills in relation to the French language and French - Italian translation will be acquired with the support of supplementary activities, taught by native French language assistants and translators. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course, students - will know how to describe basic concepts in the subject area of French linguistics; - will be able to apply the tools of descriptive linguistics to the study of the phonological, morphological, lexicological system of standard French; - they will be able to apply in text and discourse analysis the basics of French-Italian contrastive linguistics from a translation perspective. As for the lettorati, see PREREQUISITES None. TEACHING METHODS Lectures will be conducted both face-to-face and through interactive activities (surveys, group work). The lettorato is annual. Precise information about lettorato will be made available at The modulo teorico will be held in Semester I 2023/2024. Students who have regularly filed a certification of disability, DSA or other special educational needs are advised to contact both the contact person Prof. Sara Dickinson ( and the lecturer [or teacher] at the beginning of the course, in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory tools. The lettorato is annual. Precise information on lettorato will be made available in the AulaWeb. The theoretical module will be held in the first semester 2023/2024. Students with a certified DSA, disability or other special educational needs are advised to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the course in order to agree on teaching and examination methods that, while respecting the teaching objectives, take into account individual learning methods and provide suitable compensatory tools. SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course aims to provide a general overview of the language-system as it relates to standard French, with particular emphasis on phonology, morphology, and lexicology. The basics of French-Italian contrastive analysis will also be considered, providing useful tools for translation practice and the study of translation strategies. The course is supplemented by linguistic exercises ("lectorates"), a detailed description of which is available at RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY The course notes will be provided at the end of the course in the form of PDF files in Aulaweb. Recommended bibliography: J. Gardes-Tamine, La grammaire tome 1. Phonologie, Morphologie, lexicologie, Paris, Colin, 2002. J. Podeur, Jeux de traduction, Napoli, Liguori, 2016. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD EDDY MAURICE DESIRE DUBOIS FABIENNE BRUNIN MICAELA ROSSI Ricevimento: See the URL Voir la page personnelle du professeur: Exam Board MICAELA ROSSI (President) STEFANO VICARI LESSONS LESSONS START The lettorato is annual. Precise information on lettorato will be made available at The modulo teorico will be held in Semester I 2024/2025. Class schedule FRENCH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION I EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION For the modulo teorico: Written exam at the end of the module. The final test will include closed-ended questions and at least three short open-ended questions, the answers to which must be formulated in French or Italian for the beginner level. Grading in thirtieths. An exam template is made available in the Aulaweb instance of the teaching. For lettorato I year TTMI: French-Italian translation test, written and oral test for the language lectureship; see ASSESSMENT METHODS The written test related to the modulo teorico aims to verify: - the ability to explain the knowledge acquired regarding the fundamentals of French linguistics and French-Italian contrastive analysis in a precise and comprehensive manner, including through concrete examples. - the ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to real examples. - the skills of synthesizing and organizing written information. Lettorato tests will test written and oral skills for the B1 level of French language, and basic skills in French-Italian translation.