CODE 102009 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 6 cfu anno 2 ECONOMIA E MANAGEMENT MARITTIMO E PORTUALE 8708 (LM-77) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno ECONOMIA E MANAGEMENT MARITTIMO E PORTUALE 8708 (LM-77) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR SECS-P/08 LANGUAGE English TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER 2° Semester TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB OVERVIEW The management of coastal tourism deals with the management of companies that rely on the use of a combination of resources and unique skills in contexts of proximity to the sea, thus benefiting from the resources that belong to coastal and marine ecosystems or to oceanic areas and coastal. The present course provides basic technical-managerial knowledge and managerial methods to understand the functioning of companies operating in the industry, improving their overall corporate performances. AIMS AND CONTENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The teaching aims at deepening the main managerial and strategic profiles related to the management of the coastal tourism, typically including cruises, ferries, marinas and other tourist activities (accommodation and other services) that develop along the coast. For this purpose, the concept of coastal tourism is first defined by delimiting the boundaries of the field of study. Subsequently, the different types of tourism are examined, with particular attention to those relevant in the coastal and marine area. The theoretical managerial constructs are also deepened, taking into account the most relevant in the management of enterprises and companies that operate in the analyzed competitive context. The teaching then deepens the main issues related to blue economy, green economy, sustainability and the management of relevant stakeholders, with particular emphasis on such topics as energy management and the environmental impacts generated by companies operating in the sector. The various supporting tools available to coastal tourism companies existing at both national and European level, as well as the relevant actors and stakeholders which populate the industry, are also considered. The course places particular emphasis on the analysis of the different managerial tools to support growth strategies and the sustainable development of companies operating in the coastal and marine tourism. AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Attendance and active participation in the proposed training activities (lectures, business cases and company testimonials) and individual study will allow the student to: know in depth the different businesses belonging to the coastal tourism industry; apply the main theoretical constructs and conceptual models from management literature to different strategic business decisions that are taken by companies operating in coastal tourism; identify the main players in the coastal tourism supply chain, understanding their role, responsibilities and critical success factors; know and empirically apply the main theoretical models which allow to support value creation and to ensure the generation of adequate revenues to maintain the economic balance and positive cash flows; know and empirically apply the main theoretical models for optimizing the cost structure of the companies and for improving the management of operating processes that characterize the investigated companies; acquire a correct terminology with regards to the strategic, managerial and technical profiles of the coastal tourism domain; identify the negative externalities connected to the various coastal tourism activities and select strategic solutions aimed at improving the sustainability of corporate operations according to a "green" approach toward the business; ensure an efficient use of environmental resources within the processes operated by companies which belong to the industry; identify adequate forms of coverage for investments aimed at the introduction of successful and sustainable innovations within companies and businesses operating in the various areas of coastal tourism. PREREQUISITES The student must have acquired, during the prior studies, the following knowledge necessary to address the course topics: Competitive and growth strategies Configuration decision and coordination of value-generating activities Management of business processes Strategic marketing and operational marketing Investment and financing choices This knowledge constitutes the necessary foundations for understanding the course topics and successfully overtake the exam tests. It is recommended to have already pass the following exams: "Economia e gestione delle imprese", " Economia e gestione delle imprese di trasporto" and "Gestione degli investimenti e dei finanziamenti delle aziende di trasporto. TEACHING METHODS Lectures, business cases and corporate testimonials. In particular, the course is based on lectures, related to the theoretical study parts, and company testimonials on significant empirical business cases as regards the application of the managerial principles and tools useful for companies operating in the context of coastal tourism (cruises; boating; fishing; recreational-recreational, sporting, cultural and edutainment activities in the coastal area). SYLLABUS/CONTENT SYLLABUS/CONTENT The course includes lessons from Prof. Giovanni Satta and it is aimed at acquiring the managerial know-how necessary for the successful management of companies and other entities operating in the heterogeneous businesses belonging to the coastal tourism industry. The teaching program includes 5-parts as reported below: Part 0 - Coastal tourism: introduction General information Learning goals Teaching course: structure & contents Teaching methods Recommended reading & references Exam description & assessment methods Part I – Management of coastal tourism: specificities, concerns and new business opportunities Coastal Tourism, Maritime Tourism & Blue Economy: Definitions & taxonomies Blue Economy (BE): the 7 established sectors Focusing on the Coastal Tourism (CT) Issues & concerns in CT Emerging trends & business opportunities in CT Business specificities of CT firms Part II – Theories and concepts for the management of coastal tourism firms Sustainable tourism New forms of tourism Corporate Social Responsibility Stakeholder Relationship Management Territorial marketing, destination marketing & destination branding Service management Tourist experience, experiential marketing & tourist relationship management ICT, technology adoption & SO.CO.MO model Part III – Environmental impacts, "green" strategies and energy management solutions in coastal tourism Environmental impacts from CT business Green strategies & new business models in CT firms Green investments & practices in CT firms Energy management in CT firms Part IV – ICT, training&skills, funding schemes for coastal tourism firms Information & Communication technologies in CT firms HR: skilling & training personnel in CT firms Funding CT firms RECOMMENDED READING/BIBLIOGRAPHY All the slides used during the lessons and other teaching material will be made available on “aulaweb” in the specific section dedicated to the course. For attending students, the notes taken during the lessons and the material made available on “aulaweb” by the professor in charge of the course are sufficient for the preparation of the exam. At the beginning of the lessons, the teacher will indicate the suggested texts and additional teaching materials as support texts, especially for non-attending students. TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD GIOVANNI SATTA Ricevimento: When: Wednesday at 14.30 a.m. (or by contacting the professor via e-mail) Where: Department of Economics & Business (DIEC) - level I Contacts Phone: (+39) 010209 5074 E-mail: Exam Board GIOVANNI SATTA (President) NICOLETTA BURATTI CIDATMA-FRANCESCO VITELLARO LESSONS LESSONS START Lessons will start regularly at the beginning of the II semester Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS EXAM DESCRIPTION The exam consists of an oral examination. ASSESSMENT METHODS Details on how to prepare for the exam and on the degree of depth of each topic will be given during the lessons and will also be available on “aulaweb”. The test will also allow to evaluate the candidate's ability to apply the concepts and the theoretical constructs examined to specific managerial areas, requiring the use of examples and empirical cases. The logic questions will be asked in such a way as to verify the ability to critically analyse management problems relating to the management of economic actors operating in the various sectors of coastal tourism. Exam schedule Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note 11/01/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale 26/01/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale 09/02/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale 10/05/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale 13/06/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale 29/06/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale 13/07/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale 14/09/2023 10:15 GENOVA Orale