Info 2024/2025 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L-33 ECONOMICS Access Free access Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme CORRADO LAGAZIO Department DIPARTIMENTO DI ECONOMIA Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy Documents Manifesto degli studi 2024/2025 Previous years Info
For the Bachelor's degree program in Economics and Business, a new order is planned starting from A.Y. 2023/2024. The order for a.y. 2022/2023 remains valid for those enrolled from the second year onward (Economics and Business - course code 8699 - see Manifesto degli studi 2022/2023 ) If you want to enroll in the first year, go to the newly named course page (Economics and Finance - course code 11662). The new 2023/2024 Study Manifesto will be published in May.
The course in brief Presentation The Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business (now Economics and Financial Science) degree program provides a multidisciplinary education centered on knowledge of economic and financial systems and the institutions that operate within them. The course is divided into two curricula: the general economic curriculum, in which special attention is paid to national and international economics, environmental, health and labor; and the financial economic curriculum, oriented toward the world of finance and its players: intermediaries, financial market operators and sector supervisory bodies. Learning by doing In-company training placements in Italy and abroad are provided. Teaching is complemented by workshops and classroom testimonials by figures from the world of business and finance. Numerous academic cooperation agreements with foreign universities are active for the purpose of study or internship. Professional outlets With a degree in economics and business you can work in key professions in the economic sector, such as financial-business analyst and consultant, and in the banking sector, economic journalist, officer and technician in complex organizations. You can work in production and business units and financial intermediation, in economic and supervisory institutions of the national and international financial sector, in public administration, and in economic analysis bodies. You can also work in economic-management and financial consulting and engage in entrepreneurial activity. If you want to continue your studies, you can pursue continuity in the master's degree program in Economics and Data Science. What you will learn funzionamento dei sistemi economici e finanziari comprendere l'ambiente in cui operano imprese e organizzazioni funzionamento degli intermediari finanziari aspetti gestionali e organizzativi metodi e strumenti matematico-statistici gestire e analizzare dati fondamenti di diritto capire l'ambiente giuridico in cui si muovono gli intermediari e gli operatori del mercato finanziario lingua inglese migliorare le competenze linguistiche in ambito economico soft skills pianificazione, risoluzione problemi, comunicazione Did you know that. Avrai occasione di incontrare manager, imprenditori ed economisti di fama nazionale e internazionale Puoi svolgere un tirocinio in azienda durante gli studi con riconoscimento di crediti formativi Studenti tutor accolgono e aiutano le matricole nel percorso universitario A Economia e commercio ci sono studenti provenienti da 16 paesi esteri Puoi accedere alla laurea magistrale in Economics & Data Science I docenti si confrontano periodicamente con i rappresentanti del mondo del lavoro nell'ambito di una Consulta Contents The world of economics and financial markets is undergoing rapid and profound transformation and needs practitioners capable of interpreting and anticipating change. The Bachelor's degree program in Economics and Business trains professionals capable of understanding this complexity, through the study of the dynamics and actors of the economic and financial system and its components: markets, intermediaries and financial instruments. The training course is divided into: a first core of basic teachings (the same for all bachelor's degree programs in the Department of Economics), intended to provide a solid preparation in four disciplinary areas: economics, business, quantitative and law a second core of characterizing and specialized teachings, to make people reach an adequate level of specialization to propose themselves in the world of work in a qualified way or to continue their studies. The teachings are divided into two curricula: the general economic curriculum and thefinancial economic curriculum Much emphasis is placed on languages, with the compulsory teaching of English and the possibility of deepening other foreign languages: French, German, Spanish and Chinese culture. A compulsory teaching of computer science, a range of other professionalizing activities, company internships, and the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ program complete the course. Coordinator Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business! A path aimed at ambitious students, which provides an education based on a mix of economic, mathematical, statistical, business and legal knowledge, functional for understanding the dynamics of economic and financial systems, national and international. Thanks to the solid preparation provided and the mastery of the tools of economic and financial analysis, at the end of the course you will be able to seize the best opportunities for your future. Corrado Lagazio Where we are Department of Economics. Via Vivaldi 5 (Darsena) 16126 Read more Student Desk. Dock Building Via Vivaldi 5 - 2nd levelStudent Desk - DIEC website Services offered: Information about the Department of Economics and its services Practices related to study plans Practices related to the graduate examination For information regarding: registration, enrollment, Bridging Career, issuance of certificates and duplicates, you can contact the School of Social Sciences Single Desk income certification with ISEE-U declaration, ISEE-U Parificato for foreign students, pre-filled 730, benefits settlement and tax refund, ALISEO - Ligurian Agency for Students and Orientation, scholarships and awards, and how-to if you are an undergraduate, you can contact the Student Contribution and Benefits Department Internships, you can contact the Internships and Placements Office Erasmus+, you can contact the Erasmus Office