Course Council Coordinator It deals with: performing the functions assigned to him/her by the University Statute and the University Teaching Regulations, among which he/she is the chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the Course Council coordinate the QA Committee of the CCS convene the SCC approve the SUA-CdS, the SMA and the RCR communicate to the ACS the result of the activities carried out by the committees and the various activity managers Contact Chiara Calderini - Course QA Committee The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep the management processes under control. compiling and updating the Annual Single Form (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA). edit the Cyclic Review Report (RCR) and monitor the progress of the proposed improvement activities. analyse teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, School Joint Commission reports monitor student careers. monitor reports and requests from students, lecturers and technical-administrative staff. identify training demand and training objectives develop the training pathway Members of the commission Chiara Calderini - Sergio Lagomarsino - Davide Borelli - Simona Grillo - Daniela Cattò - Emanuele Parodi - (Student Representative) Teaching Commission It deals with: verify teaching facilities and student services verify the CFUs in relation to the teaching load and progression through the semesters revise admission requirements and arrangements for mid-term and final examinations check the information in the teaching records monitor the training course and organise it taking into account the needs of facilities and services prepare the paperwork for external students requesting access to the course. define the procedures for the execution of the final paper and define the criteria for the awarding of the final grade Members of the commission Chiara Calderini - Riccardo Berardi - Corrado Schenone - Paolo Rosasco - Steering Committee It deals with: expressing the needs coming from society and the world of work and culture providing an opinion between the coherence of the study pathway and specific training activities with the demand for training promote initiatives to unite the world of work and future graduates Members of the commission Teachers: Chiara Calderini - Sergio Lagomarsino - Luca Antonio Tagliafico - Other members: Fernando Peña - Professor - UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico) Arun Menon - Professor - Indian Institute of Technology Madras (India) Nicola Tarque - Professor - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru) Walid Kamaly - Professor & Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in City University of Tripoli (Lebanon) Andrea Dari - Editor of the Italian journal 'Ingenio' (Italy) Giorgia Martinelli - Product Manager Structural Strengthening Division at KERAKOLL Group (Italy) Giulio Morandini - Corporate Product Manager Structural Strengthening by MAPEI S.P.A. (Italy) Cecilia Zampa - Sales Director of FIBRE NET S.p.A (Italy) Elena Formento - FORMENTO s.p.a, Ramella Caterina - ANCE Young Entrepreneurs Group Responsible for traineeships, internships and job orientation It deals with: promoting, collecting and managing, proposals for internship/internship activities organise the collection of questionnaires and opinions of the institutions where internships/internships have been carried out organise activities to promote orientation to the world of work. Francesco Devia - Responsible for the website It deals with: updating and verifying information on the study course website. checking that transparency requirements are met Carlo Battini - Study Orientation Commission It deals with: organising orientation activities with schools and alternation school/work. organising activities for the promotion of the School to the outside world. collaborate with the director of the DICCA to establish incentive awards for students enrolled in the first year coordinate the offer and participation in thematic seminars at schools Responsible Jan Pralits - (Head of DICCA Department) Ilaria Ferrando - (Head of DICCA Department) Chiara Calderini - (Head of Department DICCA) Responsible for coordinating the timetable of lessons and examinations It deals with: managing class schedules so as to avoid overlapping optimising the distribution of exam dates Vito Diana - Tutoring Commission It deals with: supporting students in difficulty throughout the two-year period and responding to their requests promote periodic meetings with students in individual years Responsible Carlo Battini - Serena Cattari - Responsible for international activities It deals with: coordinating students in the Erasmus+ programme or other international programmes promoting the internationalisation of the School through outgoing promotional activities and faculty mobility Gabriella Garbarino - (head of the DICCA Department) Antonio Caggiano - (Head of the DICCA Department) Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Domenico Gallipoli -