Admission requirements You can enter this course only if you have earned a bachelor's degree or equivalent (pre-doctoral degree, university diploma - 3 years, direct school for special purposes - 3 years), if you meet the specific requirements, and if you pass the Verification of the Adequacy of Graduate Personal Preparation. Did you get your degree abroad? Yes If you graduated abroad, you will have to take a proof of Italian language skills. If you graduated abroad, you will have to take a proof of Italian language skills. No If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. If you graduated in Italy, continue reading. a. Requisiti Curriculari Per accedere al corso di studio LM 94 allo studente è richiesta una delle seguenti lauree: Laurea delle classi classi 3 e 11 (ex-DM 509); Laurea delle vecchi quadrienni delle Lauree in Lingue e Letterature Straniere (moderne); Laurea delle classi L-11 e L-12 (ex-DM 270); lauree equipollenti conseguite presso Università straniere, la cui carriera attesti lo studio articolato su un triennio (per un totale minimo di 18 CFU) delle due lingue di specializzazione scelte attive sul corso di Laurea Magistrale Se non possiedi una delle lauree indicate, per poter procedere, devi soddisfare i seguenti requisiti: Avere una certificazione internazionale o superare un test di pre-ammissione che dimostri un'abilità linguistica di livello C1 per inglese, francese e spagnolo e al livello B2 per tedesco e russo. I tempi, i luoghi e i nominativi dei docenti incaricati di questa procedura saranno pubblicati nella sezione Notizie ed eventi del corso. Se l'esito del colloquio sarà negativo, non sarai ammesso al Corso di studio Aver conseguito almeno 60 CFU nelle seguenti discipline: Economiche (SECS-P/***) Giuridiche (IUS/***) Storico – geografiche (M-STO*** e M-GRR/***) Scienze del linguaggio e di scienze glottodidattiche (L-LIN/01, L-LIN/02, L-FIL-LET/12, M-FIL/05, SPS/08) Letterature e delle lingue straniere (L-LIN/03 e seguenti) Letteratura italiana (L-FIL-LET/10 e 11) N.B. Nel caso non raggiungessi i CFU richiesti, non potrai essere ammesso b. Livello di competenze linguistiche richiesto per l’ammissione al corso Il livello di competenze linguistiche richiesto per l'ammissione allo studio in entrambe le lingue di specializzazione è: livello C1: per francese, inglese e spagnolo livello B2: per russo e tedesco Normalmente verrai ammesso a studiare le due lingue che hai studiato nel corso di laurea triennale. Potrai inserire nel tuo piano di studi una lingua diversa da quella studiata solo: in caso di una tua forte motivazione personale e con un'attestazione di livello B2 nel caso avessi studiato nel corso del triennio una lingua non presente nella proposta dal Corso, purché pari a livello B2 To register for the course you will need to: submit your career for verification of curricular requirements send an email with your college career (self-certification downloaded from the website, or scan of degree certificate with all exams taken). The department's teaching secretary will then send your career to the faculty member in charge of conducting the verification These career evaluation requests will be accepted as early as this summer. Curricular requirements You can enroll in this course if you have one of the following degrees, earned no later than January 7, 2023: graduate degree of class L-11 or L-12 (ex-DM 270). graduate degree of class L-3 or L-11 (ex-DM 509) graduate degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (modern - old four-year degree) graduate degree in foreign languages and cultures graduate degree in science of language mediation university diploma for Translators and Interpreters recognized as equivalent to the degree of class L-3 equivalent degree obtained from foreign universities, the career of which attests the articulated study over a three-year period (for a minimum total of 18 CFUs) of two of the specialization languages active on this course: French, English, Spanish, Russian, German If you come from a different degree program you must have in your curriculum at least 60 CFUs in total, earned in the following disciplines: Economics (SECS-P/***). Jurisprudence (IUS/***) History-geography (M-STO*** and M-GRR/***) Language and Glottodidactic Sciences (L-LIN/01, L-LIN/02, L-FIL-LET/12, M-FIL/05, SPS/08) Literatures and foreign languages (L-LIN/03 and following) Italian Literature (L-FIL-LET/10 and 11) N.B.In case you do not reach the required CFUs, you will not be admitted. In order to take the course you must also demonstrate that you have specific knowledge in the two languages you have chosen. You can do this through: an international certification. a interview with faculty appointed by the Board of Studies. The interview will focus on the reading, analysis and commentary of a specialized text at C1 level for English, French and Spanish, B2 level for Russian and German. The times, places and names of the faculty members in charge of this procedure will be posted in the News and Events section of the course. If the outcome of the interview is negative, you will not be admitted to the Course of Study. N.B. Normally you will be admitted to study the two languages you studied in the Bachelor's degree program. You will only be able to include a language other than the one you studied in your study plan: in case of your strong personal motivation and with a B2 level certificate in case you have studied during the three-year period a language not present in the proposal from the Course, as long as it is equal to level B2