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The course in brief


The degree in Materials Science and Engineering is interdisciplinary between the fields of chemistry, physics, and engineering on the study and use of materials. It deepens knowledge of physics and chemistry. It studies polymers, alloys and new materials, trying to associate their macroscopic properties with microscopic ones. With the experimental thesis, materials with specific performance are studied and designed.

You can also enroll in the international master's Serp+.

Learning by doing

Visits to companies such as Ferrania Solis, which produces solar panels, and research facilities such as the Synchrotron. Access to advanced research instrumentation.

Professional outlets

The graduate can work in skilled production control and R&S settings in the company, such as quality control and/or property improvement with a view to specific applications. He/she may also undertake scientific research through a doctoral degree.

What you will learn

fisica dei solidi

correlare le loro proprietà con la struttura e con le metodiche di preparazione impiegate

metodi di preparazione e caratterizzazione dei materiali

laboratori di preparazione e caratterizzazione di varie classi di materiali

utilizzo dei materiali in applicazioni tecnologiche

applicazioni metallurgiche, biomediche, catalitiche, ambientali, elettrochimiche e della corrosione

formazione in discipline chimiche

chimica degli stati condensati, diffrazione, colloidi, cinetica di reazione, tecniche di chimica analitica

applicazioni alla biologia e alla medicina

biofisica, microscopia, interazione radiazione-materia, nano particelle, compositi


studio di processi alle superfici e interfacce con opportune tecniche sperimentali

materiali funzionali

materiali innovativi per lo sviluppo sostenibile in ambito energetico e/o ambientale

Did you know that.

A fine luglio di ogni anno accademico a Parigi gli studenti del percorso internazionale si laureano tutti insieme... tutti togati! La gioia è al massimo e volano i cappelli
I laureati del percorso internazionale ottengono il riconoscimento della loro laurea anche negli altri stati dove hanno frequentato per almeno un semestre
Il Direttorato generale dell'educazione della Commissione Europea ha segnalato come 'storia di successo' il percorso internazionale SERP-CHEM


The course is divided into an ordinary curriculum and an international curriculum.

  • The ordinary curriculum, through classroom and laboratory activities, provides advanced and integrated training in the areas: solid chemistry and physics, physical chemistry, polymeric and composite materials, correlation between structure and properties, preparation methods and instrumental characterization, and production and manufacturing technologies. The course also trains on one or more of the following areas applied to problems of current interest: metallurgy (e.g., for the development of materials for energy), materials for biomedical applications, and corrosion.

    The course provides an initial consolidation of chemical and physical knowledge and develops in the first year much of the knowledge and skills in the above areas common to all students. In the second year, the common and elective activities are completed, and the additional activities (which may be related to the thesis topic or provide cross-curricular skills) and the thesis are carried out.

  • The international curriculum consists of the master SERP+, which allows for a mobility pathway, in order to obtain a title from the partner sites (Paris-South, Poznan and Porto).


9017_Luca Vattuone
Welcome to Materials Science and Engineering.

Luca Vattuone

Where we are

Lectures and laboratory activities of the compulsory courses and most of the optional courses are held at the classrooms and laboratories of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry DCCI and the Department of Physics DIFI, at the Valletta Puggia Campus on Dodecanese Street.

Some optional courses are held at the facilities of the Polytechnic School.

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For information regarding the course of study

For general and administrative information

Training Service - Sector VI
Via Bensa 1
+39 010 209 9623

Student Desk
Viale Benedetto XV 3
+39 010 353 8225

DCCI Education Secretariat
+39 010 353 8714
+39 010 353 8739