1. Read the admission requirements You can only enter this course if you have earned a bachelor's degree or equivalent (pre-doctoral degree, university diploma - 3 years, direct school for special purposes - 3 years) and if you meet the specific requirements. Did you get your degree abroad? Yes If you have graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test. No If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. Curricular requirements Continuation Graduates If you have earned a degree in Business Administration (class L-18 or class 17 V.O.) you are considered a continuity graduate. You do not have to take the verification of curricular requirements, but can enroll directly. Non-continuation graduates If you have a different type of degree, in order to be cleared for enrollment you must fill out the application for assessment of curricular requirements and send it to the student desk at valutazionedeirequisiti@economia.unige.it. The Board of Studies committee will verify that, in your previous career, you have taken: at least 12 CFUs among SSDs IUS/01, IUS/04, IUS/12, IUS/09, IUS/10 at least 12 CFUs among SSDs SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02, SECS-P/03, SECS-P/06, and SECS-P/12 at least 33 CFUs among SSDs SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/09 and SECS-P/11 at least 12 CFUs among SSDs SECS-S/01, SECS-S/03 and SECS-S/06 The evaluation of applications will take place within 30 days of their submission. If a lack of CFUs in the above SSDs is found, you will have to fill it by taking specific exams. You can apply for assessment of curricular requirements even if you are an undergraduate, as long as you owe only the undergraduate exam.
2. Register and pre-register To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch theTUTORIAL). UniGe Portal Registration If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa, access the UniGe Portal and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL). Pre-registration Make apply for pre-registration using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration. To learn about the deadlines and how you can enroll in UniGe check out the pages Dates and Enrollment
3. Support the verification of personal preparedness Once pre-registered for the EMMP Course and after obtaining the outcome of the evaluation of the fulfillment of the curricular requirements (unless waived): If you are a bachelor's degree graduate with votes greater than or equal to 99/110 go to point #4 to confirm your enrollment If you are a three-year graduate with voting below 99/110 before confirming your enrollment, you must take the Personal Readiness Assessment. Learn more by reading the dedicated page
4. Confirm registration confirmation that you want to the course of study of your choice from those indicated in the pre-registration you have already entered, pay the first installment of fees according to the modalities and the deadlines indicated.