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CODE 64873
SEMESTER 2° Semester


Ancient Greek Literature includes some of the greatest masterpieces of poetry and thought of all time. In the education of a European citizen, this knowledge cannot be lacking, at least at a basic level, because it fosters a critical understanding of the main problems of man throughout his history.




The teaching of 'Greek Literature' for the three-year degree course aims to acquaint students with the essential features, figures and most relevant genres of the literary civilisation of ancient Greece, in its historical evolution from the origins to the imperial age. An integral part of the programme is a selection of significant texts that must be known in the original language.


To provide an in-depth knowledge of the history of ancient Greek literature and enable the student to read texts by particularly significant authors in the original language. By the end of the course, students should be able to know and describe the essential features, figures and genres of the literary civilisation of ancient Greece, and also be able to apply their linguistic knowledge to the translation of Greek texts and their knowledge of prosody and metrics to the metrical reading of texts in hexameter and iambic trimeter.


A good high school knowledge of the ancient Greek language and the basics of the history of Greek literature.


The lecturer has decided to adopt (subject to revocation and counter-orders by the university) the mixed mode, and to make the recording of lectures available. Students who wish to do so can therefore follow the Greek literature course on the Teams channel. It is recommended not to abuse this option. In fact, it is understood that with the academic year 2022-2023 the face-to-face mode becomes again - as it must - the basic mode, the only one that can guarantee an adequate and fully useful use of the so-called face-to-face lessons.

It would be desirable for students to express their willingness to enrol by sending an e-mail to <>.


"The Wives of the Atrides: Female Beauty and Bestiality from the Homeric Epos to the Oresteia of Aeschylus, and Beyond".

Students unable to attend the course are invited to contact the lecturer well in advance in order to arrange an alternative programme.



Texts for 6 CFU

In addition to the monographic course and the handbook (to be chosen from the commercially available editions of: D. Del Corno, Letteratura greca, Milano, Principato, 1988; L. E. Rossi, Letteratura greca, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1995; G. A. Privitera - R. Pretagostini, Storia e forme della letteratura greca, I-II, Torino, Einaudi Scuola, 1997; A. Porro - W. Lapini, Greek Literature, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017), students should prepare:

(1) Euripides. Elena, edited by Walter Lapini, with the collaboration of Federica Boero and Margherita Rubino, Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi, 2022.

(2) Aeschylus. Agamemnon (in any scholastic or popular edition, provided with preface, Greek text and commentary notes).

(3) A tragedy of your choice from Aeschylus' Coaephoruses and Eumenides (in any scholastic or popular edition, provided it has a preface, Greek text and commentary notes).

As the syllabuses may change during the course, students are requested NOT to purchase the texts before the start of the courses.

Texts for 9 CFU

In addition to the monographic course and the handbook (to be chosen from the commercially available editions of: D. Del Corno, Letteratura greca, Milano, Principato, 1988; L. E. Rossi, Letteratura greca, Firenze, Le Monnier, 1995; G. A. Privitera - R. Pretagostini, Storia e forme della letteratura greca, I-II, Torino, Einaudi Scuola, 1997; A. Porro - W. Lapini, Greek Literature, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017), students should prepare:

(1) Euripides. Elena, edited by Walter Lapini, with the collaboration of Federica Boero and Margherita Rubino, Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi, 2022.

(2) Aeschylus. Agamemnon (in any scholastic or popular edition, provided with preface, Greek text and commentary notes).

(3) A tragedy of your choice from Aeschylus' Coaephoruses and Eumenides (in any scholastic or popular edition, provided it has a preface, Greek text and commentary notes).

(4) Book XI of the Odyssey (in any scholastic or popular edition, provided it has a preface, Greek text and commentary notes);

As the syllabuses may change during the course, students are requested NOT to purchase the texts before the start of the courses.


Exam Board



PIA CAROLLA (Substitute)




Second semester. Planned start of classes: Tuesday 22 February 2023.

It would be desirable for students to express their willingness to attend by sending an e-mail to <>.



The examination will be preceded by an oral test of an imprint translation of a short text by a Greek author of medium difficulty, to be taken as part of the oral test and as part of it. The remainder of the oral examination will consist of a test on the monographic course, on the texts of the examination programme (with metrical reading and translation of passages, questions on morphological, syntactic, stylistic and historical-literary aspects) and on the history of Greek literature based on the textbook.


In relation to the stated learning objectives, a knowledge of Greek sufficient to read, translate and comment on the original texts will be ascertained, as well as a good knowledge of the fundamental aspects of ancient Greek literature.

The examination comprises a translation test on the imprint of a short text, in an interview on the programme texts and the monographic course; it also includes questions on language, the literary-historical framework and the history of literature.

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
18/01/2023 12:00 GENOVA Orale
02/02/2023 12:00 GENOVA Orale
10/05/2023 12:00 GENOVA Orale
24/05/2023 12:00 GENOVA Orale
21/06/2023 12:00 GENOVA Orale
12/07/2023 12:00 GENOVA Orale
13/09/2023 12:00 GENOVA Orale


Guidance on texts for the course and examination will be given at the beginning of the lectures. Texts and other materials will also be made available on the Aulaweb.

As the syllabuses may change during the course, students are requested NOT to purchase texts before the start of the course.

Students unable to attend the course are invited to contact the lecturer well in advance in order to arrange an alternative programme.