Info 2023/2024 Degree type BACHELOR'S DEGREE Duration 3 years CFU 180 Class L-20 COMMUNICATION Access Free access Language Italian Teaching mode In-person Head of programme MAURO MIGLIAVACCA Department DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions Student exchange International destinations and partners Contacts Read more here Documents Manifesto degli studi 2023/2024 Previous years Info
evento Meetings with the Civil Protection on the risks of extreme weather events 30/01/2025 - 27/02/2025
ATTENZIONE - CAMBIAMENTO DENOMINAZIONE CORSO DI LAUREA Il Corso di Laura in Scienze della Comunicazione NON è più attivo ed è stato sostituito da una versione più ricca di contenuti e alternative: il nuovo corso di MEDIA, COMUNICAZIONE E SOCIETÀ. Queste pagine e le informazioni ivi contenute restano SOLO come riferimento per le persone ancora iscritte e che debbano terminare il percorso di studi. The course in brief Presentation In the course you acquire skills in different areas of cultural industries--publishing, film, radio, TV, new media--and consumption, digital technologies, and communication and information policies. This prepares you to work in the field of communication and public relations. Learning by doing The course includes workshops in which you learn how to communicate with new media, create multimedia and audiovisual products, and design and broadcast radio programs. Professional outlets The course prepares to find employment: in the web professions as practitioners in the fields of communication and advertising at both public and private agencies and companies in offices or training centers at editorial offices of newspapers, radio TV and publishing houses What you will learn Scrivere per la comunicazione Scrittura creativa, scrittura professionale, comunicati stampa, pubblicità, scrittura per il web Lingua inglese L'inglese per le professioni della comunicazione Comunicazione radio-televisiva Interpretare e utilizzare i linguaggi dei media Pubblicità e marketing Realizzare piani di comunicazione e promozione Produzione video Realizzare prodotti audio-visivi: riprese, regia e montaggio Produzione radio Realizzare prodotti radiofonici: format programmi, registrazione e trasmissione via web Contents The course is structured with teachings at several levels:. general, relating to communication and information policies in institutional settings and the transformations of contemporary society basic, in the various fields of communication and cultural industries--publishing, cinema, theater, radio, television, new media--tourism, cultural heritage, consumption, non-profit associationism professionalizing, related to the languages and technologies of communication and information, to carry out communication and public relations activities in public administration, in private companies, in the third sector, for editorial and journalistic activities in the audiovisual and multimedia sector. The training offer also allows you to acquire: computer skills for communication. methods and criteria for social and media research skills in the use of new media, with reference to interactive media and their applications The curriculum also includes workshops and training internships in companies and institutions. It also encourages participation in internships and apprenticeships at Italian and foreign universities - European and non-European - within the framework of national and international agreements of the University of Genoa. Coordinator Image In the coming years you can learn new languages and acquire tools to better understand the reality around you. They will be years in which you can open yourself to new horizons and discover your potential, having the opportunity to occupy together with others a public space in which to put your skills into play. Because the university is not only a place of learning, but also of confrontation, participation and creativity. Mauro Migliavacca Where we are Savona University Campusvia A. Magliotto, 219100 Savona Read more Savona Student Desk+39 019 219