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Admission to the Doctoral Program is subject to passing a competition that is usually announced in the spring and published at the related page. The Notice of Admission contains the list of courses, places and grants available as well as the dates, place, type and content of the tests.

Applicants who pass the selection process are placed on a constantly updated merit list that shows the allocation of places.
Competitors who are found to be admitted to the doctoral courses must submit or have their applications received by the Higher Education Service of UniGe according to the pre-established deadlines published in the announcement.

The PhD program is governed by the rules found at the dedicated page.

The course in brief


Digital Humanities refers to the meeting of humanities disciplines with methodologies, languages, and tools of computer science disciplines to acquire, analyze, represent, and communicate. The humanities and digital worlds are increasingly integrating, giving rise to new objects of inquiry, new methodologies, new languages, creating a new discipline where the object of study is determined by hybridization between the specific objects of the different disciplines involved, united by methods of inquiry and language.
The PhD in Digital Humanities realizes the place where different disciplines compare their views on the world and the results of their investigations; it presents an interdisciplinary character typical of the current cultural scientific context, and its originality is to combine:

  • artificial intelligence
  • human-machine interaction
  • cultural goods
  • visual arts
  • language arts
  • literatures and cultures
  • the related methodologies of communication and education

Training Objectives.

The Formative Objectives of the doctoral program, in line with the MIUR document H2020 Italy, aim to develop high-level interdisciplinary skills, useful to better face the challenges posed by technological transformations that demand new approaches/elaboration of new cross-cultural and cross-sectoral paradigms (areas involved: Cultures&Cultural Production and The Human Mind and Its Complexity hybridized by techniques and methodologies from the HCI and interface, visualization and NLP area). The Strategic Objective aims to place the doctorate in an international dimension, guaranteed by the College's international research activities and also based on established relationships with international universities and research centers, and participation in European competitive calls.

Professional outlets

PhDs in Digital Humanities are able to interact with professionals in the technical and humanities fields and act as a bridge between the two worlds. This makes them professional figures capable of acting in a wide variety of fields, from research to services to productive sectors. As application areas we mention:

  • Organization/management of online training
  • Design and development of applications for the enjoyment of cultural heritage
  • Digital tool-assisted restoration practices
  • Creation/management of online communication and information services
  • Development and design for multimedia and multichannel publishing
  • Development of educational games and robotics in learning processes
  • Analysis of networked social flows and processes


Welcome to the PhD in Digital Humanities
place where Humanities Computing has launched the challenge of the future for the humanities to operationalize digitally all stages of research, from finding sources, to their analysis and critical reintegration into the web of knowledge: technology thus presents itself not only as a tool, but also as a new structure for critical thinking, of the individual and the community.

Elisa Bricco

International Collaborations

The Ph.D. maintains research collaborations with numerous universities and international research centers for:

  • accommodating students
  • entry into courses and seminars
  • research on distance learning
  • research on art and digital images
  • research on L2 glottodidactics
  • research on digital tools and computer applications in linguistics and translanguaging

with these frameworks:

  • Univ. Complutense de Madrid
  • Univ. Dalarna
  • Univ. Galway
  • Univ. Paris 3
  • TELECOM Bretagne

Educational offerings

Educational activities

Educational activities

Dedicated site

For more information, visit the site dedicated to this doctorate.