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Info 2024/2025

Duration 2 years
CFU 120
Class LM-51
Access Admission test
Available places EU Students 60
Non-EU Students 2
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme DAVID GIOFRE'
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

Please note that the Master's Degree in Psychology is qualifying for the profession of Psychologist, as per Law No. 163 of November 8, 2021, and Interministerial Decree No. 654 of July 5, 2022. Therefore, students are required and obliged to acquire 20 CFUs (500 hours) of practical evaluative internship (PTV), whose attendance during the master's degree program is mandatory and cannot be substituted with other activities.

Candidates who fall under the case of Article 5 of the announcement (TEST OF ITALIAN LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE STUDENTS WITH STUDENT QUALIFICATIONS OBTAINED ABROAD) and have to take the indicated test because they do not have an Italian language certification of level B2 or higher, are requested to contact Prof. Carlo Chiorri for information.

The course in brief


The Master degree in Psychology (LM-51) aims to provide advanced knowledge of psychological disciplines. In particular, it aims to impart diagnostic and clinical skills for research, design, implementation and evaluation of field interventions in the following areas:

  • health promotion
  • discomfort prevention
  • supporting learning, socialization and orientation processes in individual, family, organizational and community settings, in normal and pathological situations.

Learning by doing

The course actively involves students in project development, evaluation and intervention planning pathways, and analysis of individual and group dynamics. Professionalizing activities include small group workshops on characteristic aspects of the profession under the guidance of experienced faculty and/or professionals.

Professional outlets

Master degree graduates in Psychology, upon completion of internship, passing the state examination and registration in Section A of the Register of Psychologists, may:

  • exercise the profession, within the limits provided by the regulations, in the different areas of psychology: clinical and health, education, work and organizations
  • access four-year postgraduate training in Psychotherapy
  • access undergraduate master's degrees
  • access doctoral training


The Master's Degree in Psychology is aimed at the placement of graduates in the world of work, also thanks to the well-established collaboration with the Order of Psychologists of Liguria. It provides advanced knowledge of the content and methods of the psychological disciplines, with the aim of training a psychologist who can operate autonomously and apply theories and techniques of psychology for different purposes.

The course offers 2 programs of educational and professional training:

  • Clinical and Community Psychology
  • Typical and Atypical Developmental Psychology

In the first year there are: three common teachings, two differentiated by curriculum, one elective and one related teaching, 4 cfu compulsory laboratories, common to the two curricula, and 2 cfu internship.

In the second year the teaching load is less, in order to focus the commitment on professionalizing activity and the realization of the thesis project.


Welcome to the Master's Degree Course in Psychology. Our community - students, lecturers, tutors and all the staff - is strongly committed to combining theoretical teaching with research and professional practice. You will be able to undertake your specialised training in a friendly atmosphere, aimed at developing solid human relations, and you will be able to share our enthusiasm for the psychology profession. 

David Giofrè

Where we are

Department of Education Sciences - DISFOR
Corso Andrea Podestà 2
16128 Genova

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