Info 2024/2025 Degree type MASTER'S DEGREE Duration 2 years CFU 120 Class LM-60 NATURAL SCIENCES Access Free access Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme PAOLO VASSALLO Department DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA, DELL'AMBIENTE E DELLA VITA Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Monitoraggio Previous years Info
evento Meetings with the Civil Protection on the risks of extreme weather events 30/01/2025 - 27/02/2025
This degree course is failing, as of AY 2024/2025 it will no longer be possible to register or enrol in the first year.
The degree course in GLOBAL CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE NATURE MANAGEMENT 11769 is active from the academic year 2024/2025.
The course in brief Presentation The course constitutes an advanced level educational project in the field of Nature Sciences, characterized by interdisciplinary training in botany, zoology, geology, as well as ecology and evolutionary science. The marked focus on applied disciplines provides students with the tools to put the skills learned into practice in the management of naturalistic data. Because of this training, the graduate is qualified to carry out a "reading of the territory from a naturalistic perspective"; that is, to grasp its different aspects, assess its integrity or degradation, and provide indications for its balanced management. Learning by doing The course combines traditional lectures with field activities in the University's research laboratories and internships with environmental planning and management agencies in order to acquire the techniques of nature data collection and natural heritage enhancement. Professional outlets The master's degree graduate in Nature Conservation and Management can work in nature heritage censuses, design of monitoring plans and supervision of works for restoration and management of the natural environment, conservation and management of nature, its resources and landscape. Did you know that. Applicherai metodologie statistico-informatiche nell'analisi di dati ambientali e nella valutazione della biodiversità Approfondirai la tua preparazione nelle tematiche della protezione e gestione della natura Avrai a disposizione docenti esperti e professionisti del settore Potrai fare esperienze sul campo nei parchi di Naturali di Portofino, delle Cinque Terre, dell' Antola, del Beigua e presso i giardini botanici Hambury famosi in tutto il mondo! Acquisirai competenze nella gestione delle aree protette all'interno della Rete Natura 2000 (Direttiva Europea Habitat) e potrai interagire con altri professionisti in attività di consulenza e progettazione Potrai diventare un esperto delle tematiche dell'obiettivo 15: LIFE ON LAND dell'Agenda ONU per lo sviluppo sostenibile 2030, specificamente incentrato a proteggere, ripristinare e favorire un uso sostenibile dell'ecosistema terrestre Contents LAND MANAGEMENT. The Master's Degree Course in Nature Conservation and Management trains a current professional figure who has diversified skills in the various areas of Nature Sciences, such as analysis, evaluation and management of the environment, land and its resources. An INTERDISCIPLINARY COURSE The interdisciplinary training course is aimed at deepening the basic educational and cultural aspects necessary to address the following topics in particular: - environmental quality control from a naturalistic perspective, including the responses of living organisms and their systems to anthropogenic disturbances; - conservation and management of biodiversity understood in the broadest specific (individuals and populations) and ecosystem (habitats and ecosystems) sense with reference to different spheres and organisms (microorganisms, plants, animals) and the Earth and the understanding of evolution and biogeography. All in all, the training objectives are aimed at preparing professionals skilled in the use of laboratory and field techniques, with specific skills from the areas of research, teaching and freelance practice. The training course is in line with the main European and international directives on nature and the environment such as: the Natura 2000 network, which originated with Directive 92/43/EEC (the 'Habitats' Directive), the European Union's main instrument for the conservation of biodiversity and the long-term maintenance of natural habitats and threatened or rare species of flora and fauna at Community level; the EU Regulation on Invasive Alien Species (1143/2014) and its possible applications in order to prevent, contain or eradicate such species to preserve biodiversity; the International Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and in particular with Goal 15: LIFE ON LAND specifically focused on protecting, restoring, and fostering sustainable use of the Earth's ecosystem. Graduates will be able to enter the qualifying examination for the profession of Agrotechnician and register with the National College of Agrotechnicians and Agrotechnicians Graduates. Coordinator Welcome to the Master of Science degree program in Nature Conservation and Management. In this course of study you will be able to enhance your potential and predispositions towards professional activities in the field of protection and enhancement of the natural environment, sustainable use of its resources and 'information, dissemination and teaching of natural sciences. These skills will also enable you to work in the management of protected areas and to interact with other professionals in consulting and planning activities, in line with European (Habitats Directive, Natura 2000 network) and international directives (Goal 15 Life on Earth of the International 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically focused on protecting, restoring, and fostering sustainable use of the Earth's ecosystem). After graduation, you will be eligible to take the qualifying examination for the profession of Agrotechnician. Laura Canesi Where we are Department of Earth Sciences of Environment and Life - DISTAVCorso Europa 2616132 Genova Read more MFN Science Student One-Stop DISTAV Teaching Instructional ManagerFrancesca Rossi