CODE 55890 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 12 cfu anno 1 TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA MEDIAZIONE INTERLINGUISTICA 8741 (L-12) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR L-LIN/14 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual PREREQUISITES Propedeuticità in uscita Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti: Theories and techniques of interlingual mediation 8741 (coorte 2024/2025) GERMAN LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION II 61332 TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION TO THE GERMAN LANGUAGE - PHONOLOGY AND PHONETICS, MORPHOSYNTAX, CULTURAL STUDIES AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES General aims: - German language skills on A2 level. - competence in metalinguistic reflection regarding phonetics, phonology, morphosyntax of German language as well as translational skills. - learning target of the class is to reach the A2 level described in the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) in German language - to have a good command of the phonetics / phonology of German language - at the end of the class students will be able to understand written and oral texts in German language as well as to write and to speak as far as is requested for the A2 level of CEFR (see above) - as a result of class students will furthermore be able to operate phonetic and phonological analysis of German lexis and be familiar with phonetic and phonological transcription - learning objective of the class is moreover the acquisition of basic knowledge about morphosyntax of the German language. - learning objective of the class is furthermore to get familiar with basic translational skills regarding translation from German into Italian and from Italian into German. - at the end of the class students will have essential knowledge about cultural aspects (geography, history, politics) of German speaking countries. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES General aims: German language skills on A2 level. Competence in metalinguistic reflection regarding phonetics, phonology, morphosyntax of German language as well as translational skills. - learning target of the class is to reach the A2 level described in the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) in German language - to have a good command of the phonetics / phonology of German language - at the end of the class students will be able to understand written and oral texts in German language as well as to write and to speak as far as is requested for the A2 level of CEFR (see above) - as a result of class students will furthermore be able to operate phonetic and phonological analysis of German lexis and be familiar with phonetic and phonological transcription - learning objective of the class is moreover the acquisition of basic knowledge about morphosyntax of the German language. - learning objective of the class is furthermore to get familiar with basic translational skills regarding translation from German into Italian and from Italian into German. PREREQUISITES none TEACHING METHODS The theory lectures (36 lessons, 1st semester) will be accompanied during the whole academic year by practical language exercises (beginners: 160 lessons, advanced: 160 lessons). Time schedules, programs, instructors and auditoriums will be published on the website “Lingua e traduzione tedesca 1 – TTMI” in Aulaweb and on the websites of the single instructors until the end of September 2024. The language exercises include yearlong grammar lessons for beginners and advanced learners. Lecture accompanied by language exercises. The theory lectures will be offered in winter term whereas the practical language exercises will be offered yearlong. SYLLABUS/CONTENT In the theory class students will familiarize with fundamental knowledge about German language and German linguistics. After a general survey about the most important aspects of German phonetics / phonology and morphosyntax, translational skills and lexicology will be treated, considering the linguistic terminology also in German language. The linguistic structures of the German language will be explained by examples of various textual typologies. Furthermore, the program includes a short overview of cultural aspects of German speaking countries (geography, history, politics). The program of the course is valid until February 2026 in accordance to the departmental regulation. Not attending students: the program of the exams of the practical language exercises and of the theory class don’t differ from exams for students that take part in the lessons. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY Di Meola, Claudio: La linguistica tedesca, Roma: Bulzoni, 2014. Giacoma, Luisa/Kolb,Susanne: Il nuovo dizionario di tedesco. Dizionario tedesco-italiano, italiano-tedesco. Con Contenuto digitale (fornito elettronicamente), Bologna: Zanichelli, 2019. Koesters-Gensini, Sabine E.: Fonetica e fonologia del tedesco, Bari: Graphis, 2007. Donalies, Elke: Basiswissen deutsche Wortbildung, Stuttgart: Francke/UTB, 2011. Nied Curcio, Martina: La lingua tedesca. Aspetti linguistici tra contrastività e interculturalità, Roma: UniversItalia, 2016. Nied Curcio, Martina: La lingua tedesca. Aspetti linguistici tra contrastività e interculturalità, Roma: UniversItalia, 2016. Further bibliographical and didactic material will be provided during the semester (Aulaweb). Applied module Teaching materials will be communicated at the beginning of the semester by the lecturers and in Aulaweb. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD JOACHIM HANS BERND GERDES Ricevimento: Office hourse in presence: professor's office, Palazzo Serra, Piazza Santa Sabina 2, third floor, see personal homepage: Office hours online: by appointment: DARIAH SOPHIE BERGEMANN CHRISTINA GREEVE Ricevimento: Christina Greeve Cramer: Consulting hours for the whole academic year 2024-2025 on Monday at 13.00 pm (perhaps by Teams) and always by appointment; Exam Board JOACHIM HANS BERND GERDES (President) LESSONS LESSONS START Theoretical module: 1st semester: 30 september 2024 (see Aulaweb): wednesday, h9-10, aula A; thursday, h10-14, aula G. Applied modules: 1st semester: 30 september 2024 (see Aulaweb) Class schedule GERMAN LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION I EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The theory lessons will be concluded by a written exam in which the arguments treated during the class will be asked about. The languages classes will be completed by written exams and an oral exam. During the written exam at the end of the theory class the students have to provide evidence of their profound knowledge of the arguments dealt with during the lessons, the designed texts and the materials published in Aulaweb. Inscription for the exam of the theory class on the homepage of the University of Genoa ( at the link „servizi online per gli studenti“. Theory class: written exam (40% of the final mark) Language exercises: dictation + written exam (essay writing) + written grammar exam + oral exam (average of the marks of the exercise exams: 60% of the final mark) ASSESSMENT METHODS In the written exam of the theory class students will have to prove their ability to apply the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for the German language. Furthermore, they will give evidence of their knowledge of the basics of German phonetics/phonology and morphology in order to be able to analyze the structure of linguistic elements such as phones, phonemes, morphemes and words. Moreover, basic knowledge of translational skills (accurate use of monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, correct interpretation of occasional compositions etc.) will be examined. Assessment criteria are the correctness and completeness of the answers as well as the correct usage of linguistic terminology both in German and in Italian. The written exams of the language exercises are designated to give proof of the knowledge of German language on A2 level regarding reading comprehension and written skills as well as the familiarity with basic grammar. Assessment criteria are grammatical correctness, the ability to express oneself appropriately in a written exam as well as to understand a written text both globally and in detail. The oral exam is meant to examine the competence to understand listening exercises and to use the foreign language appropriately in a dialogue. Assessment criteria are the correct usage and interpretation of grammatical rules and vocabulary as far as requested for attaining the A2 level. FURTHER INFORMATION Target group: The exam is obligatory for students in the first year of the course of studies in Theories and techniques of language mediation. Credits: The total exam consisting in theory class and language exercises is equivalent to 12 credit points (CFU). Language: Lessons will be held in Italian and (according to the language level of the participants) in German language. Students with certifications: Students who have valid certification of physical or learning disabilities on file with the University and who wish to discuss possible accommodations or other circumstances regarding lectures, coursework and exams, should speak both with the instructor and with Prof. Sara Dickinson (, the Department’s disability liaison.