1. Read the admission requirements It is an admission requirement for the Master's Degree in Maritime Port Economics and Management (EMMP): achievement of a bachelor's degree or a three-year university degree four-year college degree one-year master's degree any other degree awarded abroad and recognized as eligible under current regulations Did you get your degree abroad? Yes If you graduated abroad follow the apposite application procedure for foreign studentswith the support of the Welcome Officeand subsequently support the test your knowledge of the Italian language If you graduated abroad follow the apposite application procedure for foreign studentswith the support of the Welcome Officeand subsequently support the test your knowledge of the Italian language No If you graduated in Italy follow the steps below. If you graduated in Italy follow the steps below. Curricular requirements In order to enroll in the EMMP Course in your previous course of study, you must have acquired at least 57 CFUs so distributed: at least 6 CFUs in the SSD MAT/09 at least 6 CFUs in SSD IUS/06 at least 6 CFUs in SSD SECS-P/06 at least 6 CFUs among SSD IUS/01, IUS/04, IUS/09, IUS/10 at least 6 CFUs between the SSDs SECS-P/01 and SECS-P/02 at least 18 CFUs among SSDs SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08 and SECS-P/10, including at least 6 CFUs of SECS-P/07 and at least 6 CFUs of SECS-P/08 at least 9 CFUs among SSDs SECS-S/01, SECS-S/03, MAT/06, SECS-S/06, MAT/01-05 They are alsoconsidered entry requirements: an adequate knowledge of the English language (at least a B1 level), in oral and written comprehension and communication the ability to use computer tools and software for economic and business applications. Exemptions You meet the curricular requirements above and therefore do not need to apply for verificationif you are a three-year graduate student in Economics of Maritime, Logistics and Transport Companies (CLEALMT), class L-18, from the University of Genoa. You may then proceed to step #2 to proceed with registration and pre-registration. In all other cases you must apply for Verification of Curricular Requirements as explained below. Mode of application Assessment of possession of curricular requirements must be requested by filling out the appropriate application for assessment to be sent to the Student Desk at the email address: valutazionedeirequisiti@economia.unige.it. You can apply for assessment of curricular requirements even if you are an undergraduate student, as long as you owe only the undergraduate examination. Verification Outcomes Curricular requirements verification outcomes will be sent to you via email. Verification may have one of the following outcomes: possession of all necessary curricular requirements stated above:go to point #2 to proceed with registration and pre-registration missing curricular requirements: go to point #2 to proceed with registration and pre-registration, but first carefully read the following regarding making up missing requirements. N.B.: You can proceed with registration and pre-registration even before applying for verification of curricular requirements or before receiving the result of such verification. Recovery of missing requirements CFU Following the outcome of the verification you will be able to acquire any missing CFUs through the so-called bridging career: see the dedicated page Enroll in individual educational activities of an open access course In particular read the paragraph: Enrolling in individual educational activities aimed at admission to Master's degree courses (so-called "bridging career") Following the outcome of the verification you will be able to acquire any missing CFUs through the so-called bridging career: see the dedicated page Enroll in individual educational activities of an open access course In particular read the paragraph: Enrolling in individual educational activities aimed at admission to Master's degree courses (so-called "bridging career") Knowledge of foreign language If you are unable to attest or certify a level of English language proficiency of at least level B1 in your application for the evaluation of curricular requirements, you can make up the educational debt through enrollment in the English language teaching provided in the curriculum of the Bachelor's degree programs of the Department of Economics and through passing the relevant examination. If you are unable to attest or certify a level of English language proficiency of at least level B1 in your application for the evaluation of curricular requirements, you can make up the educational debt through enrollment in the English language teaching provided in the curriculum of the Bachelor's degree programs of the Department of Economics and through passing the relevant examination. Ability to use computer tools and software The ability to use computer tools and software for economic and business applications is considered acquired if in the curriculum of the bachelor's degree program you have taken an examination of "computer proficiency", or equivalent, or if you possess certificate from ICDL or equivalent. If you do not possess the required computer skills, you can acquire them through enrollment in the computer science training activity provided in the curriculum of the bachelor's degree programs of the Department of Economics and through passing the relevant exam. N.B.: You must make up the missing curricular requirements and, if you are not exempt, you must have passed the verification of graduate preparation (see dedicated page). Failure to make up all of the curricular requirements will not allow you to take the personal readiness test, if any, and complete your enrollment in the EMMP Course. For more information see the Educational Regulations of the EMMP Course. The ability to use computer tools and software for economic and business applications is considered acquired if in the curriculum of the bachelor's degree program you have taken an examination of "computer proficiency", or equivalent, or if you possess certificate from ICDL or equivalent. If you do not possess the required computer skills, you can acquire them through enrollment in the computer science training activity provided in the curriculum of the bachelor's degree programs of the Department of Economics and through passing the relevant exam. N.B.: You must make up the missing curricular requirements and, if you are not exempt, you must have passed the verification of graduate preparation (see dedicated page). Failure to make up all of the curricular requirements will not allow you to take the personal readiness test, if any, and complete your enrollment in the EMMP Course. For more information see the Educational Regulations of the EMMP Course.
2. Register and pre-register To enroll in this course of study, you must go through the online process that includes registration and pre-registration (for more information you can watch theTUTORIAL). UniGe Portal Registration If you have never been enrolled at the University of Genoa, access the UniGe Portal and get your UniGePASS credentials (for more information you can watch the TUTORIAL). Pre-registration Make apply for pre-registration using the UniGePASS credentials you received with your registration. To learn about the deadlines and how you can enroll in UniGe check out the pages Dates and Enrollment
3. Support the verification of personal preparedness Once pre-registered for the EMMP Course and after obtaining the outcome of the evaluation of the fulfillment of the curricular requirements (unless waived): If you are a bachelor's degree graduate with votes greater than or equal to 99/110 go to point #4 to confirm your enrollment If you are a three-year graduate with voting below 99/110 before confirming your enrollment, you must take the Personal Readiness Assessment. Learn more by reading the dedicated page
4. Confirm registration confirmation that you want to the course of study of your choice from those indicated in the pre-registration you have already entered, pay the first installment of fees according to the modalities and the deadlines indicated.
N.B.: Enrolment for the EMMP degree closes on 28 February of each year. Therefore, if you are a student on a three-year course, you must graduate in time to regularly continue on to the master's degree course.