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The course in brief


The bachelor's degree program in Business Administration provides a solid, critical and professionalizing education in the field of business management. The course conveys a general view of business issues from business, economic, legal and mathematical-quantitative aspects.

Learning by doing

In-company training internships are provided in Italy and abroad.

Teaching is supplemented with laboratory activities, group work and numerous classroom testimonials from figures in the corporate world.

In addition, international academic cooperation agreements with foreign universities are active for the issuance of double degrees of study or for semester stays abroad for the purpose of study or internship.

Professional outlets

Business administration graduates can:


What you will learn

logiche e strumenti di funzionamento delle imprese

amministrazione, bilancio, strategie, organizzazione, finanza, marketing

funzionamento dei sistemi economici e finanziari

comprendere l'ambiente in cui operano imprese e organizzazioni

metodi e strumenti matematico-statistici

gestire e analizzare dati

fondamenti di diritto

capire l'ambiente giuridico in cui si muovono le imprese

lingua inglese

migliorare le competenze linguistiche in ambito economico

soft skills

pianificare, risolvere problemi, comunicare

Did you know that.

Hai la possibilità di seguire un percorso di Double Degree con l'Università di Augsburg

Il tasso di occupazione a un anno dalla laurea dei laureati in Economia Aziendale è superiore alla media italiana di corsi analoghi

Puoi svolgere un tirocinio in azienda durante gli studi con riconoscimento di crediti formativi

Manager e imprenditori nazionali e internazionali intervengono in diverse lezioni

I docenti si confrontano periodicamente con i rappresentanti del mondo del lavoro nell'ambito di una Consulta

Le aule sono numerose e ampie e la didattica si svolge in parte in aule informatiche


The complexity of the environment in which today's companies operate is constantly growing: professionals with increasingly robust and multi-purpose training are required.

The Bachelor of Business Administration program trains figures who can help companies better understand such complexity, thanks to the mix of teaching ranging from business sciences, economics, law, economic history, mathematical-statistical tools, computer science and foreign languages.

The course emphasizes the provision of institutional and methodological knowledge, but also complements it with an applicational and operational component. This allows graduates to choose whether to enter the job market immediately after graduation or to continue their studies in a master's or master's program.

The educational pathway consists of:

  • a first core of basic teachings (the same for all bachelor's degree programs in the Department of Economics), intended to provide a common and solid interdisciplinary preparation in four areas: economics, business, quantitative and law
  • a second core of characterizing and specialized teachings, capable of making students reach an adequate level of specialization to propose themselves in the world of work in a qualified manner or to continue their studies.

Much importance is given to languages, with compulsory teaching of English and the possibility of deepening other foreign languages: French, German, Spanish and Chinese culture.

A compulsory teaching of computer science, a range of other professionalizing activities, company internships and the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ program complete the course.


Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration! A stimulating educational path full of opportunities, where you will discover the world of business, acquiring its operating logic and critical success factors. Upon completion you will have a solid and thorough mastery of the tools and methods of analysis for business management, and you will be able to contribute actively to the development and success of enterprises, embedded in increasingly complex contexts.

Corrado Lagazio

Where we are

Department of Economics
. Via Vivaldi 5 (Darsena)
16126 Genoa

Read more

Student Desk
. Darsena Building - Viva Vivaldi 5, Genoa - 2nd level
Student Desk - DIEC website

Services offered: 

  • Information about the Department of Economics and its services
  • Practices related to study plans
  • Practices related to the graduate examination


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