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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-92
Access Free access
Locations GENOVA
Language English Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme ILARIA TORRE
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
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Information about this Course for previous years is available here DIGITAL HUMANITIES - COMUNICAZIONE E NUOVI MEDIA 9913

The course in brief


The course offers a multidisciplinary pathway articulated in two curricula, one of which is international, aimed at the integration of knowledge and the training of advanced transversal skills. It was created to respond to the growing demand for professional figures capable of operating in innovative sectors of culture and communication, characterised by ICT, multimedia and interactivity. In the panorama of Digital Humanities, the specificity of this Master's Degree is the strong design characterisation, provided by the contribution of methods and techniques coming from engineering-informatics and design knowledge, applied to the processing and communication of cultural contents. This is the challenge of the future for culture and the humanities, called upon to interpret and use the tools of their time.

The degree in Digital Humanities - Interactive systems and digital media trains experts in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), digital media, digital cultural products and the design of advanced interfaces for multimedia and multimodal communication, skills that allow for entry into a variety of fields of work and research: consulting, innovation, digital media, cultural services and new technologies, communication, social media and digital marketing, information technology, web and mobile applications, multimedia publishing and creative industry, education and ICT, research in the areas of computational linguistics, digital art, virtual reality and multimodal interfaces.

Data from Almalaurea for the 2020 survey show an employment rate of graduates in Digital Humanities that is higher than the national average for master's degree graduates: 80% 1 year after graduation, 90% 3 years after graduation.

Data as of April 2022 for 2021 confirm the figure of 80% one year after graduation, compared to 71.2% for the same degree class and 75.7% of the national average for master's degrees. More up-to-date data will be available soon.

Curriculum 1 - Internet and Creative Digital Production (in Italian)

Curriculum 2 - Affective Computing, Arts and Cultural Welfare

Learning by doing

The course offers you several specialized workshops to gain skills in the field:

  • WebRadio Campuswave lab for creative and journalistic writing for new media;
  • 3DLab for imaging and editing of images and videos including immersive;
  • laboratory for graphics and web design;
  • 'Paganini House' research lab for human-machine interaction.


Professional outlets

Designer/manager of:

  • communication with new media;
  • environments and services for communicating online;
  • web promotion actions - WebMarketingExpert, SEO;
  • content for network communication - ContentManager, Curator, SocialMediaManager;
  • Web Designer.


What you will learn

Photography and digital imaging

Digital image capture, manipulation and recording technology

Human-computer interaction

Development of non-traditional user interfaces

Virtual reality, augmented reality and gamification

Theoretical foundations

Internet and web design

Web presence and communication with new media

Narrative structures for new media

Web writing and digital storytelling

Did you know that.

You can shorten the name of the course to DiHu. We all already call it that

DiHu's course is organized into two curricula: Internet and Creative Digital Production (IT) and Affective Computing, Arts and Cultural Welfare (ENG)

You can enroll after any bachelor's degree. Separate pathways are provided to homogenize incoming knowledge


The course is divided in two curricula (tracks)

Internet and Creative Digital Production (in Italian)

This curriculum is oriented toward communication and creative production in the areas of web, social media and mixed reality. It offers training aimed at providing methodological and technical skills to design communication and interaction with digital media, including mobile and wearable technologies. These skills include digital content processing and production - copywriting, graphic design, photography, multimedia and storytelling; design and development of web applications and interfaces for mobile apps; interaction and user experience (UX) design in web, mobile apps, virtual and augmented reality; analysis and management of social media communication, search engine ranking optimization, use of technologies and tools to integrate smart services into cultural heritage applications and multimedia communication.

This track includes:

  • communication with new media, internet, web-radio/tv
  • web design
  • internet of things and intelligent environments
  • 3-D representation and management of cultural heritage

Affective Computing, Arts and Cultural Welfare (in English)

This curriculum is oriented toward the design of multisensory experiences and non-traditional interactive systems. It offers a track aimed at providing methodological and technical skills to design immersive multimodal environments that engage corporeality, movement, aesthetic and emotional dimensions through innovative interactive technologies (industry standards of motion capture, wearable sensors, 3D audio). Training content includes teachings on human perception, cognition, emotions; human-computer interaction; multimodal semiotics and narrativity; computational approaches to the analysis of human behavior, cognitive and emotional states; techniques for designing immersive environments and artificial intelligence. Specific workshops allow skills to be applied to real-world case studies and in international projects related to cultural heritage, artistic experience, well-being and social inclusion.

This track includes:

  • performing arts
  • social inclusion and rehabilitation
  • interactive enjoyment of content and cultural heritage
  • real-time analysis of nonverbal communication - gestural, social and emotional

Both curricula are characterized by interdisciplinarity, with a strong synergy between the knowledge derived from the humanities and social sciences and the aspects of design and implementation skills characteristic of the tradition of the Polytechnic School.

Mode of Delivery

The delivery mode follows the integrated digital didactics (DDI) model, understood as a lecture teaching model with lecturer in attendance and with student participation partly in attendance and partly at a distance.
The DDI model has advantages in terms of increased usability for students from outside the region, possibility of sharing teachings with other Courses of Study in Italy or abroad, and increased attractiveness.
In particular, the DDI model also provides for the possibility of sharing teachings with other Courses of Study in Italy, following specific agreements between universities, for a maximum of 12 CFUs among "Student's Choice" credits.


9913_Ilaria Torre

Welcome to the Polytechnic School's Master's Degree Program in Digital Humanities - Interactive systems and digital media. Our goal is to train professionals who combine humanistic and technological culture and make use of solid design skills to respond to the new needs for the creation, processing and enjoyment of digital content in multimodal and multisensory contexts. We are committed to offering you our support and enthusiasm to tackle this journey together!

Ilaria Torre

Where we are

Administration/Teaching Secretariat - DIBRIS
Viale Francesco Causa, 13
16145 Genova

Lecture rooms/laboratories/teaching offices
Via Armando Magliotto, 2
17100 Savona

Casa Paganini
Piazza Santa Maria in Passione, 34
16123 Genoa


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Student Desk
Savona Campus
+39 019 219 45105

Sportello Unico Scuola Politecnica
+39 010 353 2148

Reference for teaching
Elena Tortora
+39 010 353 2945
+39 334 1074229

Education Staff (for pre-registration, enrollment and study plans)
Daniela Peghini
+39 010 353 6051