Info 2024/2025 Degree type DOTTORATO DI RICERCA Duration 3 years Access Admission test Language Italian Head of programme MASSIMO BONAFIN Department DIPARTIMENTO DI ITALIANISTICA, ROMANISTICA, ANTICHISTICA, ARTI E SPETTACOLO Previous years Info
Admission Admission to the Doctoral Program is subject to passing a competition that is usually announced in the spring and published at the related page. The Notice of Admission contains the list of courses, places and grants available as well as the dates, place, type and content of the tests. Applicants who pass the selection process are placed on a constantly updated merit list that shows the allocation of places. Competitors who are found to be admitted to the doctoral courses must submit or have their applications received by the Higher Education Service of UniGe according to the pre-established deadlines published in the announcement. The PhD program is governed by the rules found at the dedicated page.
Attachments Document Lettera di referenze Document Graduatoria ammessi alla prova scritta - Dottorato Letterature - XXXVIII ciclo.pdf Document Elenco ammessi alla prova orale - Dottorato Letterature - XXXVIII ciclo.pdf Document Risultati prova orale - Dottorato Letterature - XXXVIII ciclo.pdf Document Graduatoria finale - Dottorato Letterature - XXXVIII ciclo.pdf
The course in brief Presentation The main project of the course in classical and modern literatures, in which faculty from three different departments collaborate, is to prepare for research in the humanities by offering three clearly defined specialized curricula: Italianistics and text sciences Modern Literatures Sciences of antiquity: archaeology, philology, history. Each curriculum provides sectorial supervision in a multidisciplinary context according to a cross-curricular approach to the study of literary and cultural production; joint educational activities (seminar series and conferences) with an interdisciplinary and contrastive slant; other specialized activities within the curricular framework. All doctoral students are therefore put in a position to interact with the different disciplinary instances represented in the course and within the department that makes it possible, so as to combine the indispensable specialized insight required by their personal research project and thus by their dissertation with an openness to a complex vision of common problems, apt to facilitate the methodological and applicative flexibility of what they have learned. Training Objectives. The Course aims to achieve an interaction between historical-philological and theoretical-methodological skills consistent with the most innovative profiles of international research, forming professionalism in which traditional humanistic preparation corresponds to the needs of contemporary society. Interaction between different cultural traditions and reflection on critical methods (from a historical, philological, literary, cultural, comparative perspective) is especially emphasized. At the end of the course, the Ph.D. will have acquired the skills to produce critical editions of texts, commentaries, monographs and historical-critical essays, lexicographical and bibliographical repertories, linguistic analyses, translations from ancient and modern languages, archaeological activities, and in general scholarly publications (including in foreign languages) of internationally recognized quality; the Ph.D. in Classical and Modern Literatures and Cultures will also be able to correspond to the diversified demand of the territory and society also thanks to the computer preparation, up-to-date language training, expertise in the field of research enhancement and intellectual property. Professional outlets Employment outlets are in the areas of highly specialized intellectual and scientific professions, general management of the state administration, and humanitarian, cultural or scientific organizations of national and supranational interest (ISTAT categories 1 and 2). Doctoral training prepares experts in the field for preferential placement in the fields of research and advanced training at Italian and foreign universities and cultural institutions (ISTAT cat. 2.6.2), in public, private education and international cooperation organizations (ISTAT cat. 2.6.1; 2.6.3; 2.6.5). It creates highly qualified specialists in the fields of literary, artistic and documentary disciplines (ISTAT cat. 2.5), experts in professions dedicated to literary and professional writing (ISTAT cat., conservation, transmission and enhancement of artistic and documentary heritage (ISTAT cat., technological-informatics management of cultural heritage, communication, information, specialized publishing (ISTAT cat. The skills acquired, in this case, by the PhD in Classical and Modern Literatures and Cultures prefigure as a natural occupational outlet the research activity in the academic field or in public and private research organizations. They also make him or her a high-profile cultural worker, apt to hold highly qualified positions in professional fields related to the management and valorization of cultural heritage, and communication (publishing, cultural journalism, direction and management of museums, libraries, archives and study centers). Coordinator Image Welcome to the doctoral program in Classical and Modern Literatures and Cultures!" Wrote a great Italian engineer and scientist: "Those in scientific research who always had applications in view would never find anything; and those who in judging the importance of a discovery could not see anything other than the usefulness of it, would prove that they had never tasted the true joy of knowledge" (Galileo Ferraris). The challenge facing young scholars in the humanities consists precisely in this: In having at their disposal a toolbox that can prove extremely useful in confronting other disciplines and in responding to the needs of contemporary society, as long as they eschew self-referential and complacent specialism and engage in the toil of dialogue with others, in a time in which, among other things, "the main educational difficulty presented by electronic media is the accumulation of experiences and the limited possibility that they will develop into authentic forms of knowledge" (Northrop Frye). Massimo Bonafin Board of teachers Consult the list of faculty members. Attachments Document Componenti del collegio dei docenti del dottorato LCCM International Collaborations The faculty from the XXXVIII cycle onward includes a large number of faculty members from research centers and foreign universities with whom various forms of scientific and educational collaboration are being developed: National Research Council St John's College, University of Cambridge University of Murcia University of Victoria, Canada Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Center for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo. University of Zaragoza Bryn Mawr College Princeton University University of Victoria, Canada Universitade de Santiago de Compostela. Centre for Late Antique Studies, University of St. Andrews University of Malta Université de Strasbourg Universität Tübingen Université de Caen - Normandie University of Leeds New York University University of Eastern Finland University of Birmingham Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis Université de Lausanne Educational offerings Attachments Document Attività formativa del XXXVIII ciclo LETTERATURE E CULTURE CLASSICHE E MODERNE 11534 Educational activities Read the teaching activities table. Training activities Read the training activities table. Dedicated site To get more information, visit the site dedicated to this doctorate. Sito del dottorato LCCM Sito del dottorato di ricerca LCCM Per informazioni più complete visita il sito del dottorato di ricerca: