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Admission to the Doctoral Program is subject to passing a competition that is usually announced in the spring and published at the related page. The Notice of Admission contains the list of courses, places and grants available as well as the dates, place, type and content of the tests.

Applicants who pass the selection process are placed on a constantly updated merit list that shows the allocation of places.
Competitors who are found to be admitted to the doctoral courses must submit or have their applications received by the Higher Education Service of UniGe according to the pre-established deadlines published in the announcement.

The PhD program is governed by the rules found at the dedicated page.

The course in brief


The Ph.D. provides an educational project that fulfills general objectives, broken down into specific objectives for each curricular area.

Professional outlets

Trained figures will be able to apply innovative methods and pathways for statistical-epidemiological evaluation, surveillance, prevention, and diagnostic-clinical and care management of communicable infectious diseases, cancer and chronic-degenerative diseases with public health significance, in community and occupational settings.


11352_Alberto Izzotti

Welcome to the doctoral program in health sciences.

Alberto Izzotti

Educational offerings

Educational activities

Educational activities

Dedicated site

To get more information, visit the site dedicated to this doctorate.