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CODE 41125
SEMESTER 1° Semester
SECTIONING Questo insegnamento è diviso nelle seguenti frazioni:
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
    Propedeuticità in uscita
    Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti:


    Business Administration is a core unit in the 3-year degree which addresses the principles and logics underpinning the operations of businesses. This is the first unit in the business studies area that first-year students take on in their degree.



    The course aims to provide first-year students a basic knowledge of the principles and logics underpinning the operations of businesses. In particular, you will examine the nature and roles of businesses and their administration, as economic entities producing goods and services for the market.


    The Business Administration course aims at providing the first-year students with a solid basic knowledge of the principles and logics underpinning the operations of businesses. In particular, the course intends to:

    • Examine the conditions for the origins and development of businesses
    • Clarify the concepts of operations continuity and management’s objective of value creation
    • Explain the necessary conditions to achieve and maintain the economic and financial stability of the business
    • Deepen the double-entry bookkeeping methodology and its application to register main business operations
    • Understand the profitability and financial needs of a business

    By the end of this course, students will acquire competence in the main issues of business administration, such as:

    • the calculation of the net profit of the year and the invested capital, as well as the meaning of equity value.
    • the double-entry bookkeeping and its application for recording main operations in accounting
    • the company’s profitability, its financial needs, and related financial resources.

    Learning outcomes

    Knowledge and comprehension: students will acquire solid knowledge and factual ability to explain the logics of business operations, including a focus on the nature and activities of businesses, as systematic economic entities that generate wealth and require economic and financial stability to stay viable.

    Ability to apply knowledge: Students will be able to apply their acquired knowledge to understand and solve simple and more complex problems concerning business management, organisation and accounting, especially in consideration of the company’s financial and economic stability.

    Critical judgment: Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge using their own judgment and critical reasoning, both theoretically and practically.

    Learning capability: Students will develop appropriate learning capabilities that will support their independent learning of other subject in business administration, accounting and management, especially in their future job positions.



    The course entails:

    • lectures aiming at providing an overview of financial and business concepts and the functioning of the accounting and information system
    • tutorials to apply specific knowledge in practice

    In the learning activities, students may be supported by digital apps for self-assessment.

    The course is available on Aulaweb.


    • The business operations as the main study objects of Business Administration as a scientific discipline.
    • The business and its distinctive role in the economic and financial system. The value creation process.
    • Business administration and its main operations: financing, investments, production, sales. The economic and financial effects of operations. Profit generation and financial and economic stability of the business.
    • The invested capital and the net profit of the year. The principle of accrual accounting.
    • The double-entry bookkeeping methodology and accounting entries of the main business operations: purchase, sales, fixed assets acquisition, etc…
    • Elements of the invested capital and the net profit. The problem of accounting estimates.
    • The profitability and its determinants. The equity value.
    • Nature of the costs and their relations with the business
    • Financial needs, their determinants and coverage. Financial stability.


    Marchi, L. (a cura di) (2018). Introduzione all'economia aziendale. Giappichelli.

    A list of the chapters that are covered in the final exam is provided at the beginning of the semester on Aulaweb.

    The textbook will be also available in the e-book version.

    Additional materials will be uploaded on Aulaweb at the beginning of and during the semester.


    Exam Board

    GIULIA LEONI (President)





    Lessons start in the first semester on September 19, 2022.



    The final exam is a written exam to assess the student’s theoretical and practical learning. It is the same assessment both for attending and non-attending students. The final exam is a mix of practical and theoretical questions in the form of exercises, open questions and multiple-choice questions.

    Those students who pass the exam with at least a mark of 25/30 can voluntarily ask for an oral exam within the same exam session, to integrate the score obtained from the written exam.

    In the winter and summer exam period, whether the written exam score is highly insufficient, the student can sit at the exam again only by missing the session immediately following the session that was highly insufficient.

    During the semester when the course is taught, the final exam can be replaced – if offered by the course coordinator – by in-course assessments. The dates, modes and contents of these in-course assessments will be communicated via AulaWeb during the semester. Those students who pass the in-course assessments with at least an overall mark of 25/30 can voluntarily ask for an oral exam to be undertaken within the first exam official session. The students who did not take or did not pass the in-course assessments, are free to undertake the full written exam in the official exam sessions.

    More details on the exams will be communicated to the students at the beginning of the semester via AulaWeb and during the first lecture. In consideration of the COVID-19 emergency situation, any change to the exams will be communicated immediately to the students via AulaWeb and in the lectures.


    The exam aims at verifying that the student is capable to effectively explain the nature of the business and its dynamics, and to apply theoretical concepts to solve problems regarding the preservation of the economic and financial stability of the businesses.

    Exam schedule

    Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
    18/01/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
    01/02/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
    15/02/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
    11/05/2023 15:00 GENOVA Scritto
    14/06/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
    29/06/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
    13/07/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
    06/09/2023 10:00 GENOVA Scritto