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Admission criteria and procedure


You can only enter this course if you have earned a bachelor's degree or equivalent (pre-doctoral degree, university diploma - 3 years, direct school for special purposes - 3 years) and if you meet the specific requirements.

Did you get your degree abroad?

If you graduated abroad, you will have to take a Italian language proficiency test.

If you graduated in Italy, continue reading.

Curricular requirements

To enroll in the course:

  • you must have a graduation grade higher than 90/110
  • your degree must belong to class L-4 (Industrial Design) or the corresponding class related to M.D. 509/99, or be an Italian or foreign degree recognized as equivalent
  • you can also enroll with a degree in a different class, but you must have purchased at least 45 CFUs in the following Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSDs):
    • ICAR/08 Building Science
    • ICAR/12 Architectural Technology
    • ICAR/13 Industrial Design
    • ICAR/14 Architectural and Urban Composition
    • ICAR/16 Interior and Exhibit Architecture
    • ICAR/17 Design
    • ICAR/18 History of Architecture
    • INF/01 Computer Science
    • L-ART/03 History of contemporary art
    • L-ART/05 Disciplines of performing arts
    • L-ART/06 Cinema, photography and television
    • SPS/08 Sociology of cultural and communicative processes
    • ING-IND/15 Industrial engineering design and methods
      N.B.Of the above 45 CFUs, at least 20 CFUs must be acquired in the scientific disciplinary fields ICAR/13, ICAR/14, and ICAR/16, and at least 10 CFUs in the scientific disciplinary field ICAR/17.
  • you must demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language of the European Community, preferably English, with level B2. If you are a foreigner, with a degree obtained abroad, you must demonstrate knowledge of the Italian language with level B2

Read the teaching regulations for more information.

If you are an undergraduate student, the curricular requirements are:

  • enrollment in a degree program in the class L-4 Industrial Design, L-17 Architectural Sciences (ex DM 270/04) or enrollment in a first-level academic degree in disciplines related with Design
  • weighted average of grades above 24/30

If you are deemed eligible, you will have to take the individual preparation test.

You must graduate by the deadlines indicated on the CdS website with a final grade above 90/110.

Outcome of evaluation of curricular requirements

Three working days before the date set for the individual preparation check, please check the results of the assessment of curricular requirements in the News and Events section of this Course.


You will have to undergo the admission interview to verify individual preparation.

This means that you do not meet the curricular requirements and you cannot enroll in this course of study.

You will need to supplement your curriculum by enrolling in individual educational activities as you partially meet the curricular requirements.

If you pass the individual educational activities by the start of classes in the second semester, you can enroll in the first year of the course in the current academic year.
If not, you will have to enroll in the first year of the course in the following academic year.