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CODE 65036
Propedeuticità in uscita
Questo insegnamento è propedeutico per gli insegnamenti:


"Lingua e traduzione inglese I" is a 4-part course. There is one annual Theory Module part and three Language Modules (see Teaching methods below).

The Theory Module course aims at investigating various historical approaches and methodologies in translation studies, i.e. from Benjamin to Ortega y Gasset; from Vinay&Darbelnet to Jakobson and Nida; from Levy to Toury and even further to touch on Sherry Simon and postcolonial translation theory. Alongside theory, the course will focus on translation practice to compare and contrast the various approaches, methods, procedures and tools and learn more about translation studies as a discipline. Theory and practice will be presented one along the other as integrated aspects that should be ingrained in the learning process that is meant to be a dynamic, interactive and collaborative one via such teaching practice as World café, flipped classroom, TBL, collective reading and forums. Assessment is both formative and sommative.



The course provides students with advanced competences in English linguistics and translation, with emphasis on metalinguistic analysis and translation theory, as well as on particular aspects such as special languages and the media. The course is taught in English both by a main lecturer and by experts and collaborators, among them translators and interpreters, and includes practical exercises in consecutive interpretation.



The course aims to

  • provide students with specialistic knowledge of core topics in Translation Studies;
  • familiarise students with various approaches;
  • nurture students’ critical competence; 
  • enhance students’ analytical and translation skills

Learning outcomes

  • enabling students to link theory and practice;
  • developing students’ contrastive knowledge and their critical thinking skills;
  • arising students’ awareness of levels of linguistic and cognitive complexity in a range of text types;
  • enabling students to evaluate and apply theoretical concepts to improve their own practical translation performance.


A BA degree in Translation Studies, Foreign Languages and/or equivalent, with three years of English in the undergraduate degree course.


"Lingua e traduzione inglese I" is a 4-part course. There is one annual Theory Module part and three Language Modules; the first one deals with English for Economics, the second one focuses on Proofreading and editing and the last one on Interpreting.

The Theory Module is a 30-hour annual course thus classes are held over two terms.  

Active participation on the part of students is required and attendance is monitored as it is part of the formative assessment.
The course is held in presence and any change to traditional in presence schedule will be promptly communicated via Aulaweb. It is strongly recommended that students frequently check their Unige email address as all news and updates will be sent to that account.


The course, held in English, has three Language Modules and one Theory Module. All modules are taught in English and classes are across term one and two.

The language modules are as follows:
Economics in translation: different topics and genres are dealt with to discuss and deal with translation issues that emerge from specific morphosyntactic and grammar istances within the Economics ESP;
Textual revision: cohesive devices both grammar and lexical one as wella sa punctuation within complex texts are tackled to develop and/or improve proofreading and editing skills and abilities taking into account a range of different texts types, genres, audiences and lingua-cultural issues;
Interpretariato - the focus is on two very different interpreting practices, i.e. consecutive and simultaneous interpreting, across a selection of topics and context, mainly from English into Italian;

The theory module combines theory and practice to approach translation in its full complexity. Starting from core theoretical notions useful for the critical reading of different text types and genres, the course employs empirical tools and strategies suitable for a critical analysis of texts and translation practices.

The course comprises of lectures, participatory class work, and assignments. Students will be required to actively engage in class work and discussion, also presenting readings as well as their own translation projects. Translation practice will be mainly carried out from English into Italian. 


Compulsory material

  • Munday, Jerome. 2016. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and applications. New York: Routledge.
  • Venuti L. (ed.), The Translation Studies Reader (2000) - selected chapters (details in the syllabus).

Selected readings and further material will be made available on Aulaweb.


Exam Board





Please, check the course page on Aulaweb (ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION I - 65036) or the lecturer's page on the Department website (DLCM), or on the Unige website.



Assessment is both formative and sommative. The formative assessment is based on interactive and consistent attendance, on completed translation tasks and other activities including discussion forums and a guided assignment to complete before the beginning of term two.

By the end of the course each student should have an individual portfolio that includes all their accomplishment. The portfolio together with the syllabus will be the starting point for the oral exam.

All Language Module marks will count 50% of the final grade and the other 50% will come from the Theory Module formative and sommative assessment. 

Students must enrol to sit any part of the exam. Exam booking must be completed via the official unige exam booking system, those failing to do so will not be admitted at the exam sitting.


The Theory Module oral exam will last approx. 20 minutes and will be held in English. 

The Language modules are written for Economics for Translation and Editing and proofreading. The module on Interpreting techniques will be oral.

Students are required to discuss the syllabus, their own work as in each portfolio, including their term one assignment, and complete a translation task or Source Text Analysis. 

Students are assessed on their competence of theory principles, their ability to apply concepts and strategies to the analysis and translation of the chosen issue, and on accurate use of metalanguage.  

Exam schedule

Data appello Orario Luogo Degree type Note
23/01/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
23/01/2023 16:15 GENOVA Scritto
24/01/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale
09/02/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale
29/05/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
29/05/2023 16:15 GENOVA Scritto
07/06/2023 10:00 GENOVA Discussione
07/06/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale
26/06/2023 08:30 GENOVA Orale
11/09/2023 14:00 GENOVA Scritto
11/09/2023 16:15 GENOVA Scritto
13/09/2023 10:00 GENOVA Discussione
29/09/2023 10:00 GENOVA Orale


Students have to enrol on the course on Aulaweb ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION I - 65036 as soon as possible. 

Special needs students should  contatct the lecturer right at the beginning of the course or as soon as possible to discuss teaching and learning options as well exam settings and/or support, in order to allow students with learning disabilities to receive information and guidelines designed to meet their unique learning needs within the discipline objective. Also, there is a Special Education service students can contact to learn more about their learning option and opportunities for support at the following link::


Students must enrol to sit any part of the exam.

Exam booking must be completed via the official unige exam booking system, those failing to do so will not be admitted at the exam sitting.