CODE 83889 ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 CREDITS 12 cfu anno 2 ARCHITETTURA 9915 (LM-4) - GENOVA LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA MODULES Questo insegnamento è composto da: ARCHITECTURE'S TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW Architecture Studio named “Architectural Design, Technology and Environment” has as main objective to develop architectural projects of different sizes, with a focus on the construction aspects and environmental sustainability. Morphological and technological choices are addressed jointly, with attention to low energy demand architectural solutions and to environmentally friendly materials, using tools for the environmental assessment. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES To learn how to develop a project while managing settlement, morphological, and technological choices, in a real physical and legislative context, with environmental sustainability as the main cultural background. TEACHING METHODS Lessons on specific topics by the teachers and by invited researchers and professionals. Groups of students developing two projects of different size and complexity. Works assessment at the end of each semester and exam at the end of the year. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Building requalification, building envelope performances, renewable energy sources in architecture, near Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), Bioclimatic design, wood building technologies, environmental assessment systems (LEED, ITACA), solar technologies. RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Magliocco “La valutazione ambientale tra piano e progetto” Alinea 2014 G. Scudo “Tecnologie solari integrate nell’architettura” Wolters Kluwer 2013 I. McHarg “Progettare con la Natura” F. Muzzio ed italiana 2007 Jorgen Randers “2052 Scenari globali per i prossimi quarant’anni”, Edizioni Ambiente, 2013 David Owen, “Green metropolis. La città è più ecologica della campagna?” EGEA 2010 Other indications (normative documents, regulations, etc.) during classes TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ENRICA CATTANEO ADRIANO MAGLIOCCO Ricevimento: outside class time appointment by writing at: LESSONS LESSONS START Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION Discussion about the developed projects, evaluation of the requested graphics and papers (drawings and reports regarding building characteristics and performances), evaluation of the technological choices relating to low impact building construction. ASSESSMENT METHODS Correspondence of the works (drawings, schmese, text) contents with respect to the requests made at the beginning of the exercises Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable cities and communities Responbile consumption and production Climate action