CODE 70737 ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 CREDITS 23 cfu anno 2 TECNICHE DI LABORATORIO BIOMEDICO 9293 (L/SNT3) - GENOVA SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINARY SECTOR MED/46 LANGUAGE Italian TEACHING LOCATION GENOVA SEMESTER Annual MODULES Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: PRACTICAL-CLINICAL INTERNSHIP - 2ND YEAR TEACHING MATERIALS AULAWEB AIMS AND CONTENT AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES The second year training course includes 575 hours of student activity at specialized laboratories in order to acquire skills with the purely practical activity envisaged by the profile of the Biomedical Laboratory Technician. The traineeship path is divided by sectors in periods of between two and five weeks. Before the professional training period, students must acquire 1 CFU of laboratory preparatory to the apprenticeship with obligatory presence. Acquire knowledge and practical skills related to clinical chemistry, microbiology, immunometry, bacteriology, mycobacteriology, histology and cytology techniques. TEACHING METHODS Learning activities of specialized laboratory techniques with compulsory attendance of 100% of the planned hours of the laboratories and direct learning through the use of tools with the guidance of professionals belonging to the same Professional Profile. There are no hours of individual study. SYLLABUS/CONTENT Chemical-clinical sector 70 h: • Characteristics of serum, plasma, anticoagulants and practical exercise on the treatment of these biological materials • Features and operation of automated equipment for clinical chemistry determinations with practical training • Calibrations and Daily Quality Check (QC) • Ordinary and extraordinary equipment maintenance • Demonstration of the technical validation criteria of the values obtained, visualization of the quality control charts, of the methods and of the linearity of the reactions on the analyzers electrophoresis sector 70 h: • Execution of electrophoresis of serum proteins with Capillarys method in liquid phase. • Acquisition of the principle of equipment operation, preparation of reagents and quality controls • Visualization of serum, normal and pathological electrophoretic traces • Performing the zonal electrophoresis of urine on agarose gel • Preparation and use of buffer and dye for gel electrophoresis • Demonstration of serum and / or urinary immunofixation methods • Protein dosage with nephelometric method. Preparation of reagents, calibrations, quality controls and validation of results Immunometry sector 70 h: • Knowledge of the main immunometric researches • Acquisition of the main techniques applied in immunometry • Automation in immunometry, use of this in the daily routine • Importance of the accuracy of the data processed according to the control / calibration performed on the equipment in use • Detection and processing of data obtained from the analyzes, autonomous management of the results with consequent development of the control and / or confirmation methods • Interpretation of the data obtained • The error in immunometry: cause, treatment and remedy Microbiology sector 175 h: • Acquisition of bacteriology laboratory techniques: environments, gowns, disposable gloves, glasses and mask for special manipulations • Containers, collection, transport, acceptance and rejection of the sample sorting sample • Culture grounds: solid, liquid, enriched, selective, differential • Material sowing protocols • Interpretation of growths on the plates in relation to the seeded materials • Protocols for identification and antibiogram • Colony morphology and isolation on selective media • Preparation of slides and stains: Gram, Ziel Nilsen, Methylene blue, Indian ink • Manual and automatic identification, meaning of bionumero and serological identification indexes • Manual antibiogram and with the use of automatic systems, MIC, Etest • Anaerobic germs: culture in an oxygen-free atmosphere, identification • Mycology yeasts and aerial mycelial forms recognition • Protection and safety in cultures for mycobacteria • Sample decontamination and sowing in solid and liquid soils • Gene amplification techniques Pathological anatomy sector 175 h: • Registration and filing of the material • Storage and fixation of the material • Sampling • Paraffin embedding techniques • Cutting techniques • Cytological preparations for exfoliative cytology • Cytological preparations of liquids • Basic histological staining TEACHERS AND EXAM BOARD ALESSANDRA SIGNORETTI Ricevimento: 010 3357807 Exam Board CRISTINA CUSATO (President) NICOLA TRAVERSO (President) LAURA ZITO ALESSANDRA SIGNORETTI (President and Coordinator of Integrated Course) LESSONS LESSONS START From December to the end of September except during the lesson period Class schedule The timetable for this course is available here: Portale EasyAcademy EXAMS ASSESSMENT METHODS The exam takes place at the end of the completion of the annual internship. The student must demonstrate that he has achieved the intended objectives. FURTHER INFORMATION The exam takes place at the end of the completion of the annual internship. The student must demonstrate that he has achieved the intended objectives.