Info 2024/2025 Degree type DOTTORATO DI RICERCA Duration 3 years Access Admission test Language Italian Head of programme MARIA ELEONORA GUASCONI Department DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE POLITICHE E INTERNAZIONALI - DiSPI Previous years Info
Admission Admission to the Doctoral Program is subject to passing a competition that is usually announced in the spring and published at the related page. The Notice of Admission contains the list of courses, places and grants available as well as the dates, place, type and content of the tests. Applicants who pass the selection process are placed on a constantly updated merit list that shows the allocation of places. Competitors who are found to be admitted to the doctoral courses must submit or have their applications received by the Higher Education Service of UniGe according to the pre-established deadlines published in the announcement. The PhD program is governed by the rules found at the dedicated page.
Admission Admission to the Doctoral Program is subject to passing a competition that is usually announced in the spring and published at the related page. The Notice of Admission contains the list of courses, places and grants available as well as the dates, place, type and content of the tests. Applicants who pass the selection process are placed on a constantly updated merit list that shows the allocation of places. Competitors who are found to be admitted to the doctoral courses must submit or have their applications received by the Higher Education Service of UniGe according to the pre-established deadlines published in the announcement. The PhD program is governed by the rules found at the dedicated page.
The course in brief Presentation The Doctorate in Social Sciences (DOSS) at UniGe aims to provide doctoral students with the theoretical and methodological tools to do research independently in the different fields of social disciplines. The DOSS promotes a scientific environment that enhances interaction and critical comparison between different disciplines, while ensuring a high degree of theoretical and methodological specialization in individual subject areas. The DOSS is structured into four different curricula: Migrations and Cultural Processes Psychology and Cognitive Science Political Science Sociology Each curriculum draws on the theoretical and methodological expertise of experienced academics from different research areas. The DOSS pertains to two UniGe departments: DISFOR (host site) and DISPO. Training Objectives. The DOSS aims to train highly specialized figures in the analysis of the human person within the cultural processes and social change of today's societies. This capacity is developed through the acquisition of psychological and sociological skills, supplemented by the contribution of political, legal, pedagogical, historical and geographical disciplines. Doctoral students are provided with multi-method methodological training functional to the scientific analysis of the complex systems within which the individual is embedded. In particular, this offering consists of cross-curricular teaching aimed at the acquisition of theoretical and technical knowledge for doing research in the social sciences. Such knowledge is then deepened in curricular teaching. Professional outlets The people trained will be able to carry out teaching or research activities in the academic field, i.e., work as professionals in the following fields: design, supervision and evaluation of educational and social policies design, supervision and evaluation of organizational interventions, related to the analysis and resolution of complex social problems typical of the globalized society consultants and practitioners for public administrations, agencies and enterprises, NGOs and non-profit organizations experts in education and lifelong learning cultural mediators and skilled operators in research and documentation facilities trainers and practitioners in cooperation and conflict resolution in critical areas managers in PA and private entities Coordinator Welcome to the doctoral program in social sciences. I strongly believe that my main task as coordinator is to help create an interdisciplinary community of young scholars, where each of them can develop their own research ideas through my supervision and that of expert mentors from the different research areas of interest. Maria Eleonora Guasconi International Collaborations Currently, DOSS collaborates with several European and non-European universities, such as in particular the Université Grenoble Aples the Université Lumyere Lyon 2 the Cadi Ayyad University the Université de Strasbourg Doctoral co-tutorships are in place with each of these universities. In addition, collaboration with faculty members belonging to the Phd Course in Film Studies at Concordia University enables the organization of various events in the field of Visual Sociology. Educational offerings Educational activities Read the teaching activities table. Educational activities Read the training activities table. Dedicated site To get more information, visit the site dedicated to this doctorate.