CODICE 104072 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2022/2023 CFU 3 cfu anno 2 SCIENZA E INGEGNERIA DEI MATERIALI 9017 (LM-53) - GENOVA 3 cfu anno 1 SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DEI MATERIALI 11430 (LM SC.MAT.) - GENOVA SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE MAT/08 SEDE GENOVA PERIODO 1° Semestre MATERIALE DIDATTICO AULAWEB PRESENTAZIONE This course aims to introduce the basic computational paradigms of data science and technology, with specific focus on the three pillars of Artificial Intelligence for the data world, i.e. numerical simulation, inverse problems theory and machine learning. Then the course will describe some applications in biochemistry, involving pattern recognition methods for image processing in Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, the mathematical modelling of tracer kinetics in nuclear medicine and the use of Molecular Interaction Maps in oncology. OBIETTIVI E CONTENUTI OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI The general objective of the course is to provide students with a first overview of the main issues related to modern data science and its cultural background. The course has also two more specific objectives. The first one is to illustrate some computational tools representing the methodological basis for any artificial intelligence approach to data analysis problems. The second one is to describe three applications concerned with the use of data science methods in chemistry and biochemistry: the problem of the automatic recognition and classification of atomic species in Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy; the modelling of glucose metabolism by means of nuclear medicine data; the simulation of the chemical reaction network at the basis of a specific cellular transition in oncogenesis. OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI (DETTAGLIO) E RISULTATI DI APPRENDIMENTO The general objective of the course is to provide students with a first overview of the main issues related to modern data science and its cultural background. The course has also two more specific objectives. The first one is to illustrate some computational tools representing the methodological basis for any artificial intelligence approach to data analysis problems. The second one is to describe three applications concerned with the use of data science methods in chemistry and biochemistry: the problem of the automatic recognition and classification of atomic species in Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy; the modelling of glucose metabolism by means of nuclear medicine data; the simulation of the chemical reaction network at the basis of a specific cellular transition in oncogenesis. PREREQUISITI Students attending the course should know in advance the basics of Linear Algebra (vectors, matrices and their norms; linear systems; inversion of a matrix; eigenvalues) MODALITA' DIDATTICHE oral PROGRAMMA/CONTENUTO The course is characterized by the following three parts: Computational tools: harmonizing competences (8 hours) Basics of numerical analysis (2 hours) Basics of Bayesian theory (3 hours) Basics of regularization theory (3 hours) Artificial Intelligence: the many aspects of data modeling (10 hrs) Numerical Simulation (2 hours) Inverse Problems (4 hours) Machine Learning (4 hours) Applications to chemical and biochemical data (6 hrs) STM imaging (2 hrs) Tracer kinetics (2 hrs) Chemical Reaction Networks (2 hrs) TESTI/BIBLIOGRAFIA slides provided by the professor DOCENTI E COMMISSIONI MICHELE PIANA Ricevimento: su appuntamento via email Commissione d'esame MICHELE PIANA (Presidente) FEDERICO BENVENUTO (Presidente Supplente) LEZIONI INIZIO LEZIONI not known yet Orari delle lezioni L'orario di questo insegnamento è consultabile all'indirizzo: Portale EasyAcademy