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Psychology has become prominent in many countries, resulting in the proliferation of new areas of employment and the establishment of innovative interventions and content.

Our course trains experienced psychologists, prepared to make high-quality contributions in the various contexts in which psychology operates.

What will you study

The master's degree in Psychology aims to provide advanced knowledge of the content and methods of psychological disciplines, with the goal of training a psychologist capable of operating independently by applying the theories and techniques of psychology.

The course is divided into two curricula:

deepens the field of relationships between individuals, groups, micro and macro social contexts. It also intends to provide knowledge in clinical and psychopathology and to develop observation, diagnosis, and intervention skills aimed at promoting health and well-being also in relation to social and organizational contexts. It involves skills of empowerment, management of helping relationships and taking charge.

is focused on different developmental stages, with attention to typical and atypical development. Particular importance is given to the study of learning processes and relationships in educational contexts: it is intended to promote
skills of observation, diagnosis and intervention, aimed at facilitating developmental, learning and socialization processes during the life cycle, especially in the presence of developmental difficulties and disorders.

After graduation


Who is he


Degree in the LM-51 - Psychology class and subsequent certification of annual postgraduate internship allow admission to the state examination for registration in the Registry of Psychologists, Section A.

This is a professional figure that

  • knows the main explanatory theories in the fields of general and physiological psychology, developmental and educational psychology, social and community psychology, work and organizational psychology, dynamic and clinical psychology
  • knows the design and evaluation methodologies of interventions in individual, group, community and organizational settings
  • uses research and intervention tools and methodologies, aimed at health promotion and prevention of distress in individual, family, organizational and community settings
  • knows the methods of supporting learning and socialization processes in school age and during the life cycle, in normal and pathological situations
  • knows the methods and tools of diagnostic assessment, which can be used with individuals, groups and organizations.

What does he/she do?

  • Assessment of individual and collective needs and analysis of social, psychological and behavioral risk and protective factors for bio-psycho-social health in different social and educational settings and for different population subgroups
  • diagnosis of personality characteristics and assessment of psychosocial resources, needs and expectations at different age stages, using qualitative and quantitative tools
  • design, coordination, management and evaluation of programs for prevention and promotion of individual and group health and well-being
  • interventions in the area of developmental and learning disorders
  • evaluation of intervention programs addressed to the solution of psychosocial problems of citizens, with specific reference to educational, associational, social welfare, health and labor contexts
  • evaluation and interventions in the clinical setting of Developmental and Learning Disorders.

Where does she work?

A registered graduate may practice in the various fields of psychology, particularly in developmental and community psychology, within the limits provided by the regulations governing the profession of psychologist (Section A of the register).

The Europsy model identifies three major professional fields, which absorb almost all of the professional outlets for psychologists:

  • clinical and health
  • education
  • work and organizations.

However, these three areas do not completely saturate the possible areas of intervention. Indeed, there are areas of work emergent in which psychologists can implement professional practices recognized as significant by the psychology community itself: e.g., emergency psychology, sports psychology, legal psychology, etc.

To engage in the practice of psychotherapist the psychologist must obtain the specialization stipulated in Article 3 of law 56/89.