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Info 2024/2025

Duration 3 years
CFU 180
Class L/SNT3
Access Admission test
Available places EU Students 10
Non-EU Students 1 EU Students 10
Non-EU Students 1
Locations GENOVA
Language Italian
Teaching mode In-person
Head of programme MARCO CANEPA
Taxes and fees From 0 to 3,000 a year. Find out if you qualify for grants ed exemptions
Student exchange International destinations and partners
Contacts Read more here
Orari delle lezioni EasyAcademy

The course in brief


The course trains a professional figure who specializes in the knowledge of cardiovascular pathophysiology and techniques of cardiovascular perfusion. It performs, under medical indication, the following activities:

  • conduction and maintenance of equipment related to extracorporeal circulation techniques (ECC, ECMO) and techniques of hemodynamics, electrophysiology, electrostimulation, and dialysis
  • technical performance of complete echocardiographic examination.

Learning by doing

Particular importance as an integral part of professional training is given to practical and internship activities, carried out under the supervision/guidance of specially assigned professional tutors. Specific seminars and workshops are planned in itinere.

Professional outlets

In the departments of cardiac surgery and invasive and noninvasive cardiology, organ transplantation, vascular surgery, neurosurgery, respiratory diagnostics, oncology, and dialysis at public and private facilities as an employee or freelancer.

What you will learn

circolazione extracorporea

gestione della CEC in ambito cardiochirurgico e cardio-toracovascolare


gestione delle assistenze cardiocircolatorie e cardiorespiratorie

interventistica cardiovascolare

gestione apparecchiature per procedure di interventistica cardiovascolare

esecuzione di esami cardiologici

elettrocardiografia, holter ECG/pressorio, prove da sforzo al cicloergometro, ecocardiogramma


gestione e controllo della dialisi extracoprorea

medicina trasfusionale

recupero e trattamento del sangue intraoperatorio

Did you know that.

Solo una formazione così specifica può fornire un supporto valido in campo cardiologico che non si sovrapponga a nessun'altra figura

La figura professionale di oggi è costituita dalla fusione di due saperi in un primo momento distinti, la fisiopatologia cardiocircolatoria e la perfusione cardiovascolare

Il percorso formativo e professionale del TFCPC si è sviluppato nell'area cardiologica (fisiopatologia cardiocircolatoria) e cardiochirurgia (perfusione cardiovascolare)


Training Pathway

Through internship professional skills are developed. The internship facilitates the elaboration and integration of knowledge with experience, develops professional identity and belonging, brings one closer to the world of work. Through the internship the student comes into contact with the organizational reality of work and begins to evaluate the functional, hierarchical, relational and interprofessional dimensions of services.

Specific training objectives

The graduate must:

  • know the health problems and the responses of health and social welfare services to the main needs of citizens (LEAs), referring to their profession, and have learned the cultural, ethical and professional principles that govern the actions of the TFCPC towards the persons assisted and the community
  • know the cardiovascular discipline and in particular coronary, valvular, aortic, extracorporeal circulation and transplantation surgery and interventional procedures
  • know the pathophysiologic basis with special reference to the pathophysiology of the heart, vascular system, major oncologic diseases requiring antiblastic hyperthermic perfusion and know the main clinical diagnostic tests
  • have mastery of invasive and noninvasive instrumental methods applied to the cardiovascular system.


Welcome to the Course in Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques!"

Italo Porto

Where we are

Coordinator of teaching and practical training
. Franco Roggero
San Martino Polyclinic
Pavilion Monoblock 6th floor east - S.O. Cardiac Surgery
Largo Rosanna Bensi 10
16132 Genoa
+39 010 555 3662

Educational Secretariat of the CdS
. Rita Pitotti
San Martino Polyclinic
Monoblock Pavilion 7th floor east
Largo Rosanna Bensi 10
16132 Genoa
+39 010 555 5830


1) What work does a graduate in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) do?
. The TFCPC graduate performs technical and nursing work centered particularly on patients with cardiovascular diseases, his or her professional profile is regulated by Ministry of Health Decree No. 316 of July 27, 1998. The TFCPC graduate is involved in the management and operation of machines related to the cardiovascular field: some examples are the heart-lung machine and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (or ECMO) in the cardiac surgery operating room; assisting in invasive interventional diagnostics and therapeutics such as transcatheter ablation, implantation of pacemakers and implantable defibrillators in the electrophysiology room; the study and treatment of coronary and structural heart disease such as percutaneous angioplasty and valve implantation in the hemodynamics room; noninvasive cardiology diagnostics such as echocardiography and continuous electrocardiographic monitoring. Other activities are performed within the transfusion, dialysis, respiratory pathophysiology, and oncology centers.
2) What doesn't a graduate student in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) do?
. The work of the TFCPC is hands-on, interventional work. It does not perform tasks separate from clinical patient care or analysis. It does not deal with patients outside the cardio-vascular scope.

3) What kind of motivations do those who choose to major in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) have?
. As the category suggests, the TFCPC is a technician; he or she is required to have skills in the management and analysis of patient-related assistive devices. It is important to possess a keen interest in electronics and technology for the sake of better knowledge and use of various equipment. The main motivation is and definitely remains to assist in patient care, but the TFCPC's focus must be primarily on the proper management of the equipment that assists the patient, as well as the patient himself.
4) Where can I find a job with a degree in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC)?
. In Italy and in all industrialized EU countries. The TFCPC works in both private and public healthcare and corporate settings. The skills are often required within hospitals with advanced levels of cardiovascular care, but increasingly the figure of the TFCPC is required within territorial cardiology outpatient clinics and dialysis centers.
5) What types of users does a graduate in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) work with?
. The users with whom the TFCPC graduate works are largely patients with cardiovascular diseases but also patients with nephrological, pulmonological, and oncological issues.
6) In what public institutions can a graduate in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) work?
Any public agency that requires the need to perform diagnostic and interventional activities on patients with cardiovascular diseases.
7) What outlets does a graduate in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) have in the private sector?
The TFCPC can be found in any facility that requires the need to perform diagnostic and interventional activities on cardiovascular patients. Specifically private hospitals with cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology, dialysis or outpatient cardiology diagnostic clinics. The figure of the TFCPC is increasingly in demand and valued within industries that manufacture and market devices to assist the cardiovascular patient, ranging from simple pacemakers to mechanical circulatory assist devices.
8) What advanced studies can a graduate student in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) enter into?
A graduate in TFCPC can access Master's degree and Master's degree. After obtaining the Master's Degree, he/she can enter second-level Master's degree and PhD (more common abroad).
9) How many chances does a graduate in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) have to find a job?
The TFCPC is a young and rapidly expanding profession. This professional figure is therefore increasingly in demand and appreciated not only in large hospitals (for work in the operating room of cardiac surgery or interventional cardiology) but also in smaller settings, especially for assisting in noninvasive cardiovascular diagnostic work.
10) What career opportunities does a graduate in Techniques of Cardiocirculatory Physiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion (TFCPC) have?
. In addition to inpatient and outpatient work, the TFCPC can work as a product specialist in companies that manufacture and market devices for the care of the cardiovascular patient and, after earning a Master's degree, as a department head and as a graduate course coordinator.


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Coordinator of teaching and practical training


Franco Roggero

Policlinico San Martino
Pavilion Monoblock 6th floor east - S.O. Cardiac Surgery
Largo Rosanna Bensi 10
16132 Genoa
+39 010 555 3662