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Info 2024/2025

Duration 3 years
CFU 180
Class L/SNT3
Access Admission test
Available places EU Students 20
Non-EU Students 1 EU Students 21
Non-EU Students 1
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
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The course in brief


The objective of the degree program is to train the figure of the dental hygienist who carries out his or her professional activity in health care facilities, public or private under a dependency or freelance basis on the instructions of dentists and surgeons licensed to practice dentistry.

Learning by doing

The training involves the acquisition of knowledge (knowing), skills (knowing how to do), and interpersonal skills (knowing how to be), through theoretical training (lectures) and professionalizing pre-clinical and clinical internship.

Professional outlets

Dental Hygiene graduates, carry out their professional activities in health care facilities, public or private, on a salaried or freelance basis, as directed by dentists.


9289_Stefano Benedicenti

Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program. In this course, your Lecturers, Tutors, Internship Guides and Administrative Staff will combine theoretical training with practical exercises of the highest profile to create professionals who are prepared and competitive in the working world.

We look forward to seeing you in Genoa!

Stefano Benedicenti


1) What job does a Dental Hygiene graduate do?
. The Dental Hygienist is the health care provider who holds the qualifying degree for the profession, Bachelor's Degree in Dental Hygiene. The Dental Hygienist is able to: 1) independently manage the non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease and the prevention of caries, at all times as directed by the Dentist or others licensed to practice dentistry; 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment plan, interventions made, and results achieved; 3) recognize his or her own limitations in assisting the patient and recognize the need to refer the patient to other skills for dental-rehabilitative or medical therapies.  A Dental Hygiene graduate performs the profession of a dental hygienist in private facilities, in the community, in hospitals, and in research (a constantly evolving field). His professional figure is regulated by Ministry of Health Decree No. 137 of March 15, 1999.
2) What does a dental hygiene graduate not do?
. He/she cannot make medical/dental diagnoses and drug prescriptions.
3) What kind of motivations do those who choose to major in Dental Hygiene have?
Those who choose to enroll in the Dental Hygiene degree program have as their goal the prevention of oral and personal health through techniques to motivate patients in maintaining their overall health.
4) Where can I get a job with a Degree in Dental Hygiene?
. A Dental Hygienist may practice in health care facilities, public or private, on a salaried or freelance basis on the recommendation of dentists and surgeons licensed to practice dentistry.
5) What types of users does a Dental Hygiene graduate work with?
. The Dental Hygienist deals with the care and prevention of the oral cavity of a wide range of users; in fact, he or she can work with children, adults, and the elderly. The type of person on whom the Dental Hygienist works is varied, from the healthy individual on whom he or she works through periodic oral hygiene interventions, to the individual with periodontal diseases of varying complexity.
6) In what public institutions can a Dental Hygiene graduate work?
. In all public health facilities that guarantee the regulations related to the professional profile. However, private practice is predominant over the public sector.

7) What outlets does a Dental Hygiene graduate have in the private sector?
. A Dental Hygienist can work independently, in all health facilities that guarantee the regulations related to the professional profile, in dental hygiene practices and dental clinics. The private sector is steadily increasing.
8) What advanced studies can a Dental Hygiene graduate access?
. A Dental Hygienist can continue his or her education by enrolling in first-level university Master's degrees and/or pursuing a Master's degree and, once the Master's degree has been obtained, enroll in second-level Master's degrees and a PhD.
9) What are the chances of finding a job for a Dental Hygiene graduate?
. Very high chances of finding employment in the private sector.
10) What career possibilities does a Dental Hygiene graduate have?
The career possibility is realized in clinical activity by acquiring additional skills with postgraduate and/or Master's degree courses and  n University through lecturing on the Dental Hygiene degree course.


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Educational Secretariat of DISC